Take-home Exercise 2




February 27, 2023


March 2, 2023

1.0 Overview

1.1 Background

The COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia is an ongoing mass immunisation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. On 13 January 2021, the program commenced when President Joko Widodo was vaccinated at the presidential palace. In terms of total doses given, Indonesia ranks third in Asia and fifth in the world.

According to wikipedia, as of 5 February 2023 at 18:00 WIB (UTC+7), 204,266,655 people had received the first dose of the vaccine and 175,131,893 people had been fully vaccinated; 69,597,474 of them had been inoculated with the booster or the third dose, while 1,585,164 had received the fourth dose. Jakarta has the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated with 103.46%, followed by Bali and Special Region of Yogyakarta with 85.45% and 83.02% respectively.

Despite its compactness, the cumulative vaccination rate are not evenly distributed within DKI Jakarta. The question is where are the sub-districts with relatively higher number of vaccination rate and how they changed over time.

1.2 Objectives

Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) hold tremendous potential to address complex problems facing society. In this study, you are tasked to apply appropriate Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) and Emerging Hot Spot Analysis (EHSA) to uncover the spatio-temporal trends of COVID-19 vaccination in DKI Jakarta.

2.0 Installing R Packages & Importing Data

2.1 Packages Used

  • sf –> a relatively new R package specially designed to import, manage and process vector-based geospatial data in R.

  • tidyverse –> used for wrangling and visualisations

  • funModelling –> for EDA and visualisations

  • spatstat –> has a wide range of useful functions for point pattern analysis. Used to perform 1st- and 2nd-order spatial point patterns analysis and derive kernel density estimation (KDE) layer.

  • raster –> reads, writes, manipulates, analyses and model of gridded spatial data (i.e. raster)

  • tmap –> provides functions for plotting cartographic quality static point patterns maps or interactive maps by using leaflet API.

  • maptools –> provides a set of tools for manipulating geographic data. To convert Spatial objects into ppp format of spatstat.

  • sfdep –> simple feature spatial dependence

  • plyr –> to load function ldply()

  • zoo –> to check if space-time cube exists

  • plotly –> to generate interactive maps for Man-Kendall Test Graphs

  • Kendall –> to calculate values for Man-Kendall Test

2.2 Installing R Packages

# note that 'readxl' is in the list of packages despite being part of tidyverse: as readxl is not a core tidyverse package, it needs to be loaded explicitly
pacman::p_load(plyr, sf, sfdep, tmap, tidyverse, readxl, kableExtra, zoo, plotly, Kendall)

3.0 Importing Data

3.1 Importing Geospatial Data

st_read() will make the data into sf format

jakarta <- st_read(dsn = "data/geospatial", 
                 layer = "BATAS_DESA_DESEMBER_2019_DUKCAPIL_DKI_JAKARTA")
Reading layer `BATAS_DESA_DESEMBER_2019_DUKCAPIL_DKI_JAKARTA' from data source 
  using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 269 features and 161 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 106.3831 ymin: -6.370815 xmax: 106.9728 ymax: -5.184322
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

3.1.1 Pre-processing Geospatial Data Invalid Geometries

Let’s check for invalid geometries!

length(which(st_is_valid(jakarta) == FALSE))
[1] 0 Missing Values

Now, let us check for missing values!

#the rowSums(is.na(jakarta))!=0 checks every row if there are NA values, returning TRUE or FALSE
# the jakarta 'wrapper' prints said rows that contain NA values
Simple feature collection with 2 features and 161 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 106.8412 ymin: -6.154036 xmax: 106.8612 ymax: -6.144973
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
243     25645  31888888     DANAU SUNTER 318888 DKI JAKARTA     <NA>      <NA>
244     25646  31888888 DANAU SUNTER DLL 318888 DKI JAKARTA     <NA>      <NA>
243       <NA>          0         0          0         0          0          0
244       <NA>          0         0          0         0          0          0
243         0         0     0       0        0     0     0        0          0
244         0         0     0       0        0     0     0        0          0
243    0      0          0     0          0          0  0  0   0   0   0   0
244    0      0          0     0          0          0  0  0   0   0   0   0
    U30 U35 U40 U45 U50 U55 U60 U65 U70 U75 TIDAK_BELU BELUM_TAMA TAMAT_SD SLTP
243   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0          0          0        0    0
244   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0          0          0        0    0
243    0         0          0          0         0          0          0
244    0         0          0          0         0          0          0
243          0          0          0         0       0         0          0
244          0          0          0         0       0         0          0
243          0         0       0      <NA>       <NA>      0       0        0
244          0         0       0      <NA>       <NA>      0       0        0
243          0        0       0          0       0      0       0         0
244          0        0       0          0       0      0       0         0
243        0       0       0       0       0         0          0     0      0
244        0       0       0       0       0         0          0     0      0
243      0        0        0      0        0         0          0          0
244      0        0        0      0        0         0          0          0
243          0          0          0      0       0         0       0        0
244          0          0          0      0       0         0       0        0
243     0       0        0       0      0       0      0        0      0      0
244     0       0        0       0      0       0      0        0      0      0
243      0        0        0          0        0          0          0
244      0        0        0          0        0          0          0
243          0      0        0          0      0          0        0          0
244          0      0        0          0      0          0        0          0
243          0          0     0    0     0          0       0       0       0
244          0          0     0    0     0          0       0       0       0
243       0      0     0       0       0         0       0       0      0
244       0      0     0       0       0         0       0       0      0
243        0     0      0          0       0       0       0       0          0
244        0     0      0          0       0       0       0       0          0
243          0         0       <NA>       <NA>       0
244          0         0       <NA>       <NA>       0
243 MULTIPOLYGON (((106.8612 -6...
244 MULTIPOLYGON (((106.8504 -6...

2 rows have NA values! DESA_KEUR, a sub_district contains NA values so we should remove the rows for that column. It could affect our analysis.

jakarta <- na.omit(jakarta,c("DESA_KELUR"))

We can see that the sf object is in geographic coordinate system. We would need to convert this to a projected coordinate system so that we can do distance-related measurements.

Looking at the Geodetic CRS, we see that the CRS code WGS 84 is being used. We should transform this sf object by using DGN 95 instead.

jakarta <- st_transform(jakarta, 
                              crs = 23837)
Simple feature collection with 267 features and 161 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -814909.7 ymin: 787584.9 xmax: -747172.2 ymax: 919446.7
Projected CRS: DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3 zone 50.1
First 10 features:
   OBJECT_ID  KODE_DESA               DESA   KODE    PROVINSI         KAB_KOTA
1      25477 3173031006          KEAGUNGAN 317303 DKI JAKARTA    JAKARTA BARAT
2      25478 3173031007             GLODOK 317303 DKI JAKARTA    JAKARTA BARAT
3      25397 3171031003      HARAPAN MULIA 317103 DKI JAKARTA    JAKARTA PUSAT
4      25400 3171031006       CEMPAKA BARU 317103 DKI JAKARTA    JAKARTA PUSAT
5      25378 3101011001     PULAU PANGGANG 310101 DKI JAKARTA KEPULAUAN SERIBU
6      25379 3101011002       PULAU KELAPA 310101 DKI JAKARTA KEPULAUAN SERIBU
7      25390 3171021001         PASAR BARU 317102 DKI JAKARTA    JAKARTA PUSAT
8      25382 3101021002       PULAU TIDUNG 310102 DKI JAKARTA KEPULAUAN SERIBU
9      25391 3171021002       KARANG ANYAR 317102 DKI JAKARTA    JAKARTA PUSAT
10     25394 3171021005 MANGGA DUA SELATAN 317102 DKI JAKARTA    JAKARTA PUSAT
1                 TAMAN SARI          KEAGUNGAN      21609      7255       0.36
2                 TAMAN SARI             GLODOK       9069      3273       0.37
3                  KEMAYORAN      HARAPAN MULIA      29085      9217       0.53
4                  KEMAYORAN       CEMPAKA BARU      41913     13766       0.97
5     KEPULAUAN SERIBU UTARA     PULAU PANGGANG       6947      2026       0.93
6     KEPULAUAN SERIBU UTARA       PULAU KELAPA       7059      2056       0.95
7                SAWAH BESAR         PASAR BARU      15793      5599       1.76
8  KEPULAUAN SERIBU SELATAN.       PULAU TIDUNG       5891      1658       1.14
9                SAWAH BESAR       KARANG ANYAR      33383     11276       0.47
10               SAWAH BESAR MANGGA DUA SELATAN      35906     12817       1.31
1      60504        102         68     20464     16027 15735    2042      927
2      24527         25         52      8724      7375  1842    2041     1460
3      54465        131        104     27497     20926 26328    1710      531
4      42993        170        151     38323     30264 36813    3392     1082
5       7497         17         14      6853      4775  6941       6        0
6       7401         26         32      6993      4812  7057       0        0
7       8971         58         36     15006     12559  7401    3696     1602
8       5156         13         10      5807      3989  5891       0        0
9      71628        113         60     31014     24784 23057    4058     2100
10     27463        178         92     33021     26730 23424    5130     2575
1     15  2888        2          0 11049  10560      10193 10652        255
2      9  3716        1          0  4404   4665       4240  4364        136
3     42   469        5          0 14696  14389      14022 13450        430
4    127   495        1          3 21063  20850      20336 19487        523
5      0     0        0          0  3547   3400       3366  3224        101
6      0     2        0          0  3551   3508       3334  3404         80
7    622  2462       10          0  7833   7960       7578  7321        217
8      0     0        0          0  2954   2937       2836  2791         44
9     25  4134        9          0 16887  16496      15860 15945        381
10    27  4740       10          0 18338  17568      17239 17198        476
   CERAI_MATI   U0   U5  U10  U15  U20  U25  U30  U35  U40  U45  U50  U55  U60
1         509 1572 1751 1703 1493 1542 1665 1819 1932 1828 1600 1408 1146  836
2         329  438  545  524  521  543  628  691  782  675  607  619  602  614
3        1183 2232 2515 2461 2318 2113 2170 2363 2595 2371 2250 1779 1379 1054
4        1567 3092 3657 3501 3486 3098 3024 3188 3662 3507 3391 2696 1909 1397
5         256  640  645  620  669  619  639  564  590  480  421  346  252  197
6         241  648  684  630  671  609  582  592  572  486  457  369  318  211
7         677  802  995 1016 1106 1081 1002 1236 1422 1200 1163 1099  979  880
8         220  585  588  513  548  491  523  478  504  397  365  288  235  162
9        1197 2220 2687 2653 2549 2313 2446 2735 3034 2689 2470 2129 1843 1386
10        993 2399 2953 2754 2666 2515 2725 3122 3385 3037 2597 2282 1930 1394
1  587 312 415       3426       1964     2265 3660  8463        81        428
2  555 311 414       1200        481      655 1414  3734        23        273
3  654 411 420       4935       2610     2346 3167 12172        84       1121
4  970 631 704       7328       3763     2950 5138 16320       179       1718
5  122  69  74       1306        730     1518  906  2040        22        101
6  114  55  61       1318        676     2054 1357  1380        15         59
7  747 488 577       2121       1278     1169 2236  5993        43        573
8  111  65  38        973        732     1266  852  1570        36         97
9  958 554 717       5075       3241     4424 5858 12448        85        604
10 932 573 642       6089       3184     3620 6159 14080        83        740
1        1244        74          4       3927         81         70       8974
2        1241        46          2       1388         10         43       3832
3        2477       166          7       5335        513        288      10662
4        4181       315         21       8105        931        402      14925
5         314        10          0       1788        246        130        788
6         191         8          1       1627         75         93        728
7        2199       168         13       2676        156         81       6145
8         357         8          0       1129        160        123        819
9        1582        63          3       5985        132        123      12968
10       1850        92          9       6820         79         73      14714
1          1       0         6       4018         28        57    4447
2          0       0         6       1701         29        50    2010
3          1       2         5       6214         80       276    5709
4          3       0        40       9068        142       498    7799
5          2     960         0       1342         34        20    1637
6          2    1126         0       1576         26         7    1799
7          1       1        49       3135         60        59    3430
8          3     761         2       1501         11        14    1368
9          2       1        10       6823         48        56    7235
10         5       2        11       6866         55        75    7206
1  30 Juni 2019 3173031006   3099    4447     3254         80       48       4
2  30 Juni 2019 3173031007   1032    2026     1506         65        5       0
3  30 Juni 2019 3171031003   4830    5692     6429        322      366      41
4  30 Juni 2019 3171031006   7355    7692     8957        603      612      57
5  30 Juni 2019 3101011001   1663    1576     1476         24      223       3
6  30 Juni 2019 3101011002   1704    1731     1469          8       72       0
7  30 Juni 2019 3171021001   2390    3500     3185         70       65      74
8  30 Juni 2019 3101021002   1213    1323     1223         20      143       1
9  30 Juni 2019 3171021002   5330    7306     6993         75       73      20
10 30 Juni 2019 3171021005   5605    7042     6858         97       48      12
1          10      31      0       0         1        7       3       2    6735
2           1       5      0       0         0        3       0       0    3034
3          16       1      1       0         1        4       2       7    7347
4          42       3      2       0         0        3       6       4   10185
5          11       6      0       0       914        1       3       0     237
6           8       1      1       0      1071        3       8       0     264
7           2       2      1       0         0        0       1       0    4319
8           9       4      0       1       794        0       6       0     184
9          17       3      1       0         0        1       1       0    9405
10          7       1      1       0         1        7       5       3   10844
1        9         0         23   515      1      0        0        1      0
2        2         0          4   155      0      0        0        1      0
3       74         5         25   971      0      1        0        4      0
4      231        15         35   636      0      0        0        1      0
5        4         0        141    63      2      1        0        1      0
6        0         0         50   218      1     25        0        0      0
7       16         0         16   265      1      0        0        7      0
8        1         1        157    55      0      2        0        0      0
9       13         0          6  1085      0      0        0        5      0
10      10         1          9   652      1      1        0        1      1
1         1         0          1          0          1          7          1
2         0         0          1          0          0          4          0
3         0         0          0          0          0         10          0
4         0         0          1          0          1         14          0
5         0         0          0          0          0          0          0
6         0         0          1          0          0          0          0
7         0         0          0          0          0          2          0
8         0         0          0          0          0          0          0
9         0         0          0          0          0          7          0
10        0         0          1          0          1          8          1
1       0       0         0      11        4     1       0        0       1
2       0       0         0       1        0     0       0        0       0
3       0       0         0      10       12     0       0        0       0
4       0       0         1       8       28     0       0        0       0
5       0       0         0       0        0     0       0        0       0
6       0       0         0       0        0     0       0        0       0
7       1       0         0       4        2     1       0        0       1
8       0       0         0       0        0     0       0        0       0
9       0       0         0       7        3     0       0        0       0
10      0       0         1       8        4     1       0        0       0
1       0       2      0        7      6      0      0        0        0
2       0       4      1        1      1      0      0        1        0
3       0       5      0       16      1      0      0        0        0
4       0      33      1       27      5      0      0        0        0
5       0       0      0        0      1      0      0        0        0
6       0       0      0        0      0      0      0        0        0
7       0      20      8        4      0      0      0        0        0
8       0       0      0        0      0      0      0        0        0
9       0      10      0        8      0      0      0        1        0
10      0       8      0        6      1      0      0        0        0
1           0        0          0          0          0      0        0
2           0        0          0          0          0      0        0
3           0        0          0          0          0      0        0
4           0        0          0          0          0      0        0
5           0        0          0          0          0      0        0
6           0        0          0          0          0      0        0
7           0        0          0          0          0      0        0
8           0        0          0          0          0      0        0
9           0        0          0          0          0      0        0
10          0        0          0          0          0      0        0
1           0      0          0        0          0          0          0     3
2           0      0          0        0          0          0          0     2
3           0      0          0        0          0          0          0    23
4           0      0          0        0          0          0          0    36
5           0      0          0        0          0          0          0     1
6           0      0          0        0          0          0          0     2
7           0      0          0        0          0          0          0    11
8           0      0          0        0          0          0          0     0
9           0      0          0        0          0          0          0     3
10          0      0          0        0          0          0          0     5
1    72     1          4       0       1       1       1     16     3       7
2    40     0          1       0       0       0       0     32     1       0
3   272     2          8       3       2       0       2     35     9      25
4   378     3         22       5       3       0      11     68    18      44
5   118     0          0       0       0       0       0      0    12      12
6    72     0          0       0       0       0       0      1     8      10
7    69     0          5       4       2       0       4     63     1       3
8   116     0          0       0       0       0       0      0     3       6
9   126     0          5       0       0       0       0     27     3      12
10   71     0          4       0       0       0       0     32     3      20
1        0         0       0       0      0        0    65      0          0
2        0         0       0       0      0        1     3      0          0
3        2         1       0       0      6        0    94      0          0
4        3         0       0       0     16        0   123      0          0
5        1         0       0       0      1        0     0      0          0
6        0         0       0       0      1        0     1      0          0
7        0         0       0       0      0        1    61      0          0
8        0         0       0       0     14        0     0      0          0
9        1         0       0       0      2        0    76      0          0
10       2         0       0       0      4        0    79      0          1
1      379       0       0       0       1370         94     25476 3173031006
2      126       0       0       1        611         57     25477 3173031007
3      321       0       0       0       1723         82     25396 3171031003
4      562       0       0       0       3099        122     25399 3171031006
5       11       0       0       0        131         12     25377 3101011001
6       10       0       0       0        119         10     25378 3101011002
7      412       0       0      22       1128         41     25389 3171021001
8       15       0       0       0        259          6     25381 3101021002
9      202       0       0       3       2321         89     25390 3171021002
10     225       0       0       0       2677        158     25393 3171021005
           DESA_KEL_1 KODE_12                       geometry
1           KEAGUNGAN  317303 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
2              GLODOK  317303 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764859.9 8...
3       HARAPAN MULIA  317103 MULTIPOLYGON (((-760021.3 8...
4        CEMPAKA BARU  317103 MULTIPOLYGON (((-759415 810...
5      PULAU PANGGANG  310101 MULTIPOLYGON (((-796698.3 8...
6        PULAU KELAPA  310101 MULTIPOLYGON (((-795419 870...
7          PASAR BARU  317102 MULTIPOLYGON (((-762362.7 8...
8        PULAU TIDUNG  310102 MULTIPOLYGON (((-801734.4 8...
9        KARANG ANYAR  317102 MULTIPOLYGON (((-762950.3 8...
10 MANGGA DUA SELATAN  317102 MULTIPOLYGON (((-762822.4 8...

Now, the output changed from Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 to Projected CRS: DGN95. This shows jakarta has now been successfully converted from geographic coordinate system to projected coordinate system!

Let’s check if the CRS has been properly assigned!

Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: EPSG:23837 
PROJCRS["DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3 zone 50.1",
        DATUM["Datum Geodesi Nasional 1995",
            ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
    CONVERSION["Indonesia TM-3 zone 50.1",
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",115.5,
        PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9999,
        PARAMETER["False easting",200000,
        PARAMETER["False northing",1500000,
        AXIS["easting (X)",east,
        AXIS["northing (Y)",north,
        AREA["Indonesia - onshore between 114°E and 117°E."],

We can see that the current dataset has 269 rows and 162 columns! However, for this analysis, we only require the first 9 columns. As such, we should only select those 9 columns, with the 9th field being JUMLAH_PEN (Total Population).

jakartaNGA <- jakarta[, 0:9] Removal of Outer Islands

We only want jakartaNGA to contain information about the mainland and exclude outer islands. To do so, let’s first visualise the data…

# plots the geometry only

As we can see, jakartaNGA includes both the mainland and the outer islands. As per the assignment requirements, since the outer islands aren’t relevant to our analysis, we’ll have to remove them.

There are a few ways we can do this - but the best way would be to explore our data. When looking at the jakartaNGA data, we’re drawn to to KAB_KOTA (City), KECAMATAN (District) and DESA_KELUR (Village). Of these three, KAB_KOTA would be the logical choice: it’s the coarsest-grained level of distinction. Let’s check for its unique values:


As we can see, all cities within Jakarta have a JAKARTA prefix, while KEPULAUAN SERIBU (translated to ‘Thousand Islands’) refers to the outer islands. Just to check, we can visualise KAB_KOTA:

# with jakartaNGA as the input data (setting the 'base')
# draw the KAB_KOTA (city) polygons
# essentially shades the map according to the city divisions
tm_shape(jakartaNGA) + 

Now that we know how to identify the outer islands, it’s time to remove them! To only get the mainland, for the column KAB_KOTA, we’d have to exclude the value “KEPULAUAN SERIBU”.

jakartaNGA <- jakartaNGA %>% filter(jakartaNGA$KAB_KOTA != "KEPULAUAN SERIBU")
Simple feature collection with 261 features and 9 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -779259.9 ymin: 787584.9 xmax: -747172.2 ymax: 819039
Projected CRS: DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3 zone 50.1
First 10 features:
1      25477 3173031006          KEAGUNGAN 317303 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA BARAT
2      25478 3173031007             GLODOK 317303 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA BARAT
3      25397 3171031003      HARAPAN MULIA 317103 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
4      25400 3171031006       CEMPAKA BARU 317103 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
5      25390 3171021001         PASAR BARU 317102 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
6      25391 3171021002       KARANG ANYAR 317102 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
8      25386 3171011003       PETOJO UTARA 317101 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
9      25403 3171041001              SENEN 317104 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
10     25408 3171041006             BUNGUR 317104 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
     KECAMATAN         DESA_KELUR JUMLAH_PEN                       geometry
1   TAMAN SARI          KEAGUNGAN      21609 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
2   TAMAN SARI             GLODOK       9069 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764859.9 8...
3    KEMAYORAN      HARAPAN MULIA      29085 MULTIPOLYGON (((-760021.3 8...
4    KEMAYORAN       CEMPAKA BARU      41913 MULTIPOLYGON (((-759415 810...
5  SAWAH BESAR         PASAR BARU      15793 MULTIPOLYGON (((-762362.7 8...
6  SAWAH BESAR       KARANG ANYAR      33383 MULTIPOLYGON (((-762950.3 8...
8       GAMBIR       PETOJO UTARA      21828 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764144 810...
9        SENEN              SENEN       8643 MULTIPOLYGON (((-761646.2 8...
10       SENEN             BUNGUR      23001 MULTIPOLYGON (((-761014.1 8... Renaming Columns in jakartaNGA

What do the remaining columns mean in English?

  • “KODE_DESA” == village code
  • “DESA” == village
  • “KODE” == code
  • “PROVINSI” == province
  • “KAB_KOTA” == city district
  • “KECEMATAN” == sub-district

Lastly, let’s translate the column names of jakartaNGA into English for ease of comprehension.

# with reference to: https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/r/rename+column+name+in+r
# renames the columns in the style New_Name = OLD_NAME
jakarta_renamed <- jakartaNGA %>% 
Simple feature collection with 261 features and 9 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -779259.9 ymin: 787584.9 xmax: -747172.2 ymax: 819039
Projected CRS: DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3 zone 50.1
First 10 features:
   Object_ID Village_Code            Village   Code    Province          City
1      25477   3173031006          KEAGUNGAN 317303 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA BARAT
2      25478   3173031007             GLODOK 317303 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA BARAT
3      25397   3171031003      HARAPAN MULIA 317103 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
4      25400   3171031006       CEMPAKA BARU 317103 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
5      25390   3171021001         PASAR BARU 317102 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
6      25391   3171021002       KARANG ANYAR 317102 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
7      25394   3171021005 MANGGA DUA SELATAN 317102 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
8      25386   3171011003       PETOJO UTARA 317101 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
9      25403   3171041001              SENEN 317104 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
10     25408   3171041006             BUNGUR 317104 DKI JAKARTA JAKARTA PUSAT
      District       Sub_District Total_Population
1   TAMAN SARI          KEAGUNGAN            21609
2   TAMAN SARI             GLODOK             9069
3    KEMAYORAN      HARAPAN MULIA            29085
4    KEMAYORAN       CEMPAKA BARU            41913
5  SAWAH BESAR         PASAR BARU            15793
6  SAWAH BESAR       KARANG ANYAR            33383
8       GAMBIR       PETOJO UTARA            21828
9        SENEN              SENEN             8643
10       SENEN             BUNGUR            23001
1  MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
2  MULTIPOLYGON (((-764859.9 8...
3  MULTIPOLYGON (((-760021.3 8...
4  MULTIPOLYGON (((-759415 810...
5  MULTIPOLYGON (((-762362.7 8...
6  MULTIPOLYGON (((-762950.3 8...
7  MULTIPOLYGON (((-762822.4 8...
8  MULTIPOLYGON (((-764144 810...
9  MULTIPOLYGON (((-761646.2 8...
10 MULTIPOLYGON (((-761014.1 8...

3.1.2 EDA Geospatial

Before we move on into importing the aspatial data and into the meat of our geovisualiastion, it’s important to get a feel for the data that we’re working with, especially on the sub-district level. As such, let’s take a quick glimpse:

# reveals the data type of all fields + some values
Rows: 261
Columns: 10
$ Object_ID        <dbl> 25477, 25478, 25397, 25400, 25390, 25391, 25394, 2538…
$ Village_Code     <chr> "3173031006", "3173031007", "3171031003", "3171031006…
$ Village          <chr> "KEAGUNGAN", "GLODOK", "HARAPAN MULIA", "CEMPAKA BARU…
$ Code             <dbl> 317303, 317303, 317103, 317103, 317102, 317102, 31710…
$ Province         <chr> "DKI JAKARTA", "DKI JAKARTA", "DKI JAKARTA", "DKI JAK…
$ City             <chr> "JAKARTA BARAT", "JAKARTA BARAT", "JAKARTA PUSAT", "J…
$ District         <chr> "TAMAN SARI", "TAMAN SARI", "KEMAYORAN", "KEMAYORAN",…
$ Total_Population <dbl> 21609, 9069, 29085, 41913, 15793, 33383, 35906, 21828…
$ geometry         <MULTIPOLYGON [m]> MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8..., MULTIPOL…
[1] 261
[1] 42

Note that there are 261 unique sub-districts, and 42 unique distrcits. The max number of categories for mapping with tmap is 30 - and even though we can adjust the max.categories in tmap_options, 261 segmented sections (and even 42 sections) on a single map is too fragmented and minute for human eyes. As such, the only level which is human-readable is the ‘City’ level.

# shades the map according to the city divisions
tm_shape(jakarta_renamed) + 

3.2 Importing Aspatial Data

Now, let’s import the 12 .xlsx files. To do so, we’d need to install, import via the pacman function and use the read_xlsx function from tidyverse’s readxl package. After which, the read_excel() function from readxl can be used.

jul2021 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (31 Juli 2021).xlsx")
Rows: 268
Columns: 27
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 4441501, 12333, 13875, 18…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 4499710, 11614, 15506, 10…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 1663218, 4181, 4798, 3658…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 6162928, 15795, 20304, 14…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 502579, 1230, 2012, 865, …
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 440910, 1069, 1729, 701, …
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 943489, 2299, 3741, 1566,…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1052883, 3333, 2586, 2837…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 666009, 2158, 1374, 1761,…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 1718892, 5491, 3960, 4598…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 56660, 78, 122, 174, 71, …
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 38496, 51, 84, 106, 57, 7…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 95156, 129, 206, 280, 128…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 76397, 101, 90, 215, 73, …
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 67484, 91, 82, 192, 67, 3…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 143881, 192, 172, 407, 14…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 2279398, 5506, 9012, 5408…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 446028, 789, 1519, 897, 4…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 2725426, 6295, 10531, 630…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 531793, 1366, 1684, 1261,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 4291, 23, 10, 1, 1, 8, 6,…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 536084, 1389, 1694, 1262,…

Here’s July 2021’s data with 268 records and 27 columns.

The glimpse() function can reveal to us if there’s a duplicated column. There are no duplicate columns for July 2021.

Now, let’s import the other 11 files and check for duplicate columns.

aug2021 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (31 Agustus 2021).xlsx")
Rows: 268
Columns: 27
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 3277484, 9191, 10400, 125…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 5663727, 14756, 18981, 16…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 3412906, 8935, 10470, 776…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 9076633, 23691, 29451, 24…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 535001, 1300, 2104, 1043,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 468678, 1140, 1849, 780, …
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1003679, 2440, 3953, 1823…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1393352, 4194, 3643, 4293…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1007921, 3135, 2519, 2548…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 2401273, 7329, 6162, 6841…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 65340, 89, 137, 188, 80, …
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 53995, 77, 119, 163, 71, …
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 119335, 166, 256, 351, 15…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 79502, 106, 92, 229, 78, …
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 72588, 96, 83, 203, 74, 3…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 152090, 202, 175, 432, 15…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 2941837, 7385, 11033, 872…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 1377349, 3277, 4541, 3010…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 4319186, 10662, 15574, 11…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 648695, 1682, 1972, 2090,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 432375, 1210, 1359, 1062,…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1081070, 2892, 3331, 3152…

Here’s August 2021’s data with 268 records and 27 columns.

sep2021 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (30 September 2021).xlsx")
Rows: 268
Columns: 27
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 2235772, 6688, 7581, 8708…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 6705439, 17259, 21800, 20…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 5171697, 13376, 16438, 14…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 11877136, 30635, 38238, 3…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 587215, 1417, 2270, 1263,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 518944, 1263, 2033, 988, …
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1106159, 2680, 4303, 2251…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1468382, 3938, 3883, 4540…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1305200, 3454, 3356, 3903…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 2773582, 7392, 7239, 8443…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 84049, 158, 173, 248, 100…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 75657, 148, 157, 229, 91,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 159706, 306, 330, 477, 19…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 112296, 140, 135, 329, 11…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 104381, 124, 125, 300, 11…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 216677, 264, 260, 629, 23…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 3677943, 9564, 12969, 114…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 2548057, 6788, 8944, 7023…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 6226000, 16352, 21913, 18…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 775554, 2042, 2370, 2510,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 619458, 1599, 1823, 1969,…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1395012, 3641, 4193, 4479…

Here’s September 2021’s data with 268 records and 27 columns.

oct2021 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (31 Oktober 2021).xlsx") 
Rows: 268
Columns: 27
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 1880524, 5991, 6557, 7586…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 7060687, 17956, 22824, 21…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 5729001, 14504, 18185, 16…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 12789688, 32460, 41009, 3…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 608940, 1447, 2336, 1322,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 543483, 1296, 2104, 1104,…
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1152423, 2743, 4440, 2426…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1484292, 3972, 3917, 4595…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1349105, 3555, 3465, 4072…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 2833397, 7527, 7382, 8667…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 86323, 165, 175, 259, 101…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 81721, 160, 168, 245, 96,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 168044, 325, 343, 504, 19…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 113911, 140, 136, 338, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 107383, 128, 128, 310, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 221294, 268, 264, 648, 24…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 3948804, 10101, 13744, 12…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 2949023, 7567, 10266, 849…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 6897827, 17668, 24010, 20…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 818417, 2131, 2516, 2672,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 698286, 1798, 2054, 2220,…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1516703, 3929, 4570, 4892…

Here’s October 2021’s data with 268 records and 27 columns.

nov2021 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (30 November 2021).xlsx") 
Rows: 268
Columns: 27
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 1723821, 5527, 5986, 6802…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 7217390, 18420, 23395, 22…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 6172636, 15466, 19404, 18…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 13390026, 33886, 42799, 4…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 624751, 1473, 2391, 1385,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 571830, 1351, 2192, 1224,…
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1196581, 2824, 4583, 2609…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1487961, 3980, 3926, 4614…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1369705, 3601, 3516, 4146…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 2857666, 7581, 7442, 8760…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 86710, 169, 176, 259, 101…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 83506, 163, 172, 252, 98,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 170216, 332, 348, 511, 19…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 114292, 140, 135, 341, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 109221, 128, 128, 323, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 223513, 268, 263, 664, 24…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 4069550, 10473, 14182, 12…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 3304266, 8329, 11215, 978…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 7373816, 18802, 25397, 22…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 834126, 2185, 2585, 2733,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 734108, 1894, 2181, 2355,…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1568234, 4079, 4766, 5088…

Here’s November 2021’s data with 268 records and 27 columns.

dec2021 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (31 Desember 2021).xlsx") 
Rows: 268
Columns: 27
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 1623736, 5062, 5626, 6335…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 7317475, 18885, 23755, 22…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 6370175, 15996, 20026, 18…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 13687650, 34881, 43781, 4…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 634516, 1520, 2427, 1418,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 586624, 1375, 2247, 1294,…
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1221140, 2895, 4674, 2712…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1485857, 3981, 3922, 4603…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1372180, 3607, 3521, 4153…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 2858037, 7588, 7443, 8756…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 86905, 169, 176, 260, 101…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 83995, 164, 174, 253, 99,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 170900, 333, 350, 513, 20…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 114612, 140, 136, 345, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 110119, 128, 129, 327, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 224731, 268, 265, 672, 24…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 4150113, 10841, 14450, 13…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 3467714, 8782, 11715, 104…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 7617827, 19623, 26165, 23…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 845472, 2234, 2644, 2783,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 749543, 1940, 2240, 2401,…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1595015, 4174, 4884, 5184…

Here’s December 2021’s data with 268 records and 27 columns.

jan2022 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (31 Januari 2022).xlsx")
Rows: 268
Columns: 27
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 1538221, 4647, 5388, 5967…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 7402990, 19300, 23993, 23…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 6516678, 16477, 20463, 19…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 13919668, 35777, 44456, 4…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 644280, 1564, 2459, 1446,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 598309, 1399, 2291, 1327,…
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1242589, 2963, 4750, 2773…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1478564, 3971, 3900, 4592…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1369268, 3604, 3506, 4158…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 2847832, 7575, 7406, 8750…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 88073, 177, 178, 262, 102…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 85942, 171, 179, 260, 99,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 174015, 348, 357, 522, 20…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 115123, 140, 135, 348, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 111364, 130, 130, 331, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 226487, 270, 265, 679, 24…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 4215232, 11158, 14620, 13…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 3579348, 9173, 12024, 109…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 7794580, 20331, 26644, 24…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 861718, 2290, 2701, 2840,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 772447, 2000, 2333, 2488,…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1634165, 4290, 5034, 5328…

Here’s January 2022’s data with 268 records and 27 columns.

feb2022 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (27 Februari 2022).xlsx")
Rows: 268
Columns: 27
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 1517196, 4592, 5319, 5903…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 7424015, 19355, 24062, 23…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 6590380, 16687, 20738, 19…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 14014395, 36042, 44800, 4…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 646481, 1567, 2465, 1451,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 604751, 1418, 2336, 1348,…
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1251232, 2985, 4801, 2799…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1478545, 3971, 3899, 4590…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1371190, 3614, 3512, 4161…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 2849735, 7585, 7411, 8751…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 88088, 178, 178, 262, 102…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 86046, 171, 179, 260, 99,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 174134, 349, 357, 522, 20…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 115186, 140, 135, 348, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 111623, 130, 130, 331, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 226809, 270, 265, 679, 24…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 4232389, 11200, 14670, 13…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 3638187, 9327, 12227, 111…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 7870576, 20527, 26897, 24…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 863326, 2299, 2715, 2845,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 778583, 2027, 2354, 2512,…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1641909, 4326, 5069, 5357…

Here’s February 2022’s data with 268 records and 27 columns.

mar2022 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (31 Maret 2022).xlsx")
Rows: 268
Columns: 34
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 1482471, 4522, 5186, 5780…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 7458740, 19425, 24195, 23…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 6682911, 16909, 21000, 20…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 1836511, 3934, 6122, 4124…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 15978162, 40268, 51317, 4…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 649601, 1574, 2475, 1457,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 610754, 1433, 2350, 1366,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 610754, 1433, 2350, 1366,…
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1533150, 3545, 6052, 3283…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1481237, 3980, 3910, 4604…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1375686, 3634, 3523, 4175…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 3`                  <dbl> 200536, 579, 660, 453, 24…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 3057459, 8193, 8093, 9232…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 88150, 178, 178, 262, 102…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 86122, 173, 179, 260, 99,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 3`                   <dbl> 19460, 22, 53, 57, 19, 41…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 193732, 373, 410, 579, 22…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 115527, 140, 135, 348, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 112027, 130, 130, 331, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 3`                <dbl> 84640, 103, 94, 239, 83, …
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 312194, 373, 359, 918, 32…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 4258776, 11250, 14773, 13…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 3715052, 9502, 12436, 114…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 3`                       <dbl> 1248211, 2671, 4048, 2891…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 9222039, 23423, 31257, 28…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 865449, 2303, 2724, 2851,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 783270, 2037, 2382, 2541,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 10869, 21, 40, 24, 7, 28,…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1659588, 4361, 5146, 5416…

Here’s March 2022’s data with 268 records and 34 columns.

apr2022 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (30 April 2022).xlsx")
Rows: 268
Columns: 34
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 1453423, 4449, 5101, 5699…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 7487788, 19498, 24280, 23…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 6727002, 17027, 21134, 20…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 2720796, 6568, 8915, 6491…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 16935586, 43093, 54329, 5…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 651696, 1579, 2481, 1458,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 613044, 1441, 2360, 1376,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 613044, 1441, 2360, 1376,…
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1599248, 3750, 6301, 3425…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1483630, 3983, 3920, 4611…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1378338, 3640, 3529, 4187…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 3`                  <dbl> 366145, 1099, 1096, 941, …
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 3228113, 8722, 8545, 9739…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 88200, 178, 178, 262, 102…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 86184, 173, 179, 260, 99,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 3`                   <dbl> 38179, 71, 95, 120, 41, 7…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 212563, 422, 452, 642, 24…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 115623, 140, 135, 348, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 112253, 130, 130, 333, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 3`                <dbl> 89811, 109, 105, 259, 91,…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 317687, 379, 370, 940, 33…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 4281576, 11308, 14842, 13…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 3750893, 9596, 12545, 116…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 3`                       <dbl> 1866526, 4503, 6084, 4519…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 9898995, 25407, 33471, 29…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 867063, 2310, 2724, 2858,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 786290, 2047, 2391, 2557,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 25627, 56, 75, 61, 19, 71…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1678980, 4413, 5190, 5476…

Here’s April 2022’s data with 268 records and 34 columns.

may2022 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (31 Mei 2022).xlsx")
Rows: 268
Columns: 34
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 1445540, 4440, 5084, 5676…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 7495671, 19507, 24297, 23…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 6743764, 17077, 21182, 20…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 2885301, 7022, 9484, 7030…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 17124736, 43606, 54963, 5…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 652411, 1580, 2482, 1461,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 614259, 1442, 2367, 1378,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 614259, 1442, 2367, 1378,…
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1615382, 3804, 6385, 3468…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1483896, 3982, 3920, 4612…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1379577, 3645, 3534, 4192…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 3`                  <dbl> 395504, 1185, 1185, 1033,…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 3258977, 8812, 8639, 9837…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 88234, 179, 178, 262, 102…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 86232, 173, 179, 260, 99,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 3`                   <dbl> 43402, 100, 111, 132, 53,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 217868, 452, 468, 654, 25…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 115658, 140, 135, 348, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 112327, 130, 131, 333, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 3`                <dbl> 91061, 110, 108, 262, 93,…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 319046, 380, 374, 943, 33…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 4287820, 11318, 14850, 13…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 3763773, 9632, 12577, 116…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 3`                       <dbl> 1975879, 4777, 6455, 4893…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 10027472, 25727, 33882, 3…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 867652, 2308, 2732, 2858,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 787596, 2055, 2394, 2562,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 30743, 68, 89, 81, 26, 80…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1685991, 4431, 5215, 5501…

Here’s May 2022’s data with 268 records and 34 columns.

jun2022 <- read_xlsx("data/aspatial/Data Vaksinasi Berbasis Kelurahan (30 Juni 2022).xlsx")
Rows: 268
Columns: 34
$ `KODE KELURAHAN`                             <chr> NA, "3172051003", "317304…
$ `WILAYAH KOTA`                               <chr> NA, "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAK…
$ KECAMATAN                                    <chr> NA, "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBOR…
$ KELURAHAN                                    <chr> "TOTAL", "ANCOL", "ANGKE"…
$ SASARAN                                      <dbl> 8941211, 23947, 29381, 29…
$ `BELUM VAKSIN`                               <dbl> 1431393, 4402, 5041, 5632…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 7509818, 19545, 24340, 23…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 6756584, 17106, 21213, 20…
$ `JUMLAH\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 3031594, 7369, 10086, 739…
$ `TOTAL VAKSIN\r\nDIBERIKAN`                  <dbl> 17297996, 44020, 55639, 5…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 653401, 1582, 2483, 1466,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 615341, 1447, 2368, 1382,…
$ `LANSIA\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 615341, 1447, 2368, 1382,…
$ `LANSIA TOTAL \r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`          <dbl> 1630553, 3848, 6464, 3495…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 1`                  <dbl> 1484892, 3982, 3924, 4613…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 2`                  <dbl> 1380501, 3646, 3536, 4195…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK\r\nDOSIS 3`                  <dbl> 420795, 1244, 1265, 1104,…
$ `PELAYAN PUBLIK TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`   <dbl> 3286188, 8872, 8725, 9912…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 1`                   <dbl> 88277, 180, 178, 262, 102…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 2`                   <dbl> 86277, 174, 179, 260, 99,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG\r\nDOSIS 3`                   <dbl> 45143, 104, 115, 135, 56,…
$ `GOTONG ROYONG TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`    <dbl> 219697, 458, 472, 657, 25…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 1`                <dbl> 115697, 140, 135, 348, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 2`                <dbl> 112383, 130, 131, 333, 12…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN\r\nDOSIS 3`                <dbl> 91999, 113, 108, 266, 95,…
$ `TENAGA KESEHATAN TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN` <dbl> 320079, 383, 374, 947, 33…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 1`                       <dbl> 4298906, 11352, 14884, 13…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 2`                       <dbl> 3773713, 9652, 12601, 116…
$ `TAHAPAN 3\r\nDOSIS 3`                       <dbl> 2075349, 5009, 6872, 5151…
$ `TAHAPAN 3 TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`        <dbl> 10147968, 26013, 34357, 3…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 1`                          <dbl> 868645, 2309, 2736, 2862,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 2`                          <dbl> 788369, 2057, 2398, 2564,…
$ `REMAJA\r\nDOSIS 3`                          <dbl> 36497, 80, 113, 95, 29, 1…
$ `REMAJA TOTAL\r\nVAKSIN DIBERIKAN`           <dbl> 1693511, 4446, 5247, 5521…

Here’s June 2022’s data with 268 records and 34 columns.

After importing the aspatial data, we can tell that from July 2021 to February 2022, there are 27 columns while from March 2022 to June 2022, there are 34 columns.

Upon closer analysis, in 2022, for the months March, April, May and June, there are more columns as more vaccines are being administered and tracked. For the months before March 2022, only 2 vaccination doses were administered and tracked.

3.2.1 Processing Aspatial Data

Since we have 12 separate aspatial objects, to make analysis easier, we should combine these objects into 1. This is so that we can easily merge with the geospatial object, jakartaNGA later on.

Here’s a quick outline of how we’d be processing the aspatial data: - Determine the common and necessary columns to extract from each of the 12 aspatial objects. - we need to create an extra Date column that has the month and year of the observation, which was originally in the file name - Combine the 12 cleaned aspatial objects into 1. Creating an Aspatial Data Pre-processing Function

From our task, we’re supposed to compute the monthly vaccination rate from July 2021 to June 2022 at sub-district level.

From the aspatial data columns, we should be focusing on SASARAN (target number of people to be vaccinated) and BELUM VAKSIN (people who have yet to be vaccinated) instead of some other population-based columns eg TOTAL VAKSIN DIBERIKAN.

TOTAL VAKSIN DIBERIKAN does not actually reflect the whole population’s vaccination rate as young people aged 14 and below are excluded from the vaccination.

Here are the columns of interest: - KELURAHAN (Sub-District) - SASARAN (Target) - BELUM VAKSIN (Unvaccinated) - KODE KELURAHAN (Sub-District Code)

Now that we know our requirements, we can do this step-by-step: importing all the files into one df, retaining the necessary columns (and deleting duplicate columns), then adding the date column. Alternatively, we can combine all of these into a function!

# takes in an aspatial data filepath and returns a processed output
aspatial_preprocess <- function(filepath){
  # the .name_repair="minimal" is to indicate not to replace duplicate column names with 'NAME...n' like we saw above!
  # reference: https://readxl.tidyverse.org/articles/articles/column-names.html
  result_file <- read_xlsx(filepath)[-1,]
  # Create the Date Column
  # the format of our files is: Standar Kelurahan Data Corona (DD Month YYYY Pukul Ti.me)
  # while the start is technically "(", "(" is part of a regular expression and leads to a warning message, so we'll use "Corona" instead. The [[1]] refers to the first element in the list.
  # we're loading it as DD-Month-YYYY format
  # the end is 1 space before "Pukul", which means we have to -2 spaces (one for P, one for space)
  # as such, the most relevant functions are substr (returns a substring) and either str_locate (returns location of substring as an integer matrix) or gregexpr (returns a list of locations of substring)
  # reference https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14249562/find-the-location-of-a-character-in-string
  startpoint <- gregexpr(pattern="Kelurahan", filepath)[[1]] + 11
  endpoint <- nchar(filepath) - 6
  result_file$Date <- substr(filepath, startpoint, endpoint)
  # Retain the Relevant Columns
  result_file <- result_file %>% 

Firstly, let’s grab the 12 aspatial objects to combine.

# in the folder 'data/aspatial', find files with the extension '.xlsx' and add it to our fileslist 
# the full.names=TRUE prepends the directory path to the file names, giving a relative file path - otherwise, only the file names (not the paths) would be returned 
# reference: https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/list.files.html
fileslist <-list.files(path = "data/aspatial", pattern = "*.xlsx", full.names=TRUE)

# afterwards, for every element in fileslist, apply aspatial_process function
dflist <- lapply(seq_along(fileslist), function(x) aspatial_preprocess(fileslist[x]))

Lastly, we’ll need to convert the dflist into an actual dataframe with ldply(), like so:

jakarta_vac_points <- ldply(dflist, data.frame)
Rows: 3,204
Columns: 5
$ Date           <chr> "27 Februari 2022", "27 Februari 2022", "27 Februari 20…
$ KODE.KELURAHAN <chr> "3172051003", "3173041007", "3175041005", "3175031003",…
$ SASARAN        <dbl> 23947, 29381, 29074, 9752, 26285, 21566, 23886, 47898, …
$ BELUM.VAKSIN   <dbl> 4592, 5319, 5903, 1649, 4030, 3950, 3344, 9382, 3772, 7… Formatting Date Column

# parses the 'Date' column into Month(Full Name)-YYYY datetime objects
# locale="ind" means that the locale has been set as Indonesia
#holder = jakarta_vac_points
jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "27 Februari 2022"] <- "27 February 2022"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "30 April 2022"] <- "30 April 2022"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "30 Juni 2022"] <- "30 June 2022"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "30 November 2021"] <- "30 November 2021"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "30 September 2021"] <- "30 September 2021"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "31 Agustus 2021"] <- "31 August 2021"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "31 Desember 2021"] <- "31 December 2021"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "31 Januari 2022"] <- "31 January 2022"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "31 Juli 2021"] <- "31 July 2021"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "31 Maret 2022"] <- "31 March 2022"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "31 Mei 2022"] <- "31 May 2022"

jakarta_vac_points$Date[jakarta_vac_points$Date == "31 Oktober 2021"] <- "31 October 2021"
                  Date KODE.KELURAHAN              KELURAHAN SASARAN
1     27 February 2022     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
2     27 February 2022     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
3     27 February 2022     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
4     27 February 2022     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
5     27 February 2022     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
6     27 February 2022     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
7     27 February 2022     3175051002                   BARU   23886
8     27 February 2022     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
9     27 February 2022     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
10    27 February 2022     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
11    27 February 2022     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
12    27 February 2022     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
13    27 February 2022     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
14    27 February 2022     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
15    27 February 2022     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
16    27 February 2022     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
17    27 February 2022     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
18    27 February 2022     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
19    27 February 2022     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
20    27 February 2022     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
21    27 February 2022     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
22    27 February 2022     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
23    27 February 2022     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
24    27 February 2022     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
25    27 February 2022     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
26    27 February 2022     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
27    27 February 2022     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
28    27 February 2022     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
29    27 February 2022     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
30    27 February 2022     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
31    27 February 2022     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
32    27 February 2022     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
33    27 February 2022     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
34    27 February 2022     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
35    27 February 2022     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
36    27 February 2022     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
37    27 February 2022     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
38    27 February 2022     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
39    27 February 2022     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
40    27 February 2022     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
41    27 February 2022     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
42    27 February 2022     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
43    27 February 2022     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
44    27 February 2022     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
45    27 February 2022     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
46    27 February 2022     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
47    27 February 2022     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
48    27 February 2022     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
49    27 February 2022     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
50    27 February 2022     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
51    27 February 2022     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
52    27 February 2022     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
53    27 February 2022     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
54    27 February 2022     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
55    27 February 2022     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
56    27 February 2022     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
57    27 February 2022     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
58    27 February 2022     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
59    27 February 2022     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
60    27 February 2022     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
61    27 February 2022     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
62    27 February 2022     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
63    27 February 2022     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
64    27 February 2022     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
65    27 February 2022     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
66    27 February 2022     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
67    27 February 2022     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
68    27 February 2022     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
69    27 February 2022     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
70    27 February 2022     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
71    27 February 2022     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
72    27 February 2022     3175021007                   JATI   32757
73    27 February 2022     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
74    27 February 2022     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
75    27 February 2022     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
76    27 February 2022     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
77    27 February 2022     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
78    27 February 2022     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
79    27 February 2022     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
80    27 February 2022     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
81    27 February 2022     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
82    27 February 2022     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
83    27 February 2022     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
84    27 February 2022     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
85    27 February 2022     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
86    27 February 2022     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
87    27 February 2022     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
88    27 February 2022     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
89    27 February 2022     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
90    27 February 2022     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
91    27 February 2022     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
92    27 February 2022     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
93    27 February 2022     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
94    27 February 2022     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
95    27 February 2022     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
96    27 February 2022     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
97    27 February 2022     3174021004                  KARET    9623
98    27 February 2022     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
99    27 February 2022     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
100   27 February 2022     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
101   27 February 2022     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
102   27 February 2022     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
103   27 February 2022     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
104   27 February 2022     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
105   27 February 2022     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
106   27 February 2022     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
107   27 February 2022     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
108   27 February 2022     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
109   27 February 2022     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
110   27 February 2022     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
111   27 February 2022     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
112   27 February 2022     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
113   27 February 2022     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
114   27 February 2022     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
115   27 February 2022     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
116   27 February 2022     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
117   27 February 2022     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
118   27 February 2022     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
119   27 February 2022     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
120   27 February 2022     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
121   27 February 2022     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
122   27 February 2022     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
123   27 February 2022     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
124   27 February 2022     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
125   27 February 2022     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
126   27 February 2022     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
127   27 February 2022     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
128   27 February 2022     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
129   27 February 2022     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
130   27 February 2022     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
131   27 February 2022     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
132   27 February 2022     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
133   27 February 2022     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
134   27 February 2022     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
135   27 February 2022     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
136   27 February 2022     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
137   27 February 2022     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
138   27 February 2022     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
139   27 February 2022     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
140   27 February 2022     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
141   27 February 2022     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
142   27 February 2022     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
143   27 February 2022     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
144   27 February 2022     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
145   27 February 2022     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
146   27 February 2022     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
147   27 February 2022     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
148   27 February 2022     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
149   27 February 2022     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
150   27 February 2022     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
151   27 February 2022     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
152   27 February 2022     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
153   27 February 2022     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
154   27 February 2022     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
155   27 February 2022     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
156   27 February 2022     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
157   27 February 2022     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
158   27 February 2022     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
159   27 February 2022     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
160   27 February 2022     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
161   27 February 2022     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
162   27 February 2022     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
163   27 February 2022     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
164   27 February 2022     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
165   27 February 2022     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
166   27 February 2022     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
167   27 February 2022     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
168   27 February 2022     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
169   27 February 2022     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
170   27 February 2022     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
171   27 February 2022     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
172   27 February 2022     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
173   27 February 2022     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
174   27 February 2022     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
175   27 February 2022     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
176   27 February 2022     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
177   27 February 2022     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
178   27 February 2022     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
179   27 February 2022     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
180   27 February 2022     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
181   27 February 2022     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
182   27 February 2022     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
183   27 February 2022     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
184   27 February 2022     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
185   27 February 2022     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
186   27 February 2022     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
187   27 February 2022     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
188   27 February 2022     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
189   27 February 2022     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
190   27 February 2022     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
191   27 February 2022     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
192   27 February 2022     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
193   27 February 2022     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
194   27 February 2022     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
195   27 February 2022     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
196   27 February 2022     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
197   27 February 2022     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
198   27 February 2022     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
199   27 February 2022     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
200   27 February 2022     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
201   27 February 2022     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
202   27 February 2022     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
203   27 February 2022     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
204   27 February 2022     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
205   27 February 2022     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
206   27 February 2022     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
207   27 February 2022     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
208   27 February 2022     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
209   27 February 2022     3174071007                   PULO    5835
210   27 February 2022     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
211   27 February 2022     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
212   27 February 2022     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
213   27 February 2022     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
214   27 February 2022     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
215   27 February 2022     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
216   27 February 2022     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
217   27 February 2022     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
218   27 February 2022     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
219   27 February 2022     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
220   27 February 2022     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
221   27 February 2022     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
222   27 February 2022     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
223   27 February 2022     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
224   27 February 2022     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
225   27 February 2022     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
226   27 February 2022     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
227   27 February 2022     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
228   27 February 2022     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
229   27 February 2022     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
230   27 February 2022     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
231   27 February 2022     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
232   27 February 2022     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
233   27 February 2022     3175101005                   SETU   20572
234   27 February 2022     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
235   27 February 2022     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
236   27 February 2022     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
237   27 February 2022     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
238   27 February 2022     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
239   27 February 2022     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
240   27 February 2022     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
241   27 February 2022     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
242   27 February 2022     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
243   27 February 2022     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
244   27 February 2022     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
245   27 February 2022     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
246   27 February 2022     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
247   27 February 2022     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
248   27 February 2022     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
249   27 February 2022     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
250   27 February 2022     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
251   27 February 2022     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
252   27 February 2022     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
253   27 February 2022     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
254   27 February 2022     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
255   27 February 2022     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
256   27 February 2022     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
257   27 February 2022     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
258   27 February 2022     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
259   27 February 2022     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
260   27 February 2022     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
261   27 February 2022     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
262   27 February 2022     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
263   27 February 2022     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
264   27 February 2022     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
265   27 February 2022     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
266   27 February 2022     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
267   27 February 2022     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
268      30 April 2022     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
269      30 April 2022     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
270      30 April 2022     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
271      30 April 2022     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
272      30 April 2022     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
273      30 April 2022     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
274      30 April 2022     3175051002                   BARU   23886
275      30 April 2022     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
276      30 April 2022     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
277      30 April 2022     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
278      30 April 2022     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
279      30 April 2022     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
280      30 April 2022     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
281      30 April 2022     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
282      30 April 2022     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
283      30 April 2022     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
284      30 April 2022     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
285      30 April 2022     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
286      30 April 2022     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
287      30 April 2022     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
288      30 April 2022     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
289      30 April 2022     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
290      30 April 2022     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
291      30 April 2022     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
292      30 April 2022     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
293      30 April 2022     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
294      30 April 2022     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
295      30 April 2022     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
296      30 April 2022     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
297      30 April 2022     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
298      30 April 2022     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
299      30 April 2022     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
300      30 April 2022     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
301      30 April 2022     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
302      30 April 2022     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
303      30 April 2022     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
304      30 April 2022     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
305      30 April 2022     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
306      30 April 2022     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
307      30 April 2022     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
308      30 April 2022     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
309      30 April 2022     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
310      30 April 2022     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
311      30 April 2022     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
312      30 April 2022     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
313      30 April 2022     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
314      30 April 2022     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
315      30 April 2022     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
316      30 April 2022     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
317      30 April 2022     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
318      30 April 2022     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
319      30 April 2022     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
320      30 April 2022     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
321      30 April 2022     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
322      30 April 2022     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
323      30 April 2022     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
324      30 April 2022     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
325      30 April 2022     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
326      30 April 2022     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
327      30 April 2022     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
328      30 April 2022     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
329      30 April 2022     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
330      30 April 2022     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
331      30 April 2022     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
332      30 April 2022     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
333      30 April 2022     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
334      30 April 2022     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
335      30 April 2022     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
336      30 April 2022     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
337      30 April 2022     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
338      30 April 2022     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
339      30 April 2022     3175021007                   JATI   32757
340      30 April 2022     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
341      30 April 2022     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
342      30 April 2022     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
343      30 April 2022     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
344      30 April 2022     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
345      30 April 2022     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
346      30 April 2022     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
347      30 April 2022     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
348      30 April 2022     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
349      30 April 2022     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
350      30 April 2022     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
351      30 April 2022     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
352      30 April 2022     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
353      30 April 2022     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
354      30 April 2022     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
355      30 April 2022     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
356      30 April 2022     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
357      30 April 2022     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
358      30 April 2022     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
359      30 April 2022     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
360      30 April 2022     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
361      30 April 2022     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
362      30 April 2022     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
363      30 April 2022     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
364      30 April 2022     3174021004                  KARET    9623
365      30 April 2022     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
366      30 April 2022     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
367      30 April 2022     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
368      30 April 2022     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
369      30 April 2022     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
370      30 April 2022     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
371      30 April 2022     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
372      30 April 2022     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
373      30 April 2022     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
374      30 April 2022     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
375      30 April 2022     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
376      30 April 2022     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
377      30 April 2022     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
378      30 April 2022     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
379      30 April 2022     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
380      30 April 2022     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
381      30 April 2022     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
382      30 April 2022     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
383      30 April 2022     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
384      30 April 2022     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
385      30 April 2022     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
386      30 April 2022     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
387      30 April 2022     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
388      30 April 2022     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
389      30 April 2022     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
390      30 April 2022     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
391      30 April 2022     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
392      30 April 2022     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
393      30 April 2022     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
394      30 April 2022     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
395      30 April 2022     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
396      30 April 2022     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
397      30 April 2022     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
398      30 April 2022     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
399      30 April 2022     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
400      30 April 2022     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
401      30 April 2022     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
402      30 April 2022     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
403      30 April 2022     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
404      30 April 2022     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
405      30 April 2022     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
406      30 April 2022     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
407      30 April 2022     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
408      30 April 2022     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
409      30 April 2022     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
410      30 April 2022     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
411      30 April 2022     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
412      30 April 2022     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
413      30 April 2022     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
414      30 April 2022     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
415      30 April 2022     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
416      30 April 2022     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
417      30 April 2022     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
418      30 April 2022     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
419      30 April 2022     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
420      30 April 2022     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
421      30 April 2022     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
422      30 April 2022     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
423      30 April 2022     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
424      30 April 2022     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
425      30 April 2022     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
426      30 April 2022     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
427      30 April 2022     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
428      30 April 2022     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
429      30 April 2022     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
430      30 April 2022     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
431      30 April 2022     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
432      30 April 2022     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
433      30 April 2022     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
434      30 April 2022     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
435      30 April 2022     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
436      30 April 2022     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
437      30 April 2022     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
438      30 April 2022     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
439      30 April 2022     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
440      30 April 2022     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
441      30 April 2022     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
442      30 April 2022     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
443      30 April 2022     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
444      30 April 2022     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
445      30 April 2022     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
446      30 April 2022     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
447      30 April 2022     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
448      30 April 2022     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
449      30 April 2022     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
450      30 April 2022     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
451      30 April 2022     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
452      30 April 2022     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
453      30 April 2022     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
454      30 April 2022     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
455      30 April 2022     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
456      30 April 2022     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
457      30 April 2022     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
458      30 April 2022     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
459      30 April 2022     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
460      30 April 2022     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
461      30 April 2022     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
462      30 April 2022     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
463      30 April 2022     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
464      30 April 2022     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
465      30 April 2022     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
466      30 April 2022     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
467      30 April 2022     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
468      30 April 2022     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
469      30 April 2022     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
470      30 April 2022     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
471      30 April 2022     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
472      30 April 2022     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
473      30 April 2022     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
474      30 April 2022     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
475      30 April 2022     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
476      30 April 2022     3174071007                   PULO    5835
477      30 April 2022     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
478      30 April 2022     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
479      30 April 2022     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
480      30 April 2022     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
481      30 April 2022     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
482      30 April 2022     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
483      30 April 2022     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
484      30 April 2022     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
485      30 April 2022     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
486      30 April 2022     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
487      30 April 2022     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
488      30 April 2022     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
489      30 April 2022     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
490      30 April 2022     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
491      30 April 2022     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
492      30 April 2022     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
493      30 April 2022     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
494      30 April 2022     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
495      30 April 2022     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
496      30 April 2022     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
497      30 April 2022     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
498      30 April 2022     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
499      30 April 2022     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
500      30 April 2022     3175101005                   SETU   20572
501      30 April 2022     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
502      30 April 2022     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
503      30 April 2022     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
504      30 April 2022     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
505      30 April 2022     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
506      30 April 2022     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
507      30 April 2022     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
508      30 April 2022     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
509      30 April 2022     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
510      30 April 2022     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
511      30 April 2022     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
512      30 April 2022     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
513      30 April 2022     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
514      30 April 2022     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
515      30 April 2022     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
516      30 April 2022     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
517      30 April 2022     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
518      30 April 2022     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
519      30 April 2022     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
520      30 April 2022     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
521      30 April 2022     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
522      30 April 2022     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
523      30 April 2022     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
524      30 April 2022     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
525      30 April 2022     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
526      30 April 2022     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
527      30 April 2022     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
528      30 April 2022     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
529      30 April 2022     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
530      30 April 2022     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
531      30 April 2022     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
532      30 April 2022     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
533      30 April 2022     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
534      30 April 2022     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
535       30 June 2022     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
536       30 June 2022     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
537       30 June 2022     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
538       30 June 2022     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
539       30 June 2022     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
540       30 June 2022     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
541       30 June 2022     3175051002                   BARU   23886
542       30 June 2022     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
543       30 June 2022     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
544       30 June 2022     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
545       30 June 2022     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
546       30 June 2022     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
547       30 June 2022     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
548       30 June 2022     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
549       30 June 2022     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
550       30 June 2022     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
551       30 June 2022     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
552       30 June 2022     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
553       30 June 2022     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
554       30 June 2022     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
555       30 June 2022     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
556       30 June 2022     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
557       30 June 2022     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
558       30 June 2022     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
559       30 June 2022     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
560       30 June 2022     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
561       30 June 2022     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
562       30 June 2022     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
563       30 June 2022     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
564       30 June 2022     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
565       30 June 2022     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
566       30 June 2022     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
567       30 June 2022     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
568       30 June 2022     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
569       30 June 2022     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
570       30 June 2022     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
571       30 June 2022     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
572       30 June 2022     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
573       30 June 2022     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
574       30 June 2022     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
575       30 June 2022     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
576       30 June 2022     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
577       30 June 2022     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
578       30 June 2022     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
579       30 June 2022     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
580       30 June 2022     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
581       30 June 2022     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
582       30 June 2022     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
583       30 June 2022     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
584       30 June 2022     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
585       30 June 2022     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
586       30 June 2022     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
587       30 June 2022     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
588       30 June 2022     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
589       30 June 2022     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
590       30 June 2022     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
591       30 June 2022     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
592       30 June 2022     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
593       30 June 2022     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
594       30 June 2022     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
595       30 June 2022     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
596       30 June 2022     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
597       30 June 2022     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
598       30 June 2022     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
599       30 June 2022     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
600       30 June 2022     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
601       30 June 2022     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
602       30 June 2022     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
603       30 June 2022     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
604       30 June 2022     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
605       30 June 2022     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
606       30 June 2022     3175021007                   JATI   32757
607       30 June 2022     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
608       30 June 2022     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
609       30 June 2022     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
610       30 June 2022     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
611       30 June 2022     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
612       30 June 2022     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
613       30 June 2022     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
614       30 June 2022     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
615       30 June 2022     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
616       30 June 2022     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
617       30 June 2022     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
618       30 June 2022     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
619       30 June 2022     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
620       30 June 2022     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
621       30 June 2022     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
622       30 June 2022     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
623       30 June 2022     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
624       30 June 2022     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
625       30 June 2022     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
626       30 June 2022     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
627       30 June 2022     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
628       30 June 2022     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
629       30 June 2022     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
630       30 June 2022     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
631       30 June 2022     3174021004                  KARET    9623
632       30 June 2022     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
633       30 June 2022     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
634       30 June 2022     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
635       30 June 2022     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
636       30 June 2022     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
637       30 June 2022     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
638       30 June 2022     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
639       30 June 2022     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
640       30 June 2022     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
641       30 June 2022     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
642       30 June 2022     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
643       30 June 2022     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
644       30 June 2022     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
645       30 June 2022     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
646       30 June 2022     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
647       30 June 2022     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
648       30 June 2022     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
649       30 June 2022     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
650       30 June 2022     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
651       30 June 2022     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
652       30 June 2022     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
653       30 June 2022     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
654       30 June 2022     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
655       30 June 2022     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
656       30 June 2022     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
657       30 June 2022     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
658       30 June 2022     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
659       30 June 2022     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
660       30 June 2022     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
661       30 June 2022     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
662       30 June 2022     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
663       30 June 2022     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
664       30 June 2022     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
665       30 June 2022     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
666       30 June 2022     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
667       30 June 2022     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
668       30 June 2022     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
669       30 June 2022     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
670       30 June 2022     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
671       30 June 2022     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
672       30 June 2022     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
673       30 June 2022     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
674       30 June 2022     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
675       30 June 2022     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
676       30 June 2022     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
677       30 June 2022     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
678       30 June 2022     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
679       30 June 2022     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
680       30 June 2022     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
681       30 June 2022     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
682       30 June 2022     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
683       30 June 2022     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
684       30 June 2022     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
685       30 June 2022     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
686       30 June 2022     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
687       30 June 2022     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
688       30 June 2022     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
689       30 June 2022     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
690       30 June 2022     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
691       30 June 2022     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
692       30 June 2022     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
693       30 June 2022     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
694       30 June 2022     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
695       30 June 2022     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
696       30 June 2022     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
697       30 June 2022     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
698       30 June 2022     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
699       30 June 2022     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
700       30 June 2022     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
701       30 June 2022     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
702       30 June 2022     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
703       30 June 2022     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
704       30 June 2022     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
705       30 June 2022     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
706       30 June 2022     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
707       30 June 2022     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
708       30 June 2022     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
709       30 June 2022     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
710       30 June 2022     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
711       30 June 2022     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
712       30 June 2022     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
713       30 June 2022     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
714       30 June 2022     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
715       30 June 2022     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
716       30 June 2022     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
717       30 June 2022     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
718       30 June 2022     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
719       30 June 2022     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
720       30 June 2022     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
721       30 June 2022     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
722       30 June 2022     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
723       30 June 2022     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
724       30 June 2022     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
725       30 June 2022     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
726       30 June 2022     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
727       30 June 2022     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
728       30 June 2022     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
729       30 June 2022     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
730       30 June 2022     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
731       30 June 2022     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
732       30 June 2022     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
733       30 June 2022     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
734       30 June 2022     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
735       30 June 2022     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
736       30 June 2022     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
737       30 June 2022     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
738       30 June 2022     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
739       30 June 2022     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
740       30 June 2022     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
741       30 June 2022     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
742       30 June 2022     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
743       30 June 2022     3174071007                   PULO    5835
744       30 June 2022     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
745       30 June 2022     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
746       30 June 2022     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
747       30 June 2022     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
748       30 June 2022     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
749       30 June 2022     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
750       30 June 2022     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
751       30 June 2022     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
752       30 June 2022     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
753       30 June 2022     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
754       30 June 2022     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
755       30 June 2022     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
756       30 June 2022     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
757       30 June 2022     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
758       30 June 2022     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
759       30 June 2022     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
760       30 June 2022     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
761       30 June 2022     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
762       30 June 2022     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
763       30 June 2022     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
764       30 June 2022     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
765       30 June 2022     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
766       30 June 2022     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
767       30 June 2022     3175101005                   SETU   20572
768       30 June 2022     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
769       30 June 2022     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
770       30 June 2022     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
771       30 June 2022     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
772       30 June 2022     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
773       30 June 2022     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
774       30 June 2022     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
775       30 June 2022     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
776       30 June 2022     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
777       30 June 2022     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
778       30 June 2022     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
779       30 June 2022     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
780       30 June 2022     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
781       30 June 2022     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
782       30 June 2022     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
783       30 June 2022     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
784       30 June 2022     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
785       30 June 2022     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
786       30 June 2022     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
787       30 June 2022     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
788       30 June 2022     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
789       30 June 2022     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
790       30 June 2022     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
791       30 June 2022     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
792       30 June 2022     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
793       30 June 2022     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
794       30 June 2022     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
795       30 June 2022     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
796       30 June 2022     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
797       30 June 2022     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
798       30 June 2022     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
799       30 June 2022     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
800       30 June 2022     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
801       30 June 2022     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
802   30 November 2021     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
803   30 November 2021     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
804   30 November 2021     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
805   30 November 2021     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
806   30 November 2021     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
807   30 November 2021     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
808   30 November 2021     3175051002                   BARU   23886
809   30 November 2021     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
810   30 November 2021     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
811   30 November 2021     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
812   30 November 2021     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
813   30 November 2021     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
814   30 November 2021     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
815   30 November 2021     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
816   30 November 2021     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
817   30 November 2021     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
818   30 November 2021     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
819   30 November 2021     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
820   30 November 2021     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
821   30 November 2021     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
822   30 November 2021     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
823   30 November 2021     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
824   30 November 2021     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
825   30 November 2021     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
826   30 November 2021     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
827   30 November 2021     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
828   30 November 2021     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
829   30 November 2021     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
830   30 November 2021     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
831   30 November 2021     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
832   30 November 2021     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
833   30 November 2021     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
834   30 November 2021     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
835   30 November 2021     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
836   30 November 2021     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
837   30 November 2021     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
838   30 November 2021     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
839   30 November 2021     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
840   30 November 2021     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
841   30 November 2021     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
842   30 November 2021     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
843   30 November 2021     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
844   30 November 2021     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
845   30 November 2021     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
846   30 November 2021     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
847   30 November 2021     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
848   30 November 2021     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
849   30 November 2021     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
850   30 November 2021     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
851   30 November 2021     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
852   30 November 2021     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
853   30 November 2021     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
854   30 November 2021     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
855   30 November 2021     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
856   30 November 2021     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
857   30 November 2021     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
858   30 November 2021     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
859   30 November 2021     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
860   30 November 2021     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
861   30 November 2021     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
862   30 November 2021     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
863   30 November 2021     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
864   30 November 2021     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
865   30 November 2021     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
866   30 November 2021     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
867   30 November 2021     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
868   30 November 2021     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
869   30 November 2021     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
870   30 November 2021     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
871   30 November 2021     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
872   30 November 2021     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
873   30 November 2021     3175021007                   JATI   32757
874   30 November 2021     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
875   30 November 2021     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
876   30 November 2021     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
877   30 November 2021     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
878   30 November 2021     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
879   30 November 2021     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
880   30 November 2021     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
881   30 November 2021     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
882   30 November 2021     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
883   30 November 2021     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
884   30 November 2021     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
885   30 November 2021     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
886   30 November 2021     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
887   30 November 2021     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
888   30 November 2021     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
889   30 November 2021     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
890   30 November 2021     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
891   30 November 2021     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
892   30 November 2021     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
893   30 November 2021     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
894   30 November 2021     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
895   30 November 2021     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
896   30 November 2021     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
897   30 November 2021     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
898   30 November 2021     3174021004                  KARET    9623
899   30 November 2021     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
900   30 November 2021     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
901   30 November 2021     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
902   30 November 2021     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
903   30 November 2021     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
904   30 November 2021     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
905   30 November 2021     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
906   30 November 2021     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
907   30 November 2021     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
908   30 November 2021     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
909   30 November 2021     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
910   30 November 2021     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
911   30 November 2021     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
912   30 November 2021     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
913   30 November 2021     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
914   30 November 2021     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
915   30 November 2021     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
916   30 November 2021     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
917   30 November 2021     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
918   30 November 2021     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
919   30 November 2021     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
920   30 November 2021     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
921   30 November 2021     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
922   30 November 2021     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
923   30 November 2021     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
924   30 November 2021     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
925   30 November 2021     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
926   30 November 2021     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
927   30 November 2021     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
928   30 November 2021     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
929   30 November 2021     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
930   30 November 2021     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
931   30 November 2021     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
932   30 November 2021     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
933   30 November 2021     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
934   30 November 2021     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
935   30 November 2021     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
936   30 November 2021     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
937   30 November 2021     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
938   30 November 2021     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
939   30 November 2021     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
940   30 November 2021     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
941   30 November 2021     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
942   30 November 2021     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
943   30 November 2021     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
944   30 November 2021     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
945   30 November 2021     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
946   30 November 2021     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
947   30 November 2021     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
948   30 November 2021     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
949   30 November 2021     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
950   30 November 2021     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
951   30 November 2021     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
952   30 November 2021     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
953   30 November 2021     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
954   30 November 2021     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
955   30 November 2021     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
956   30 November 2021     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
957   30 November 2021     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
958   30 November 2021     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
959   30 November 2021     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
960   30 November 2021     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
961   30 November 2021     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
962   30 November 2021     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
963   30 November 2021     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
964   30 November 2021     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
965   30 November 2021     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
966   30 November 2021     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
967   30 November 2021     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
968   30 November 2021     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
969   30 November 2021     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
970   30 November 2021     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
971   30 November 2021     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
972   30 November 2021     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
973   30 November 2021     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
974   30 November 2021     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
975   30 November 2021     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
976   30 November 2021     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
977   30 November 2021     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
978   30 November 2021     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
979   30 November 2021     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
980   30 November 2021     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
981   30 November 2021     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
982   30 November 2021     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
983   30 November 2021     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
984   30 November 2021     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
985   30 November 2021     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
986   30 November 2021     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
987   30 November 2021     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
988   30 November 2021     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
989   30 November 2021     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
990   30 November 2021     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
991   30 November 2021     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
992   30 November 2021     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
993   30 November 2021     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
994   30 November 2021     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
995   30 November 2021     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
996   30 November 2021     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
997   30 November 2021     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
998   30 November 2021     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
999   30 November 2021     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
1000  30 November 2021     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
1001  30 November 2021     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
1002  30 November 2021     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
1003  30 November 2021     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
1004  30 November 2021     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
1005  30 November 2021     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
1006  30 November 2021     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
1007  30 November 2021     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
1008  30 November 2021     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
1009  30 November 2021     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
1010  30 November 2021     3174071007                   PULO    5835
1011  30 November 2021     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
1012  30 November 2021     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
1013  30 November 2021     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
1014  30 November 2021     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
1015  30 November 2021     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
1016  30 November 2021     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
1017  30 November 2021     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
1018  30 November 2021     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
1019  30 November 2021     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
1020  30 November 2021     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
1021  30 November 2021     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
1022  30 November 2021     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
1023  30 November 2021     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
1024  30 November 2021     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
1025  30 November 2021     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
1026  30 November 2021     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
1027  30 November 2021     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
1028  30 November 2021     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
1029  30 November 2021     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
1030  30 November 2021     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
1031  30 November 2021     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
1032  30 November 2021     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
1033  30 November 2021     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
1034  30 November 2021     3175101005                   SETU   20572
1035  30 November 2021     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
1036  30 November 2021     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
1037  30 November 2021     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
1038  30 November 2021     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
1039  30 November 2021     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
1040  30 November 2021     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
1041  30 November 2021     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
1042  30 November 2021     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
1043  30 November 2021     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
1044  30 November 2021     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
1045  30 November 2021     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
1046  30 November 2021     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
1047  30 November 2021     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
1048  30 November 2021     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
1049  30 November 2021     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
1050  30 November 2021     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
1051  30 November 2021     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
1052  30 November 2021     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
1053  30 November 2021     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
1054  30 November 2021     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
1055  30 November 2021     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
1056  30 November 2021     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
1057  30 November 2021     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
1058  30 November 2021     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
1059  30 November 2021     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
1060  30 November 2021     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
1061  30 November 2021     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
1062  30 November 2021     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
1063  30 November 2021     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
1064  30 November 2021     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
1065  30 November 2021     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
1066  30 November 2021     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
1067  30 November 2021     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
1068  30 November 2021     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
1069 30 September 2021     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
1070 30 September 2021     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
1071 30 September 2021     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
1072 30 September 2021     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
1073 30 September 2021     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
1074 30 September 2021     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
1075 30 September 2021     3175051002                   BARU   23886
1076 30 September 2021     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
1077 30 September 2021     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
1078 30 September 2021     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
1079 30 September 2021     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
1080 30 September 2021     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
1081 30 September 2021     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
1082 30 September 2021     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
1083 30 September 2021     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
1084 30 September 2021     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
1085 30 September 2021     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
1086 30 September 2021     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
1087 30 September 2021     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
1088 30 September 2021     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
1089 30 September 2021     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
1090 30 September 2021     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
1091 30 September 2021     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
1092 30 September 2021     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
1093 30 September 2021     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
1094 30 September 2021     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
1095 30 September 2021     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
1096 30 September 2021     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
1097 30 September 2021     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
1098 30 September 2021     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
1099 30 September 2021     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
1100 30 September 2021     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
1101 30 September 2021     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
1102 30 September 2021     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
1103 30 September 2021     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
1104 30 September 2021     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
1105 30 September 2021     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
1106 30 September 2021     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
1107 30 September 2021     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
1108 30 September 2021     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
1109 30 September 2021     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
1110 30 September 2021     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
1111 30 September 2021     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
1112 30 September 2021     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
1113 30 September 2021     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
1114 30 September 2021     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
1115 30 September 2021     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
1116 30 September 2021     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
1117 30 September 2021     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
1118 30 September 2021     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
1119 30 September 2021     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
1120 30 September 2021     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
1121 30 September 2021     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
1122 30 September 2021     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
1123 30 September 2021     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
1124 30 September 2021     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
1125 30 September 2021     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
1126 30 September 2021     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
1127 30 September 2021     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
1128 30 September 2021     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
1129 30 September 2021     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
1130 30 September 2021     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
1131 30 September 2021     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
1132 30 September 2021     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
1133 30 September 2021     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
1134 30 September 2021     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
1135 30 September 2021     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
1136 30 September 2021     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
1137 30 September 2021     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
1138 30 September 2021     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
1139 30 September 2021     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
1140 30 September 2021     3175021007                   JATI   32757
1141 30 September 2021     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
1142 30 September 2021     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
1143 30 September 2021     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
1144 30 September 2021     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
1145 30 September 2021     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
1146 30 September 2021     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
1147 30 September 2021     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
1148 30 September 2021     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
1149 30 September 2021     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
1150 30 September 2021     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
1151 30 September 2021     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
1152 30 September 2021     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
1153 30 September 2021     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
1154 30 September 2021     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
1155 30 September 2021     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
1156 30 September 2021     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
1157 30 September 2021     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
1158 30 September 2021     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
1159 30 September 2021     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
1160 30 September 2021     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
1161 30 September 2021     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
1162 30 September 2021     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
1163 30 September 2021     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
1164 30 September 2021     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
1165 30 September 2021     3174021004                  KARET    9623
1166 30 September 2021     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
1167 30 September 2021     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
1168 30 September 2021     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
1169 30 September 2021     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
1170 30 September 2021     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
1171 30 September 2021     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
1172 30 September 2021     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
1173 30 September 2021     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
1174 30 September 2021     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
1175 30 September 2021     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
1176 30 September 2021     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
1177 30 September 2021     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
1178 30 September 2021     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
1179 30 September 2021     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
1180 30 September 2021     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
1181 30 September 2021     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
1182 30 September 2021     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
1183 30 September 2021     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
1184 30 September 2021     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
1185 30 September 2021     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
1186 30 September 2021     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
1187 30 September 2021     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
1188 30 September 2021     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
1189 30 September 2021     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
1190 30 September 2021     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
1191 30 September 2021     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
1192 30 September 2021     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
1193 30 September 2021     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
1194 30 September 2021     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
1195 30 September 2021     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
1196 30 September 2021     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
1197 30 September 2021     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
1198 30 September 2021     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
1199 30 September 2021     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
1200 30 September 2021     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
1201 30 September 2021     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
1202 30 September 2021     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
1203 30 September 2021     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
1204 30 September 2021     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
1205 30 September 2021     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
1206 30 September 2021     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
1207 30 September 2021     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
1208 30 September 2021     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
1209 30 September 2021     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
1210 30 September 2021     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
1211 30 September 2021     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
1212 30 September 2021     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
1213 30 September 2021     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
1214 30 September 2021     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
1215 30 September 2021     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
1216 30 September 2021     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
1217 30 September 2021     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
1218 30 September 2021     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
1219 30 September 2021     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
1220 30 September 2021     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
1221 30 September 2021     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
1222 30 September 2021     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
1223 30 September 2021     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
1224 30 September 2021     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
1225 30 September 2021     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
1226 30 September 2021     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
1227 30 September 2021     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
1228 30 September 2021     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
1229 30 September 2021     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
1230 30 September 2021     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
1231 30 September 2021     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
1232 30 September 2021     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
1233 30 September 2021     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
1234 30 September 2021     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
1235 30 September 2021     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
1236 30 September 2021     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
1237 30 September 2021     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
1238 30 September 2021     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
1239 30 September 2021     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
1240 30 September 2021     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
1241 30 September 2021     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
1242 30 September 2021     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
1243 30 September 2021     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
1244 30 September 2021     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
1245 30 September 2021     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
1246 30 September 2021     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
1247 30 September 2021     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
1248 30 September 2021     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
1249 30 September 2021     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
1250 30 September 2021     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
1251 30 September 2021     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
1252 30 September 2021     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
1253 30 September 2021     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
1254 30 September 2021     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
1255 30 September 2021     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
1256 30 September 2021     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
1257 30 September 2021     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
1258 30 September 2021     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
1259 30 September 2021     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
1260 30 September 2021     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
1261 30 September 2021     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
1262 30 September 2021     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
1263 30 September 2021     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
1264 30 September 2021     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
1265 30 September 2021     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
1266 30 September 2021     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
1267 30 September 2021     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
1268 30 September 2021     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
1269 30 September 2021     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
1270 30 September 2021     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
1271 30 September 2021     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
1272 30 September 2021     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
1273 30 September 2021     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
1274 30 September 2021     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
1275 30 September 2021     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
1276 30 September 2021     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
1277 30 September 2021     3174071007                   PULO    5835
1278 30 September 2021     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
1279 30 September 2021     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
1280 30 September 2021     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
1281 30 September 2021     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
1282 30 September 2021     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
1283 30 September 2021     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
1284 30 September 2021     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
1285 30 September 2021     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
1286 30 September 2021     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
1287 30 September 2021     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
1288 30 September 2021     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
1289 30 September 2021     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
1290 30 September 2021     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
1291 30 September 2021     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
1292 30 September 2021     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
1293 30 September 2021     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
1294 30 September 2021     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
1295 30 September 2021     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
1296 30 September 2021     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
1297 30 September 2021     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
1298 30 September 2021     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
1299 30 September 2021     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
1300 30 September 2021     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
1301 30 September 2021     3175101005                   SETU   20572
1302 30 September 2021     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
1303 30 September 2021     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
1304 30 September 2021     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
1305 30 September 2021     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
1306 30 September 2021     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
1307 30 September 2021     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
1308 30 September 2021     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
1309 30 September 2021     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
1310 30 September 2021     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
1311 30 September 2021     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
1312 30 September 2021     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
1313 30 September 2021     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
1314 30 September 2021     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
1315 30 September 2021     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
1316 30 September 2021     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
1317 30 September 2021     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
1318 30 September 2021     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
1319 30 September 2021     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
1320 30 September 2021     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
1321 30 September 2021     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
1322 30 September 2021     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
1323 30 September 2021     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
1324 30 September 2021     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
1325 30 September 2021     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
1326 30 September 2021     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
1327 30 September 2021     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
1328 30 September 2021     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
1329 30 September 2021     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
1330 30 September 2021     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
1331 30 September 2021     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
1332 30 September 2021     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
1333 30 September 2021     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
1334 30 September 2021     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
1335 30 September 2021     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
1336    31 August 2021     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
1337    31 August 2021     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
1338    31 August 2021     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
1339    31 August 2021     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
1340    31 August 2021     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
1341    31 August 2021     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
1342    31 August 2021     3175051002                   BARU   23886
1343    31 August 2021     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
1344    31 August 2021     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
1345    31 August 2021     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
1346    31 August 2021     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
1347    31 August 2021     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
1348    31 August 2021     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
1349    31 August 2021     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
1350    31 August 2021     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
1351    31 August 2021     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
1352    31 August 2021     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
1353    31 August 2021     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
1354    31 August 2021     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
1355    31 August 2021     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
1356    31 August 2021     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
1357    31 August 2021     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
1358    31 August 2021     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
1359    31 August 2021     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
1360    31 August 2021     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
1361    31 August 2021     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
1362    31 August 2021     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
1363    31 August 2021     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
1364    31 August 2021     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
1365    31 August 2021     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
1366    31 August 2021     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
1367    31 August 2021     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
1368    31 August 2021     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
1369    31 August 2021     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
1370    31 August 2021     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
1371    31 August 2021     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
1372    31 August 2021     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
1373    31 August 2021     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
1374    31 August 2021     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
1375    31 August 2021     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
1376    31 August 2021     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
1377    31 August 2021     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
1378    31 August 2021     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
1379    31 August 2021     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
1380    31 August 2021     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
1381    31 August 2021     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
1382    31 August 2021     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
1383    31 August 2021     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
1384    31 August 2021     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
1385    31 August 2021     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
1386    31 August 2021     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
1387    31 August 2021     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
1388    31 August 2021     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
1389    31 August 2021     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
1390    31 August 2021     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
1391    31 August 2021     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
1392    31 August 2021     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
1393    31 August 2021     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
1394    31 August 2021     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
1395    31 August 2021     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
1396    31 August 2021     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
1397    31 August 2021     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
1398    31 August 2021     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
1399    31 August 2021     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
1400    31 August 2021     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
1401    31 August 2021     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
1402    31 August 2021     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
1403    31 August 2021     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
1404    31 August 2021     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
1405    31 August 2021     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
1406    31 August 2021     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
1407    31 August 2021     3175021007                   JATI   32757
1408    31 August 2021     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
1409    31 August 2021     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
1410    31 August 2021     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
1411    31 August 2021     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
1412    31 August 2021     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
1413    31 August 2021     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
1414    31 August 2021     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
1415    31 August 2021     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
1416    31 August 2021     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
1417    31 August 2021     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
1418    31 August 2021     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
1419    31 August 2021     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
1420    31 August 2021     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
1421    31 August 2021     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
1422    31 August 2021     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
1423    31 August 2021     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
1424    31 August 2021     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
1425    31 August 2021     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
1426    31 August 2021     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
1427    31 August 2021     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
1428    31 August 2021     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
1429    31 August 2021     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
1430    31 August 2021     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
1431    31 August 2021     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
1432    31 August 2021     3174021004                  KARET    9623
1433    31 August 2021     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
1434    31 August 2021     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
1435    31 August 2021     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
1436    31 August 2021     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
1437    31 August 2021     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
1438    31 August 2021     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
1439    31 August 2021     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
1440    31 August 2021     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
1441    31 August 2021     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
1442    31 August 2021     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
1443    31 August 2021     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
1444    31 August 2021     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
1445    31 August 2021     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
1446    31 August 2021     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
1447    31 August 2021     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
1448    31 August 2021     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
1449    31 August 2021     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
1450    31 August 2021     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
1451    31 August 2021     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
1452    31 August 2021     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
1453    31 August 2021     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
1454    31 August 2021     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
1455    31 August 2021     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
1456    31 August 2021     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
1457    31 August 2021     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
1458    31 August 2021     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
1459    31 August 2021     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
1460    31 August 2021     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
1461    31 August 2021     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
1462    31 August 2021     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
1463    31 August 2021     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
1464    31 August 2021     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
1465    31 August 2021     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
1466    31 August 2021     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
1467    31 August 2021     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
1468    31 August 2021     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
1469    31 August 2021     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
1470    31 August 2021     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
1471    31 August 2021     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
1472    31 August 2021     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
1473    31 August 2021     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
1474    31 August 2021     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
1475    31 August 2021     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
1476    31 August 2021     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
1477    31 August 2021     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
1478    31 August 2021     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
1479    31 August 2021     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
1480    31 August 2021     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
1481    31 August 2021     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
1482    31 August 2021     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
1483    31 August 2021     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
1484    31 August 2021     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
1485    31 August 2021     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
1486    31 August 2021     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
1487    31 August 2021     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
1488    31 August 2021     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
1489    31 August 2021     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
1490    31 August 2021     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
1491    31 August 2021     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
1492    31 August 2021     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
1493    31 August 2021     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
1494    31 August 2021     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
1495    31 August 2021     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
1496    31 August 2021     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
1497    31 August 2021     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
1498    31 August 2021     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
1499    31 August 2021     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
1500    31 August 2021     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
1501    31 August 2021     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
1502    31 August 2021     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
1503    31 August 2021     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
1504    31 August 2021     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
1505    31 August 2021     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
1506    31 August 2021     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
1507    31 August 2021     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
1508    31 August 2021     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
1509    31 August 2021     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
1510    31 August 2021     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
1511    31 August 2021     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
1512    31 August 2021     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
1513    31 August 2021     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
1514    31 August 2021     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
1515    31 August 2021     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
1516    31 August 2021     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
1517    31 August 2021     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
1518    31 August 2021     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
1519    31 August 2021     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
1520    31 August 2021     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
1521    31 August 2021     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
1522    31 August 2021     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
1523    31 August 2021     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
1524    31 August 2021     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
1525    31 August 2021     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
1526    31 August 2021     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
1527    31 August 2021     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
1528    31 August 2021     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
1529    31 August 2021     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
1530    31 August 2021     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
1531    31 August 2021     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
1532    31 August 2021     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
1533    31 August 2021     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
1534    31 August 2021     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
1535    31 August 2021     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
1536    31 August 2021     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
1537    31 August 2021     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
1538    31 August 2021     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
1539    31 August 2021     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
1540    31 August 2021     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
1541    31 August 2021     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
1542    31 August 2021     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
1543    31 August 2021     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
1544    31 August 2021     3174071007                   PULO    5835
1545    31 August 2021     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
1546    31 August 2021     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
1547    31 August 2021     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
1548    31 August 2021     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
1549    31 August 2021     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
1550    31 August 2021     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
1551    31 August 2021     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
1552    31 August 2021     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
1553    31 August 2021     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
1554    31 August 2021     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
1555    31 August 2021     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
1556    31 August 2021     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
1557    31 August 2021     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
1558    31 August 2021     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
1559    31 August 2021     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
1560    31 August 2021     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
1561    31 August 2021     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
1562    31 August 2021     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
1563    31 August 2021     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
1564    31 August 2021     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
1565    31 August 2021     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
1566    31 August 2021     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
1567    31 August 2021     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
1568    31 August 2021     3175101005                   SETU   20572
1569    31 August 2021     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
1570    31 August 2021     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
1571    31 August 2021     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
1572    31 August 2021     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
1573    31 August 2021     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
1574    31 August 2021     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
1575    31 August 2021     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
1576    31 August 2021     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
1577    31 August 2021     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
1578    31 August 2021     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
1579    31 August 2021     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
1580    31 August 2021     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
1581    31 August 2021     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
1582    31 August 2021     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
1583    31 August 2021     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
1584    31 August 2021     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
1585    31 August 2021     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
1586    31 August 2021     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
1587    31 August 2021     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
1588    31 August 2021     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
1589    31 August 2021     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
1590    31 August 2021     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
1591    31 August 2021     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
1592    31 August 2021     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
1593    31 August 2021     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
1594    31 August 2021     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
1595    31 August 2021     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
1596    31 August 2021     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
1597    31 August 2021     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
1598    31 August 2021     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
1599    31 August 2021     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
1600    31 August 2021     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
1601    31 August 2021     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
1602    31 August 2021     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
1603  31 December 2021     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
1604  31 December 2021     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
1605  31 December 2021     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
1606  31 December 2021     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
1607  31 December 2021     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
1608  31 December 2021     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
1609  31 December 2021     3175051002                   BARU   23886
1610  31 December 2021     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
1611  31 December 2021     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
1612  31 December 2021     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
1613  31 December 2021     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
1614  31 December 2021     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
1615  31 December 2021     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
1616  31 December 2021     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
1617  31 December 2021     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
1618  31 December 2021     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
1619  31 December 2021     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
1620  31 December 2021     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
1621  31 December 2021     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
1622  31 December 2021     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
1623  31 December 2021     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
1624  31 December 2021     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
1625  31 December 2021     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
1626  31 December 2021     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
1627  31 December 2021     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
1628  31 December 2021     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
1629  31 December 2021     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
1630  31 December 2021     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
1631  31 December 2021     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
1632  31 December 2021     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
1633  31 December 2021     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
1634  31 December 2021     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
1635  31 December 2021     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
1636  31 December 2021     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
1637  31 December 2021     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
1638  31 December 2021     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
1639  31 December 2021     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
1640  31 December 2021     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
1641  31 December 2021     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
1642  31 December 2021     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
1643  31 December 2021     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
1644  31 December 2021     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
1645  31 December 2021     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
1646  31 December 2021     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
1647  31 December 2021     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
1648  31 December 2021     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
1649  31 December 2021     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
1650  31 December 2021     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
1651  31 December 2021     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
1652  31 December 2021     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
1653  31 December 2021     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
1654  31 December 2021     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
1655  31 December 2021     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
1656  31 December 2021     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
1657  31 December 2021     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
1658  31 December 2021     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
1659  31 December 2021     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
1660  31 December 2021     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
1661  31 December 2021     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
1662  31 December 2021     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
1663  31 December 2021     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
1664  31 December 2021     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
1665  31 December 2021     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
1666  31 December 2021     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
1667  31 December 2021     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
1668  31 December 2021     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
1669  31 December 2021     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
1670  31 December 2021     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
1671  31 December 2021     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
1672  31 December 2021     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
1673  31 December 2021     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
1674  31 December 2021     3175021007                   JATI   32757
1675  31 December 2021     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
1676  31 December 2021     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
1677  31 December 2021     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
1678  31 December 2021     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
1679  31 December 2021     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
1680  31 December 2021     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
1681  31 December 2021     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
1682  31 December 2021     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
1683  31 December 2021     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
1684  31 December 2021     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
1685  31 December 2021     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
1686  31 December 2021     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
1687  31 December 2021     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
1688  31 December 2021     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
1689  31 December 2021     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
1690  31 December 2021     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
1691  31 December 2021     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
1692  31 December 2021     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
1693  31 December 2021     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
1694  31 December 2021     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
1695  31 December 2021     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
1696  31 December 2021     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
1697  31 December 2021     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
1698  31 December 2021     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
1699  31 December 2021     3174021004                  KARET    9623
1700  31 December 2021     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
1701  31 December 2021     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
1702  31 December 2021     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
1703  31 December 2021     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
1704  31 December 2021     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
1705  31 December 2021     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
1706  31 December 2021     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
1707  31 December 2021     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
1708  31 December 2021     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
1709  31 December 2021     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
1710  31 December 2021     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
1711  31 December 2021     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
1712  31 December 2021     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
1713  31 December 2021     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
1714  31 December 2021     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
1715  31 December 2021     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
1716  31 December 2021     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
1717  31 December 2021     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
1718  31 December 2021     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
1719  31 December 2021     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
1720  31 December 2021     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
1721  31 December 2021     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
1722  31 December 2021     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
1723  31 December 2021     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
1724  31 December 2021     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
1725  31 December 2021     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
1726  31 December 2021     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
1727  31 December 2021     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
1728  31 December 2021     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
1729  31 December 2021     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
1730  31 December 2021     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
1731  31 December 2021     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
1732  31 December 2021     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
1733  31 December 2021     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
1734  31 December 2021     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
1735  31 December 2021     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
1736  31 December 2021     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
1737  31 December 2021     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
1738  31 December 2021     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
1739  31 December 2021     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
1740  31 December 2021     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
1741  31 December 2021     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
1742  31 December 2021     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
1743  31 December 2021     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
1744  31 December 2021     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
1745  31 December 2021     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
1746  31 December 2021     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
1747  31 December 2021     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
1748  31 December 2021     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
1749  31 December 2021     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
1750  31 December 2021     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
1751  31 December 2021     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
1752  31 December 2021     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
1753  31 December 2021     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
1754  31 December 2021     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
1755  31 December 2021     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
1756  31 December 2021     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
1757  31 December 2021     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
1758  31 December 2021     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
1759  31 December 2021     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
1760  31 December 2021     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
1761  31 December 2021     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
1762  31 December 2021     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
1763  31 December 2021     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
1764  31 December 2021     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
1765  31 December 2021     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
1766  31 December 2021     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
1767  31 December 2021     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
1768  31 December 2021     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
1769  31 December 2021     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
1770  31 December 2021     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
1771  31 December 2021     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
1772  31 December 2021     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
1773  31 December 2021     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
1774  31 December 2021     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
1775  31 December 2021     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
1776  31 December 2021     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
1777  31 December 2021     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
1778  31 December 2021     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
1779  31 December 2021     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
1780  31 December 2021     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
1781  31 December 2021     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
1782  31 December 2021     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
1783  31 December 2021     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
1784  31 December 2021     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
1785  31 December 2021     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
1786  31 December 2021     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
1787  31 December 2021     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
1788  31 December 2021     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
1789  31 December 2021     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
1790  31 December 2021     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
1791  31 December 2021     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
1792  31 December 2021     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
1793  31 December 2021     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
1794  31 December 2021     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
1795  31 December 2021     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
1796  31 December 2021     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
1797  31 December 2021     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
1798  31 December 2021     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
1799  31 December 2021     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
1800  31 December 2021     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
1801  31 December 2021     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
1802  31 December 2021     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
1803  31 December 2021     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
1804  31 December 2021     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
1805  31 December 2021     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
1806  31 December 2021     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
1807  31 December 2021     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
1808  31 December 2021     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
1809  31 December 2021     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
1810  31 December 2021     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
1811  31 December 2021     3174071007                   PULO    5835
1812  31 December 2021     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
1813  31 December 2021     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
1814  31 December 2021     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
1815  31 December 2021     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
1816  31 December 2021     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
1817  31 December 2021     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
1818  31 December 2021     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
1819  31 December 2021     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
1820  31 December 2021     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
1821  31 December 2021     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
1822  31 December 2021     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
1823  31 December 2021     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
1824  31 December 2021     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
1825  31 December 2021     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
1826  31 December 2021     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
1827  31 December 2021     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
1828  31 December 2021     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
1829  31 December 2021     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
1830  31 December 2021     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
1831  31 December 2021     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
1832  31 December 2021     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
1833  31 December 2021     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
1834  31 December 2021     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
1835  31 December 2021     3175101005                   SETU   20572
1836  31 December 2021     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
1837  31 December 2021     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
1838  31 December 2021     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
1839  31 December 2021     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
1840  31 December 2021     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
1841  31 December 2021     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
1842  31 December 2021     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
1843  31 December 2021     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
1844  31 December 2021     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
1845  31 December 2021     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
1846  31 December 2021     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
1847  31 December 2021     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
1848  31 December 2021     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
1849  31 December 2021     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
1850  31 December 2021     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
1851  31 December 2021     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
1852  31 December 2021     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
1853  31 December 2021     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
1854  31 December 2021     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
1855  31 December 2021     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
1856  31 December 2021     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
1857  31 December 2021     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
1858  31 December 2021     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
1859  31 December 2021     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
1860  31 December 2021     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
1861  31 December 2021     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
1862  31 December 2021     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
1863  31 December 2021     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
1864  31 December 2021     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
1865  31 December 2021     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
1866  31 December 2021     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
1867  31 December 2021     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
1868  31 December 2021     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
1869  31 December 2021     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
1870   31 January 2022     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
1871   31 January 2022     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
1872   31 January 2022     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
1873   31 January 2022     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
1874   31 January 2022     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
1875   31 January 2022     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
1876   31 January 2022     3175051002                   BARU   23886
1877   31 January 2022     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
1878   31 January 2022     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
1879   31 January 2022     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
1880   31 January 2022     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
1881   31 January 2022     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
1882   31 January 2022     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
1883   31 January 2022     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
1884   31 January 2022     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
1885   31 January 2022     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
1886   31 January 2022     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
1887   31 January 2022     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
1888   31 January 2022     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
1889   31 January 2022     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
1890   31 January 2022     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
1891   31 January 2022     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
1892   31 January 2022     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
1893   31 January 2022     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
1894   31 January 2022     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
1895   31 January 2022     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
1896   31 January 2022     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
1897   31 January 2022     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
1898   31 January 2022     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
1899   31 January 2022     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
1900   31 January 2022     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
1901   31 January 2022     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
1902   31 January 2022     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
1903   31 January 2022     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
1904   31 January 2022     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
1905   31 January 2022     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
1906   31 January 2022     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
1907   31 January 2022     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
1908   31 January 2022     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
1909   31 January 2022     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
1910   31 January 2022     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
1911   31 January 2022     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
1912   31 January 2022     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
1913   31 January 2022     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
1914   31 January 2022     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
1915   31 January 2022     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
1916   31 January 2022     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
1917   31 January 2022     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
1918   31 January 2022     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
1919   31 January 2022     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
1920   31 January 2022     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
1921   31 January 2022     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
1922   31 January 2022     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
1923   31 January 2022     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
1924   31 January 2022     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
1925   31 January 2022     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
1926   31 January 2022     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
1927   31 January 2022     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
1928   31 January 2022     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
1929   31 January 2022     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
1930   31 January 2022     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
1931   31 January 2022     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
1932   31 January 2022     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
1933   31 January 2022     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
1934   31 January 2022     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
1935   31 January 2022     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
1936   31 January 2022     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
1937   31 January 2022     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
1938   31 January 2022     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
1939   31 January 2022     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
1940   31 January 2022     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
1941   31 January 2022     3175021007                   JATI   32757
1942   31 January 2022     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
1943   31 January 2022     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
1944   31 January 2022     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
1945   31 January 2022     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
1946   31 January 2022     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
1947   31 January 2022     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
1948   31 January 2022     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
1949   31 January 2022     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
1950   31 January 2022     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
1951   31 January 2022     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
1952   31 January 2022     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
1953   31 January 2022     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
1954   31 January 2022     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
1955   31 January 2022     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
1956   31 January 2022     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
1957   31 January 2022     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
1958   31 January 2022     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
1959   31 January 2022     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
1960   31 January 2022     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
1961   31 January 2022     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
1962   31 January 2022     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
1963   31 January 2022     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
1964   31 January 2022     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
1965   31 January 2022     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
1966   31 January 2022     3174021004                  KARET    9623
1967   31 January 2022     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
1968   31 January 2022     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
1969   31 January 2022     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
1970   31 January 2022     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
1971   31 January 2022     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
1972   31 January 2022     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
1973   31 January 2022     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
1974   31 January 2022     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
1975   31 January 2022     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
1976   31 January 2022     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
1977   31 January 2022     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
1978   31 January 2022     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
1979   31 January 2022     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
1980   31 January 2022     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
1981   31 January 2022     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
1982   31 January 2022     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
1983   31 January 2022     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
1984   31 January 2022     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
1985   31 January 2022     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
1986   31 January 2022     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
1987   31 January 2022     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
1988   31 January 2022     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
1989   31 January 2022     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
1990   31 January 2022     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
1991   31 January 2022     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
1992   31 January 2022     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
1993   31 January 2022     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
1994   31 January 2022     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
1995   31 January 2022     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
1996   31 January 2022     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
1997   31 January 2022     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
1998   31 January 2022     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
1999   31 January 2022     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
2000   31 January 2022     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
2001   31 January 2022     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
2002   31 January 2022     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
2003   31 January 2022     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
2004   31 January 2022     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
2005   31 January 2022     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
2006   31 January 2022     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
2007   31 January 2022     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
2008   31 January 2022     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
2009   31 January 2022     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
2010   31 January 2022     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
2011   31 January 2022     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
2012   31 January 2022     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
2013   31 January 2022     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
2014   31 January 2022     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
2015   31 January 2022     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
2016   31 January 2022     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
2017   31 January 2022     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
2018   31 January 2022     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
2019   31 January 2022     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
2020   31 January 2022     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
2021   31 January 2022     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
2022   31 January 2022     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
2023   31 January 2022     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
2024   31 January 2022     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
2025   31 January 2022     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
2026   31 January 2022     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
2027   31 January 2022     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
2028   31 January 2022     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
2029   31 January 2022     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
2030   31 January 2022     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
2031   31 January 2022     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
2032   31 January 2022     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
2033   31 January 2022     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
2034   31 January 2022     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
2035   31 January 2022     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
2036   31 January 2022     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
2037   31 January 2022     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
2038   31 January 2022     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
2039   31 January 2022     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
2040   31 January 2022     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
2041   31 January 2022     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
2042   31 January 2022     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
2043   31 January 2022     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
2044   31 January 2022     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
2045   31 January 2022     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
2046   31 January 2022     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
2047   31 January 2022     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
2048   31 January 2022     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
2049   31 January 2022     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
2050   31 January 2022     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
2051   31 January 2022     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
2052   31 January 2022     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
2053   31 January 2022     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
2054   31 January 2022     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
2055   31 January 2022     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
2056   31 January 2022     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
2057   31 January 2022     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
2058   31 January 2022     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
2059   31 January 2022     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
2060   31 January 2022     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
2061   31 January 2022     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
2062   31 January 2022     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
2063   31 January 2022     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
2064   31 January 2022     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
2065   31 January 2022     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
2066   31 January 2022     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
2067   31 January 2022     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
2068   31 January 2022     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
2069   31 January 2022     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
2070   31 January 2022     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
2071   31 January 2022     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
2072   31 January 2022     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
2073   31 January 2022     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
2074   31 January 2022     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
2075   31 January 2022     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
2076   31 January 2022     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
2077   31 January 2022     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
2078   31 January 2022     3174071007                   PULO    5835
2079   31 January 2022     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
2080   31 January 2022     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
2081   31 January 2022     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
2082   31 January 2022     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
2083   31 January 2022     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
2084   31 January 2022     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
2085   31 January 2022     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
2086   31 January 2022     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
2087   31 January 2022     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
2088   31 January 2022     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
2089   31 January 2022     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
2090   31 January 2022     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
2091   31 January 2022     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
2092   31 January 2022     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
2093   31 January 2022     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
2094   31 January 2022     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
2095   31 January 2022     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
2096   31 January 2022     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
2097   31 January 2022     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
2098   31 January 2022     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
2099   31 January 2022     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
2100   31 January 2022     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
2101   31 January 2022     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
2102   31 January 2022     3175101005                   SETU   20572
2103   31 January 2022     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
2104   31 January 2022     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
2105   31 January 2022     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
2106   31 January 2022     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
2107   31 January 2022     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
2108   31 January 2022     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
2109   31 January 2022     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
2110   31 January 2022     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
2111   31 January 2022     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
2112   31 January 2022     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
2113   31 January 2022     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
2114   31 January 2022     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
2115   31 January 2022     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
2116   31 January 2022     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
2117   31 January 2022     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
2118   31 January 2022     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
2119   31 January 2022     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
2120   31 January 2022     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
2121   31 January 2022     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
2122   31 January 2022     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
2123   31 January 2022     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
2124   31 January 2022     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
2125   31 January 2022     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
2126   31 January 2022     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
2127   31 January 2022     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
2128   31 January 2022     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
2129   31 January 2022     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
2130   31 January 2022     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
2131   31 January 2022     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
2132   31 January 2022     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
2133   31 January 2022     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
2134   31 January 2022     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
2135   31 January 2022     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
2136   31 January 2022     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
2137      31 July 2021     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
2138      31 July 2021     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
2139      31 July 2021     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
2140      31 July 2021     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
2141      31 July 2021     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
2142      31 July 2021     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
2143      31 July 2021     3175051002                   BARU   23886
2144      31 July 2021     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
2145      31 July 2021     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
2146      31 July 2021     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
2147      31 July 2021     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
2148      31 July 2021     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
2149      31 July 2021     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
2150      31 July 2021     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
2151      31 July 2021     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
2152      31 July 2021     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
2153      31 July 2021     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
2154      31 July 2021     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
2155      31 July 2021     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
2156      31 July 2021     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
2157      31 July 2021     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
2158      31 July 2021     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
2159      31 July 2021     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
2160      31 July 2021     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
2161      31 July 2021     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
2162      31 July 2021     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
2163      31 July 2021     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
2164      31 July 2021     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
2165      31 July 2021     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
2166      31 July 2021     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
2167      31 July 2021     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
2168      31 July 2021     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
2169      31 July 2021     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
2170      31 July 2021     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
2171      31 July 2021     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
2172      31 July 2021     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
2173      31 July 2021     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
2174      31 July 2021     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
2175      31 July 2021     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
2176      31 July 2021     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
2177      31 July 2021     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
2178      31 July 2021     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
2179      31 July 2021     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
2180      31 July 2021     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
2181      31 July 2021     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
2182      31 July 2021     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
2183      31 July 2021     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
2184      31 July 2021     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
2185      31 July 2021     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
2186      31 July 2021     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
2187      31 July 2021     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
2188      31 July 2021     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
2189      31 July 2021     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
2190      31 July 2021     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
2191      31 July 2021     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
2192      31 July 2021     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
2193      31 July 2021     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
2194      31 July 2021     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
2195      31 July 2021     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
2196      31 July 2021     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
2197      31 July 2021     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
2198      31 July 2021     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
2199      31 July 2021     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
2200      31 July 2021     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
2201      31 July 2021     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
2202      31 July 2021     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
2203      31 July 2021     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
2204      31 July 2021     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
2205      31 July 2021     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
2206      31 July 2021     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
2207      31 July 2021     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
2208      31 July 2021     3175021007                   JATI   32757
2209      31 July 2021     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
2210      31 July 2021     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
2211      31 July 2021     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
2212      31 July 2021     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
2213      31 July 2021     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
2214      31 July 2021     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
2215      31 July 2021     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
2216      31 July 2021     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
2217      31 July 2021     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
2218      31 July 2021     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
2219      31 July 2021     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
2220      31 July 2021     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
2221      31 July 2021     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
2222      31 July 2021     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
2223      31 July 2021     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
2224      31 July 2021     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
2225      31 July 2021     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
2226      31 July 2021     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
2227      31 July 2021     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
2228      31 July 2021     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
2229      31 July 2021     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
2230      31 July 2021     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
2231      31 July 2021     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
2232      31 July 2021     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
2233      31 July 2021     3174021004                  KARET    9623
2234      31 July 2021     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
2235      31 July 2021     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
2236      31 July 2021     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
2237      31 July 2021     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
2238      31 July 2021     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
2239      31 July 2021     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
2240      31 July 2021     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
2241      31 July 2021     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
2242      31 July 2021     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
2243      31 July 2021     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
2244      31 July 2021     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
2245      31 July 2021     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
2246      31 July 2021     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
2247      31 July 2021     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
2248      31 July 2021     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
2249      31 July 2021     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
2250      31 July 2021     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
2251      31 July 2021     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
2252      31 July 2021     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
2253      31 July 2021     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
2254      31 July 2021     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
2255      31 July 2021     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
2256      31 July 2021     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
2257      31 July 2021     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
2258      31 July 2021     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
2259      31 July 2021     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
2260      31 July 2021     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
2261      31 July 2021     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
2262      31 July 2021     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
2263      31 July 2021     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
2264      31 July 2021     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
2265      31 July 2021     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
2266      31 July 2021     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
2267      31 July 2021     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
2268      31 July 2021     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
2269      31 July 2021     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
2270      31 July 2021     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
2271      31 July 2021     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
2272      31 July 2021     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
2273      31 July 2021     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
2274      31 July 2021     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
2275      31 July 2021     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
2276      31 July 2021     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
2277      31 July 2021     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
2278      31 July 2021     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
2279      31 July 2021     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
2280      31 July 2021     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
2281      31 July 2021     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
2282      31 July 2021     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
2283      31 July 2021     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
2284      31 July 2021     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
2285      31 July 2021     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
2286      31 July 2021     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
2287      31 July 2021     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
2288      31 July 2021     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
2289      31 July 2021     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
2290      31 July 2021     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
2291      31 July 2021     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
2292      31 July 2021     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
2293      31 July 2021     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
2294      31 July 2021     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
2295      31 July 2021     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
2296      31 July 2021     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
2297      31 July 2021     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
2298      31 July 2021     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
2299      31 July 2021     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
2300      31 July 2021     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
2301      31 July 2021     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
2302      31 July 2021     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
2303      31 July 2021     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
2304      31 July 2021     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
2305      31 July 2021     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
2306      31 July 2021     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
2307      31 July 2021     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
2308      31 July 2021     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
2309      31 July 2021     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
2310      31 July 2021     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
2311      31 July 2021     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
2312      31 July 2021     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
2313      31 July 2021     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
2314      31 July 2021     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
2315      31 July 2021     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
2316      31 July 2021     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
2317      31 July 2021     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
2318      31 July 2021     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
2319      31 July 2021     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
2320      31 July 2021     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
2321      31 July 2021     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
2322      31 July 2021     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
2323      31 July 2021     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
2324      31 July 2021     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
2325      31 July 2021     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
2326      31 July 2021     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
2327      31 July 2021     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
2328      31 July 2021     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
2329      31 July 2021     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
2330      31 July 2021     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
2331      31 July 2021     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
2332      31 July 2021     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
2333      31 July 2021     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
2334      31 July 2021     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
2335      31 July 2021     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
2336      31 July 2021     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
2337      31 July 2021     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
2338      31 July 2021     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
2339      31 July 2021     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
2340      31 July 2021     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
2341      31 July 2021     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
2342      31 July 2021     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
2343      31 July 2021     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
2344      31 July 2021     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
2345      31 July 2021     3174071007                   PULO    5835
2346      31 July 2021     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
2347      31 July 2021     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
2348      31 July 2021     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
2349      31 July 2021     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
2350      31 July 2021     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
2351      31 July 2021     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
2352      31 July 2021     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
2353      31 July 2021     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
2354      31 July 2021     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
2355      31 July 2021     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
2356      31 July 2021     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
2357      31 July 2021     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
2358      31 July 2021     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
2359      31 July 2021     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
2360      31 July 2021     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
2361      31 July 2021     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
2362      31 July 2021     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
2363      31 July 2021     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
2364      31 July 2021     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
2365      31 July 2021     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
2366      31 July 2021     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
2367      31 July 2021     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
2368      31 July 2021     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
2369      31 July 2021     3175101005                   SETU   20572
2370      31 July 2021     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
2371      31 July 2021     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
2372      31 July 2021     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
2373      31 July 2021     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
2374      31 July 2021     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
2375      31 July 2021     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
2376      31 July 2021     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
2377      31 July 2021     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
2378      31 July 2021     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
2379      31 July 2021     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
2380      31 July 2021     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
2381      31 July 2021     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
2382      31 July 2021     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
2383      31 July 2021     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
2384      31 July 2021     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
2385      31 July 2021     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
2386      31 July 2021     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
2387      31 July 2021     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
2388      31 July 2021     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
2389      31 July 2021     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
2390      31 July 2021     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
2391      31 July 2021     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
2392      31 July 2021     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
2393      31 July 2021     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
2394      31 July 2021     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
2395      31 July 2021     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
2396      31 July 2021     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
2397      31 July 2021     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
2398      31 July 2021     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
2399      31 July 2021     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
2400      31 July 2021     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
2401      31 July 2021     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
2402      31 July 2021     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
2403      31 July 2021     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
2404     31 March 2022     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
2405     31 March 2022     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
2406     31 March 2022     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
2407     31 March 2022     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
2408     31 March 2022     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
2409     31 March 2022     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
2410     31 March 2022     3175051002                   BARU   23886
2411     31 March 2022     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
2412     31 March 2022     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
2413     31 March 2022     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
2414     31 March 2022     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
2415     31 March 2022     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
2416     31 March 2022     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
2417     31 March 2022     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
2418     31 March 2022     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
2419     31 March 2022     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
2420     31 March 2022     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
2421     31 March 2022     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
2422     31 March 2022     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
2423     31 March 2022     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
2424     31 March 2022     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
2425     31 March 2022     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
2426     31 March 2022     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
2427     31 March 2022     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
2428     31 March 2022     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
2429     31 March 2022     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
2430     31 March 2022     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
2431     31 March 2022     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
2432     31 March 2022     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
2433     31 March 2022     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
2434     31 March 2022     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
2435     31 March 2022     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
2436     31 March 2022     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
2437     31 March 2022     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
2438     31 March 2022     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
2439     31 March 2022     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
2440     31 March 2022     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
2441     31 March 2022     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
2442     31 March 2022     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
2443     31 March 2022     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
2444     31 March 2022     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
2445     31 March 2022     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
2446     31 March 2022     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
2447     31 March 2022     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
2448     31 March 2022     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
2449     31 March 2022     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
2450     31 March 2022     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
2451     31 March 2022     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
2452     31 March 2022     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
2453     31 March 2022     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
2454     31 March 2022     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
2455     31 March 2022     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
2456     31 March 2022     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
2457     31 March 2022     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
2458     31 March 2022     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
2459     31 March 2022     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
2460     31 March 2022     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
2461     31 March 2022     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
2462     31 March 2022     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
2463     31 March 2022     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
2464     31 March 2022     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
2465     31 March 2022     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
2466     31 March 2022     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
2467     31 March 2022     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
2468     31 March 2022     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
2469     31 March 2022     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
2470     31 March 2022     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
2471     31 March 2022     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
2472     31 March 2022     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
2473     31 March 2022     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
2474     31 March 2022     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
2475     31 March 2022     3175021007                   JATI   32757
2476     31 March 2022     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
2477     31 March 2022     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
2478     31 March 2022     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
2479     31 March 2022     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
2480     31 March 2022     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
2481     31 March 2022     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
2482     31 March 2022     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
2483     31 March 2022     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
2484     31 March 2022     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
2485     31 March 2022     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
2486     31 March 2022     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
2487     31 March 2022     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
2488     31 March 2022     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
2489     31 March 2022     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
2490     31 March 2022     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
2491     31 March 2022     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
2492     31 March 2022     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
2493     31 March 2022     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
2494     31 March 2022     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
2495     31 March 2022     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
2496     31 March 2022     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
2497     31 March 2022     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
2498     31 March 2022     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
2499     31 March 2022     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
2500     31 March 2022     3174021004                  KARET    9623
2501     31 March 2022     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
2502     31 March 2022     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
2503     31 March 2022     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
2504     31 March 2022     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
2505     31 March 2022     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
2506     31 March 2022     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
2507     31 March 2022     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
2508     31 March 2022     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
2509     31 March 2022     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
2510     31 March 2022     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
2511     31 March 2022     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
2512     31 March 2022     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
2513     31 March 2022     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
2514     31 March 2022     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
2515     31 March 2022     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
2516     31 March 2022     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
2517     31 March 2022     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
2518     31 March 2022     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
2519     31 March 2022     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
2520     31 March 2022     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
2521     31 March 2022     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
2522     31 March 2022     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
2523     31 March 2022     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
2524     31 March 2022     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
2525     31 March 2022     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
2526     31 March 2022     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
2527     31 March 2022     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
2528     31 March 2022     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
2529     31 March 2022     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
2530     31 March 2022     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
2531     31 March 2022     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
2532     31 March 2022     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
2533     31 March 2022     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
2534     31 March 2022     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
2535     31 March 2022     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
2536     31 March 2022     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
2537     31 March 2022     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
2538     31 March 2022     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
2539     31 March 2022     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
2540     31 March 2022     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
2541     31 March 2022     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
2542     31 March 2022     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
2543     31 March 2022     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
2544     31 March 2022     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
2545     31 March 2022     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
2546     31 March 2022     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
2547     31 March 2022     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
2548     31 March 2022     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
2549     31 March 2022     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
2550     31 March 2022     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
2551     31 March 2022     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
2552     31 March 2022     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
2553     31 March 2022     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
2554     31 March 2022     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
2555     31 March 2022     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
2556     31 March 2022     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
2557     31 March 2022     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
2558     31 March 2022     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
2559     31 March 2022     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
2560     31 March 2022     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
2561     31 March 2022     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
2562     31 March 2022     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
2563     31 March 2022     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
2564     31 March 2022     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
2565     31 March 2022     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
2566     31 March 2022     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
2567     31 March 2022     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
2568     31 March 2022     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
2569     31 March 2022     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
2570     31 March 2022     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
2571     31 March 2022     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
2572     31 March 2022     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
2573     31 March 2022     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
2574     31 March 2022     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
2575     31 March 2022     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
2576     31 March 2022     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
2577     31 March 2022     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
2578     31 March 2022     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
2579     31 March 2022     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
2580     31 March 2022     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
2581     31 March 2022     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
2582     31 March 2022     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
2583     31 March 2022     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
2584     31 March 2022     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
2585     31 March 2022     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
2586     31 March 2022     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
2587     31 March 2022     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
2588     31 March 2022     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
2589     31 March 2022     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
2590     31 March 2022     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
2591     31 March 2022     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
2592     31 March 2022     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
2593     31 March 2022     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
2594     31 March 2022     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
2595     31 March 2022     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
2596     31 March 2022     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
2597     31 March 2022     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
2598     31 March 2022     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
2599     31 March 2022     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
2600     31 March 2022     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
2601     31 March 2022     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
2602     31 March 2022     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
2603     31 March 2022     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
2604     31 March 2022     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
2605     31 March 2022     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
2606     31 March 2022     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
2607     31 March 2022     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
2608     31 March 2022     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
2609     31 March 2022     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
2610     31 March 2022     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
2611     31 March 2022     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
2612     31 March 2022     3174071007                   PULO    5835
2613     31 March 2022     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
2614     31 March 2022     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
2615     31 March 2022     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
2616     31 March 2022     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
2617     31 March 2022     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
2618     31 March 2022     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
2619     31 March 2022     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
2620     31 March 2022     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
2621     31 March 2022     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
2622     31 March 2022     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
2623     31 March 2022     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
2624     31 March 2022     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
2625     31 March 2022     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
2626     31 March 2022     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
2627     31 March 2022     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
2628     31 March 2022     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
2629     31 March 2022     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
2630     31 March 2022     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
2631     31 March 2022     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
2632     31 March 2022     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
2633     31 March 2022     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
2634     31 March 2022     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
2635     31 March 2022     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
2636     31 March 2022     3175101005                   SETU   20572
2637     31 March 2022     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
2638     31 March 2022     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
2639     31 March 2022     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
2640     31 March 2022     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
2641     31 March 2022     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
2642     31 March 2022     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
2643     31 March 2022     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
2644     31 March 2022     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
2645     31 March 2022     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
2646     31 March 2022     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
2647     31 March 2022     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
2648     31 March 2022     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
2649     31 March 2022     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
2650     31 March 2022     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
2651     31 March 2022     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
2652     31 March 2022     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
2653     31 March 2022     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
2654     31 March 2022     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
2655     31 March 2022     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
2656     31 March 2022     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
2657     31 March 2022     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
2658     31 March 2022     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
2659     31 March 2022     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
2660     31 March 2022     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
2661     31 March 2022     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
2662     31 March 2022     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
2663     31 March 2022     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
2664     31 March 2022     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
2665     31 March 2022     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
2666     31 March 2022     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
2667     31 March 2022     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
2668     31 March 2022     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
2669     31 March 2022     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
2670     31 March 2022     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
2671       31 May 2022     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
2672       31 May 2022     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
2673       31 May 2022     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
2674       31 May 2022     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
2675       31 May 2022     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
2676       31 May 2022     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
2677       31 May 2022     3175051002                   BARU   23886
2678       31 May 2022     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
2679       31 May 2022     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
2680       31 May 2022     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
2681       31 May 2022     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
2682       31 May 2022     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
2683       31 May 2022     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
2684       31 May 2022     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
2685       31 May 2022     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
2686       31 May 2022     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
2687       31 May 2022     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
2688       31 May 2022     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
2689       31 May 2022     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
2690       31 May 2022     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
2691       31 May 2022     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
2692       31 May 2022     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
2693       31 May 2022     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
2694       31 May 2022     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
2695       31 May 2022     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
2696       31 May 2022     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
2697       31 May 2022     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
2698       31 May 2022     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
2699       31 May 2022     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
2700       31 May 2022     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
2701       31 May 2022     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
2702       31 May 2022     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
2703       31 May 2022     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
2704       31 May 2022     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
2705       31 May 2022     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
2706       31 May 2022     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
2707       31 May 2022     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
2708       31 May 2022     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
2709       31 May 2022     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
2710       31 May 2022     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
2711       31 May 2022     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
2712       31 May 2022     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
2713       31 May 2022     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
2714       31 May 2022     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
2715       31 May 2022     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
2716       31 May 2022     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
2717       31 May 2022     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
2718       31 May 2022     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
2719       31 May 2022     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
2720       31 May 2022     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
2721       31 May 2022     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
2722       31 May 2022     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
2723       31 May 2022     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
2724       31 May 2022     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
2725       31 May 2022     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
2726       31 May 2022     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
2727       31 May 2022     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
2728       31 May 2022     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
2729       31 May 2022     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
2730       31 May 2022     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
2731       31 May 2022     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
2732       31 May 2022     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
2733       31 May 2022     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
2734       31 May 2022     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
2735       31 May 2022     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
2736       31 May 2022     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
2737       31 May 2022     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
2738       31 May 2022     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
2739       31 May 2022     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
2740       31 May 2022     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
2741       31 May 2022     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
2742       31 May 2022     3175021007                   JATI   32757
2743       31 May 2022     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
2744       31 May 2022     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
2745       31 May 2022     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
2746       31 May 2022     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
2747       31 May 2022     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
2748       31 May 2022     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
2749       31 May 2022     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
2750       31 May 2022     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
2751       31 May 2022     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
2752       31 May 2022     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
2753       31 May 2022     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
2754       31 May 2022     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
2755       31 May 2022     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
2756       31 May 2022     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
2757       31 May 2022     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
2758       31 May 2022     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
2759       31 May 2022     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
2760       31 May 2022     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
2761       31 May 2022     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
2762       31 May 2022     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
2763       31 May 2022     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
2764       31 May 2022     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
2765       31 May 2022     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
2766       31 May 2022     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
2767       31 May 2022     3174021004                  KARET    9623
2768       31 May 2022     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
2769       31 May 2022     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
2770       31 May 2022     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
2771       31 May 2022     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
2772       31 May 2022     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
2773       31 May 2022     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
2774       31 May 2022     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
2775       31 May 2022     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
2776       31 May 2022     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
2777       31 May 2022     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
2778       31 May 2022     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
2779       31 May 2022     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
2780       31 May 2022     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
2781       31 May 2022     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
2782       31 May 2022     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
2783       31 May 2022     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
2784       31 May 2022     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
2785       31 May 2022     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
2786       31 May 2022     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
2787       31 May 2022     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
2788       31 May 2022     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
2789       31 May 2022     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
2790       31 May 2022     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
2791       31 May 2022     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
2792       31 May 2022     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
2793       31 May 2022     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
2794       31 May 2022     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
2795       31 May 2022     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
2796       31 May 2022     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
2797       31 May 2022     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
2798       31 May 2022     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
2799       31 May 2022     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
2800       31 May 2022     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
2801       31 May 2022     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
2802       31 May 2022     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
2803       31 May 2022     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
2804       31 May 2022     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
2805       31 May 2022     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
2806       31 May 2022     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
2807       31 May 2022     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
2808       31 May 2022     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
2809       31 May 2022     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
2810       31 May 2022     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
2811       31 May 2022     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
2812       31 May 2022     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
2813       31 May 2022     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
2814       31 May 2022     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
2815       31 May 2022     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
2816       31 May 2022     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
2817       31 May 2022     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
2818       31 May 2022     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
2819       31 May 2022     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
2820       31 May 2022     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
2821       31 May 2022     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
2822       31 May 2022     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
2823       31 May 2022     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
2824       31 May 2022     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
2825       31 May 2022     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
2826       31 May 2022     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
2827       31 May 2022     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
2828       31 May 2022     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
2829       31 May 2022     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
2830       31 May 2022     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
2831       31 May 2022     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
2832       31 May 2022     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
2833       31 May 2022     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
2834       31 May 2022     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
2835       31 May 2022     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
2836       31 May 2022     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
2837       31 May 2022     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
2838       31 May 2022     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
2839       31 May 2022     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
2840       31 May 2022     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
2841       31 May 2022     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
2842       31 May 2022     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
2843       31 May 2022     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
2844       31 May 2022     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
2845       31 May 2022     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
2846       31 May 2022     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
2847       31 May 2022     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
2848       31 May 2022     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
2849       31 May 2022     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
2850       31 May 2022     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
2851       31 May 2022     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
2852       31 May 2022     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
2853       31 May 2022     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
2854       31 May 2022     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
2855       31 May 2022     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
2856       31 May 2022     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
2857       31 May 2022     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
2858       31 May 2022     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
2859       31 May 2022     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
2860       31 May 2022     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
2861       31 May 2022     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
2862       31 May 2022     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
2863       31 May 2022     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
2864       31 May 2022     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
2865       31 May 2022     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
2866       31 May 2022     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
2867       31 May 2022     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
2868       31 May 2022     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
2869       31 May 2022     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
2870       31 May 2022     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
2871       31 May 2022     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
2872       31 May 2022     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
2873       31 May 2022     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
2874       31 May 2022     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
2875       31 May 2022     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
2876       31 May 2022     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
2877       31 May 2022     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
2878       31 May 2022     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
2879       31 May 2022     3174071007                   PULO    5835
2880       31 May 2022     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
2881       31 May 2022     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
2882       31 May 2022     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
2883       31 May 2022     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
2884       31 May 2022     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
2885       31 May 2022     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
2886       31 May 2022     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
2887       31 May 2022     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
2888       31 May 2022     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
2889       31 May 2022     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
2890       31 May 2022     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
2891       31 May 2022     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
2892       31 May 2022     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
2893       31 May 2022     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
2894       31 May 2022     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
2895       31 May 2022     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
2896       31 May 2022     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
2897       31 May 2022     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
2898       31 May 2022     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
2899       31 May 2022     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
2900       31 May 2022     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
2901       31 May 2022     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
2902       31 May 2022     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
2903       31 May 2022     3175101005                   SETU   20572
2904       31 May 2022     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
2905       31 May 2022     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
2906       31 May 2022     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
2907       31 May 2022     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
2908       31 May 2022     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
2909       31 May 2022     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
2910       31 May 2022     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
2911       31 May 2022     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
2912       31 May 2022     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
2913       31 May 2022     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
2914       31 May 2022     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
2915       31 May 2022     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
2916       31 May 2022     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
2917       31 May 2022     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
2918       31 May 2022     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
2919       31 May 2022     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
2920       31 May 2022     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
2921       31 May 2022     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
2922       31 May 2022     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
2923       31 May 2022     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
2924       31 May 2022     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
2925       31 May 2022     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
2926       31 May 2022     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
2927       31 May 2022     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
2928       31 May 2022     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
2929       31 May 2022     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
2930       31 May 2022     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
2931       31 May 2022     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
2932       31 May 2022     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
2933       31 May 2022     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
2934       31 May 2022     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
2935       31 May 2022     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
2936       31 May 2022     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
2937       31 May 2022     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
2938   31 October 2021     3172051003                  ANCOL   23947
2939   31 October 2021     3173041007                  ANGKE   29381
2940   31 October 2021     3175041005           BALE KAMBANG   29074
2941   31 October 2021     3175031003            BALI MESTER    9752
2942   31 October 2021     3175101006             BAMBU APUS   26285
2943   31 October 2021     3174031002                 BANGKA   21566
2944   31 October 2021     3175051002                   BARU   23886
2945   31 October 2021     3175041004             BATU AMPAR   47898
2946   31 October 2021     3171071002        BENDUNGAN HILIR   21494
2947   31 October 2021     3175031002            BIDARA CINA   36689
2948   31 October 2021     3174101002                BINTARO   53098
2949   31 October 2021     3174011005             BUKIT DURI   34183
2950   31 October 2021     3171041006                 BUNGUR   18144
2951   31 October 2021     3175061007           CAKUNG BARAT   57724
2952   31 October 2021     3175061004           CAKUNG TIMUR   58287
2953   31 October 2021     3175041007                 CAWANG   32762
2954   31 October 2021     3175101008                  CEGER   18932
2955   31 October 2021     3171031006           CEMPAKA BARU   32581
2956   31 October 2021     3171051002    CEMPAKA PUTIH BARAT   35885
2957   31 October 2021     3171051001    CEMPAKA PUTIH TIMUR   24292
2958   31 October 2021     3173011001       CENGKARENG BARAT   66284
2959   31 October 2021     3173011006       CENGKARENG TIMUR   81027
2960   31 October 2021     3175091002                CIBUBUR   66364
2961   31 October 2021     3171011002                 CIDENG   15390
2962   31 October 2021     3174091003               CIGANJUR   38497
2963   31 October 2021     3175051003              CIJANTUNG   41419
2964   31 October 2021     3171061003                 CIKINI    8274
2965   31 October 2021     3174081006                 CIKOKO   10547
2966   31 October 2021     3174061001         CILANDAK BARAT   51752
2967   31 October 2021     3174041003         CILANDAK TIMUR   25145
2968   31 October 2021     3175101002              CILANGKAP   27635
2969   31 October 2021     3175041006              CILILITAN   40181
2970   31 October 2021     3172041001              CILINCING   43609
2971   31 October 2021     3175101001               CIPAYUNG   26104
2972   31 October 2021     3174091006                CIPEDAK   38303
2973   31 October 2021     3174061005         CIPETE SELATAN   26704
2974   31 October 2021     3174071010           CIPETE UTARA   34102
2975   31 October 2021     3175021003               CIPINANG   39306
2976   31 October 2021     3175031007 CIPINANG BESAR SELATAN   35212
2977   31 October 2021     3175031008   CIPINANG BESAR UTARA   45319
2978   31 October 2021     3175031005      CIPINANG CEMPEDAK   32824
2979   31 October 2021     3175081005        CIPINANG MELAYU   42308
2980   31 October 2021     3175031006         CIPINANG MUARA   55243
2981   31 October 2021     3174051003                CIPULIR   39937
2982   31 October 2021     3175091001                CIRACAS   64594
2983   31 October 2021     3175041003                  DUKUH   24609
2984   31 October 2021     3175071001            DUREN SAWIT   61160
2985   31 October 2021     3174081004             DUREN TIGA   28319
2986   31 October 2021     3173051005              DURI KEPA   60138
2987   31 October 2021     3173011002           DURI KOSAMBI   77923
2988   31 October 2021     3171011006              DURI PULO   19610
2989   31 October 2021     3173041011           DURI SELATAN   14259
2990   31 October 2021     3173041003             DURI UTARA   19844
2991   31 October 2021     3171081003                  GALUR   18243
2992   31 October 2021     3171011001                 GAMBIR    2191
2993   31 October 2021     3174061004       GANDARIA SELATAN   22119
2994   31 October 2021     3174071009         GANDARIA UTARA   39922
2995   31 October 2021     3175051001                 GEDONG   35755
2996   31 October 2021     3171071001                 GELORA    3127
2997   31 October 2021     3173031007                 GLODOK    7837
2998   31 October 2021     3171061004             GONDANGDIA    4100
2999   31 October 2021     3173021001                 GROGOL   16876
3000   31 October 2021     3174051005         GROGOL SELATAN   44251
3001   31 October 2021     3174051004           GROGOL UTARA   42494
3002   31 October 2021     3174021007                 GUNTUR    3985
3003   31 October 2021     3174071002                 GUNUNG    9436
3004   31 October 2021     3171031005  GUNUNG SAHARI SELATAN   19199
3005   31 October 2021     3171021004    GUNUNG SAHARI UTARA   16650
3006   31 October 2021     3175081004  HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH   28363
3007   31 October 2021     3171031003          HARAPAN MULIA   22557
3008   31 October 2021     3174091001              JAGAKARSA   62389
3009   31 October 2021     3175021007                   JATI   32757
3010   31 October 2021     3174041002            JATI PADANG   37502
3011   31 October 2021     3173071004              JATI PULO   28738
3012   31 October 2021     3175061001             JATINEGARA   84160
3013   31 October 2021     3175021004        JATINEGARA KAUM   24632
3014   31 October 2021     3173021004               JELAMBAR   30266
3015   31 October 2021     3173021006          JELAMBAR BARU   38246
3016   31 October 2021     3173041006          JEMBATAN BESI   29314
3017   31 October 2021     3173041008          JEMBATAN LIMA   21021
3018   31 October 2021     3173081005                  JOGLO   40839
3019   31 October 2021     3171081001             JOHAR BARU   37488
3020   31 October 2021     3173041002             KALI ANYAR   23856
3021   31 October 2021     3172041004               KALIBARU   67684
3022   31 October 2021     3174081002               KALIBATA   41994
3023   31 October 2021     3173061001              KALIDERES   72447
3024   31 October 2021     3175051004               KALISARI   43212
3025   31 October 2021     3173061004                  KAMAL   53783
3026   31 October 2021     3172011002            KAMAL MUARA   12930
3027   31 October 2021     3171071007           KAMPUNG BALI   11358
3028   31 October 2021     3175031001         KAMPUNG MELAYU   25717
3029   31 October 2021     3171081002           KAMPUNG RAWA   21237
3030   31 October 2021     3175041002         KAMPUNG TENGAH   43993
3031   31 October 2021     3173011005                  KAPUK  134466
3032   31 October 2021     3172011003            KAPUK MUARA   35781
3033   31 October 2021     3171021002           KARANG ANYAR   25761
3034   31 October 2021     3174021004                  KARET    9623
3035   31 October 2021     3174021003         KARET KUNINGAN   16055
3036   31 October 2021     3174021002         KARET SEMANGGI    2770
3037   31 October 2021     3171071003          KARET TENGSIN   19271
3038   31 October 2021     3171021003                KARTINI   22292
3039   31 October 2021     3175011003             KAYU MANIS   25284
3040   31 October 2021     3175021006             KAYU PUTIH   40696
3041   31 October 2021     3173031006              KEAGUNGAN   17387
3042   31 October 2021     3174041007              KEBAGUSAN   44552
3043   31 October 2021     3174051006 KEBAYORAN LAMA SELATAN   41212
3044   31 October 2021     3174051001   KEBAYORAN LAMA UTARA   42422
3045   31 October 2021     3174011004             KEBON BARU   35165
3046   31 October 2021     3172021005           KEBON BAWANG   50952
3047   31 October 2021     3173051001            KEBON JERUK   53887
3048   31 October 2021     3171071006           KEBON KACANG   21531
3049   31 October 2021     3171011005           KEBON KELAPA   10163
3050   31 October 2021     3171031002           KEBON KOSONG   30019
3051   31 October 2021     3175011005          KEBON MANGGIS   16490
3052   31 October 2021     3171071005           KEBON MELATI   32206
3053   31 October 2021     3175081003             KEBON PALA   46614
3054   31 October 2021     3171061005            KEBON SIRIH   12299
3055   31 October 2021     3173011004     KEDAUNG KALI ANGKE   32612
3056   31 October 2021     3173051007         KEDOYA SELATAN   32165
3057   31 October 2021     3173051006           KEDOYA UTARA   45740
3058   31 October 2021     3173051004             KELAPA DUA   23565
3059   31 October 2021     3175091003       KELAPA DUA WETAN   46875
3060   31 October 2021     3172061003    KELAPA GADING BARAT   35717
3061   31 October 2021     3172061001    KELAPA GADING TIMUR   33592
3062   31 October 2021     3173071005            KEMANGGISAN   32139
3063   31 October 2021     3171031001              KEMAYORAN   20708
3064   31 October 2021     3173081006      KEMBANGAN SELATAN   27130
3065   31 October 2021     3173081001        KEMBANGAN UTARA   54451
3066   31 October 2021     3171041002                 KENARI    9579
3067   31 October 2021     3173041005              KERENDANG   19973
3068   31 October 2021     3175071003                KLENDER   69978
3069   31 October 2021     3172031001                   KOJA   28175
3070   31 October 2021     3173071006     KOTA BAMBU SELATAN   21158
3071   31 October 2021     3173071003       KOTA BAMBU UTARA   24995
3072   31 October 2021     3171041004                 KRAMAT   28835
3073   31 October 2021     3175041001            KRAMAT JATI   34144
3074   31 October 2021     3174071003            KRAMAT PELA   14413
3075   31 October 2021     3173031002                 KRUKUT   19244
3076   31 October 2021     3174031005         KUNINGAN BARAT   12785
3077   31 October 2021     3174021008         KUNINGAN TIMUR    6008
3078   31 October 2021     3171041005                KWITANG   15486
3079   31 October 2021     3172031003                  LAGOA   59065
3080   31 October 2021     3174061002            LEBAK BULUS   37626
3081   31 October 2021     3174091004          LENTENG AGUNG   53946
3082   31 October 2021     3175101007           LUBANG BUAYA   63547
3083   31 October 2021     3175081001                MAKASAR   34390
3084   31 October 2021     3175071006            MALAKA JAYA   30927
3085   31 October 2021     3175071005            MALAKA SARI   27530
3086   31 October 2021     3174031001       MAMPANG PRAPATAN   18159
3087   31 October 2021     3173031005           MANGGA BESAR    7707
3088   31 October 2021     3171021005     MANGGA DUA SELATAN   27442
3089   31 October 2021     3174011007              MANGGARAI   28373
3090   31 October 2021     3174011006      MANGGARAI SELATAN   23075
3091   31 October 2021     3173031003                 MAPHAR   16461
3092   31 October 2021     3172041003                MARUNDA   28943
3093   31 October 2021     3174071001                MELAWAI    2627
3094   31 October 2021     3171061001                MENTENG   25624
3095   31 October 2021     3174021005           MENTENG ATAS   27816
3096   31 October 2021     3174011003          MENTENG DALAM   36028
3097   31 October 2021     3173081003         MERUYA SELATAN   32130
3098   31 October 2021     3173081002           MERUYA UTARA   43752
3099   31 October 2021     3175101004                 MUNJUL   23871
3100   31 October 2021     3172051002       PADEMANGAN BARAT   74240
3101   31 October 2021     3172051001       PADEMANGAN TIMUR   37736
3102   31 October 2021     3175011004             PAL MERIAM   19769
3103   31 October 2021     3173071001               PALMERAH   63011
3104   31 October 2021     3174081001               PANCORAN   19421
3105   31 October 2021     3172021003               PAPANGGO   39097
3106   31 October 2021     3171021001             PASAR BARU   12035
3107   31 October 2021     3174021006          PASAR MANGGIS   26752
3108   31 October 2021     3174041001           PASAR MINGGU   24821
3109   31 October 2021     3171041003                PASEBAN   23533
3110   31 October 2021     3173061005             PEGADUNGAN   75587
3111   31 October 2021     3171061002             PEGANGSAAN   23455
3112   31 October 2021     3172061002         PEGANGSAAN DUA   49976
3113   31 October 2021     3172011004              PEJAGALAN   74578
3114   31 October 2021     3174041006          PEJATEN BARAT   37346
3115   31 October 2021     3174041005          PEJATEN TIMUR   57656
3116   31 October 2021     3175051005                PEKAYON   43250
3117   31 October 2021     3173041009                PEKOJAN   23587
3118   31 October 2021     3174031003           PELA MAMPANG   43522
3119   31 October 2021     3174081005             PENGADEGAN   21478
3120   31 October 2021     3175061003           PENGGILINGAN   99255
3121   31 October 2021     3172011001            PENJARINGAN   88308
3122   31 October 2021     3174101001           PESANGGRAHAN   27545
3123   31 October 2021     3171071004             PETAMBURAN   33271
3124   31 October 2021     3174071008              PETOGOGAN   11499
3125   31 October 2021     3171011004         PETOJO SELATAN   14692
3126   31 October 2021     3171011003           PETOJO UTARA   17458
3127   31 October 2021     3174101004     PETUKANGAN SELATAN   37187
3128   31 October 2021     3174101003       PETUKANGAN UTARA   53716
3129   31 October 2021     3175081002           PINANG RANTI   27198
3130   31 October 2021     3173031008              PINANGSIA   10729
3131   31 October 2021     3175011001          PISANGAN BARU   31776
3132   31 October 2021     3175021002         PISANGAN TIMUR   41011
3133   31 October 2021     3172011005                  PLUIT   47783
3134   31 October 2021     3175071002           PONDOK BAMBU   61550
3135   31 October 2021     3175071004          PONDOK KELAPA   72015
3136   31 October 2021     3175071007            PONDOK KOPI   35367
3137   31 October 2021     3174061003            PONDOK LABU   46464
3138   31 October 2021     3174051002          PONDOK PINANG   56169
3139   31 October 2021     3175101003         PONDOK RANGGON   25574
3140   31 October 2021     3101011003          PULAU HARAPAN    2060
3141   31 October 2021     3101011002           PULAU KELAPA    5528
3142   31 October 2021     3101011001         PULAU PANGGANG    5450
3143   31 October 2021     3101021003             PULAU PARI    2765
3144   31 October 2021     3101021002           PULAU TIDUNG    4553
3145   31 October 2021     3101021001      PULAU UNTUNG JAWA    1941
3146   31 October 2021     3174071007                   PULO    5835
3147   31 October 2021     3175021001            PULO GADUNG   34422
3148   31 October 2021     3175061005            PULO GEBANG   97301
3149   31 October 2021     3174041004                RAGUNAN   39616
3150   31 October 2021     3175091005               RAMBUTAN   36771
3151   31 October 2021     3172031006     RAWA BADAK SELATAN   42179
3152   31 October 2021     3172031004       RAWA BADAK UTARA   34408
3153   31 October 2021     3174071005             RAWA BARAT    5625
3154   31 October 2021     3173011003             RAWA BUAYA   63799
3155   31 October 2021     3175031004             RAWA BUNGA   21434
3156   31 October 2021     3174081003              RAWA JATI   20509
3157   31 October 2021     3175061002            RAWA TERATE   24637
3158   31 October 2021     3175021005             RAWAMANGUN   37612
3159   31 October 2021     3171051003               RAWASARI   21967
3160   31 October 2021     3173041010             ROA MALAKA    3484
3161   31 October 2021     3172041006                ROROTAN   41668
3162   31 October 2021     3174071004                 SELONG    2842
3163   31 October 2021     3173061002                SEMANAN   71354
3164   31 October 2021     3172041007           SEMPER BARAT   68587
3165   31 October 2021     3172041005           SEMPER TIMUR   36267
3166   31 October 2021     3174071006                SENAYAN    2771
3167   31 October 2021     3171041001                  SENEN    6804
3168   31 October 2021     3171031004                SERDANG   29668
3169   31 October 2021     3174021001             SETIA BUDI    3023
3170   31 October 2021     3175101005                   SETU   20572
3171   31 October 2021     3173071002                  SLIPI   16591
3172   31 October 2021     3173081004              SRENGSENG   45523
3173   31 October 2021     3174091002        SRENGSENG SAWAH   58196
3174   31 October 2021     3173051003       SUKABUMI SELATAN   37033
3175   31 October 2021     3173051002         SUKABUMI UTARA   38290
3176   31 October 2021     3172041002               SUKAPURA   53949
3177   31 October 2021     3171031007             SUMUR BATU   22717
3178   31 October 2021     3172021004           SUNGAI BAMBU   29876
3179   31 October 2021     3172021006           SUNTER AGUNG   71805
3180   31 October 2021     3172021002            SUNTER JAYA   63031
3181   31 October 2021     3175091004                SUSUKAN   38257
3182   31 October 2021     3173031001             TAMAN SARI   14348
3183   31 October 2021     3173041001                TAMBORA   10204
3184   31 October 2021     3173041004           TANAH SEREAL   26387
3185   31 October 2021     3171081004           TANAH TINGGI   37693
3186   31 October 2021     3173031004                 TANGKI   13324
3187   31 October 2021     3174091005          TANJUNG BARAT   39770
3188   31 October 2021     3173021005  TANJUNG DUREN SELATAN   25337
3189   31 October 2021     3173021002    TANJUNG DUREN UTARA   17010
3190   31 October 2021     3172021001          TANJUNG PRIOK   34588
3191   31 October 2021     3174011002            TEBET BARAT   21194
3192   31 October 2021     3174011001            TEBET TIMUR   18199
3193   31 October 2021     3173061003             TEGAL ALUR   83647
3194   31 October 2021     3174031004           TEGAL PARANG   32401
3195   31 October 2021     3173021003                 TOMANG   29605
3196   31 October 2021     3172031005           TUGU SELATAN   39122
3197   31 October 2021     3172031002             TUGU UTARA   67670
3198   31 October 2021     3175061006          UJUNG MENTENG   29934
3199   31 October 2021     3174101005                ULUJAMI   40544
3200   31 October 2021     3175011006      UTAN KAYU SELATAN   33511
3201   31 October 2021     3175011002        UTAN KAYU UTARA   28169
3202   31 October 2021     3171031008           UTAN PANJANG   29208
3203   31 October 2021     3172021007                WARAKAS   44401
3204   31 October 2021     3173021007          WIJAYA KUSUMA   38934
1            4592
2            5319
3            5903
4            1649
5            4030
6            3950
7            3344
8            9382
9            3772
10           7530
11           9114
12           5724
13           3255
14          10153
15           9899
16           5811
17           3104
18           5186
19           6342
20           4234
21          10893
22          13588
23           9754
24           2671
25           5489
26           6503
27           1299
28           1566
29           7843
30           3840
31           4176
32           7037
33           8641
34           3915
35           5461
36           4390
37           5595
38           5993
39           6734
40           8690
41           6038
42           6880
43           9843
44           7161
45          10221
46           3831
47          10976
48           4812
49          10319
50          13968
51           3589
52           2179
53           3047
54           3086
55            398
56           3537
57           6675
58           6080
59            525
60           1051
61            835
62           2867
63           7627
64           7523
65            669
66           1570
67           3157
68           2539
69           3066
70           3655
71           8566
72           5209
73           5994
74           4858
75          15111
76           3716
77           4717
78           5875
79           5749
80           3833
81           7020
82           5994
83           4014
84          15229
85           8055
86          12541
87           6391
88          10659
89           2075
90           2112
91           4850
92           3017
93           9038
94          26802
95           5941
96           4184
97           1581
98           2623
99            501
100          3214
101          3646
102          4397
103          6599
104          2755
105          7308
106          6542
107          7500
108          5454
109          8527
110          9332
111          4370
112          1799
113          5207
114          2655
115          7334
116          7937
117          2231
118          5277
119          5148
120          7702
121          3964
122          6814
123          5532
124          4582
125          5165
126          3511
127          4986
128         10038
129          1619
130          3417
131         13780
132          5079
133          3485
134          4256
135          5451
136          5998
137          2427
138          3163
139          2017
140          1050
141          2867
142         10989
143          6100
144          8122
145         10232
146          5182
147          4313
148          3757
149          3205
150          1146
151          4713
152          4161
153          3047
154          2664
155          5255
156           440
157          4852
158          4196
159          6066
160          5605
161          7698
162          3780
163         14233
164          5686
165          3325
166         11065
167          3323
168          6481
169          2048
170          4249
171          3941
172          4189
173         12824
174          4277
175          7227
176         13144
177          6118
178         10242
179          6567
180          3813
181          7364
182          3401
183         18696
184         18356
185          3991
186          7453
187          1897
188          2814
189          3287
190          6484
191          9641
192          4904
193          1628
194          5486
195          6354
196          8238
197         11019
198         12148
199          5662
200          6532
201          9452
202          4141
203           162
204           462
205           359
206           177
207           310
208           143
209           888
210          6237
211         16080
212          5835
213          6793
214          7851
215          6064
216           896
217         10653
218          3974
219          3399
220          3769
221          6284
222          3706
223           564
224          7040
225           491
226         12930
227         11129
228          6395
229           594
230          1282
231          4761
232           526
233          3498
234          2516
235          8467
236          7421
237          6491
238          7068
239          9945
240          3644
241          4951
242         10643
243          9367
244          6248
245          2231
246          1828
247          3803
248          6229
249          1949
250          5729
251          4209
252          2490
253          6081
254          2887
255          2459
256         14969
257          6002
258          4701
259          7002
260         12731
261          4439
262          7172
263          5060
264          4832
265          4908
266          6834
267          6930
268          4449
269          5101
270          5699
271          1598
272          3857
273          3818
274          3160
275          9041
276          3627
277          7172
278          8829
279          5486
280          3154
281          9672
282          9458
283          5581
284          2939
285          4983
286          6145
287          4102
288         10507
289         12988
290          9296
291          2585
292          5296
293          6207
294          1250
295          1499
296          7585
297          3684
298          4007
299          6780
300          8118
301          3739
302          5241
303          4237
304          5399
305          5760
306          6320
307          8303
308          5856
309          6606
310          9429
311          6868
312          9752
313          3674
314         10583
315          4613
316          9930
317         13478
318          3382
319          2072
320          2848
321          2962
322           383
323          3403
324          6413
325          5839
326           506
327          1019
328           821
329          2761
330          7379
331          7239
332           653
333          1535
334          3025
335          2453
336          2923
337          3511
338          8276
339          5015
340          5731
341          4642
342         14456
343          3497
344          4524
345          5644
346          5529
347          3618
348          6796
349          5785
350          3812
351         14331
352          7776
353         12143
354          6108
355         10387
356          2025
357          2020
358          4670
359          2882
360          8677
361         25760
362          5743
363          4055
364          1536
365          2519
366           490
367          3094
368          3542
369          4163
370          6366
371          2593
372          7014
373          6317
374          7230
375          5254
376          8072
377          8953
378          4217
379          1733
380          4979
381          2511
382          7082
383          7603
384          2157
385          5047
386          4925
387          7360
388          3828
389          6506
390          5378
391          4435
392          4963
393          3401
394          4858
395          9655
396          1563
397          3244
398         13227
399          4834
400          3323
401          3990
402          5242
403          5726
404          2347
405          3047
406          1921
407          1013
408          2760
409         10432
410          5885
411          7826
412          9661
413          4963
414          4113
415          3575
416          3071
417          1103
418          4559
419          3953
420          2903
421          2549
422          4909
423           436
424          4667
425          4047
426          5852
427          5395
428          7406
429          3593
430         13657
431          5431
432          3184
433         10617
434          3175
435          6206
436          1989
437          4050
438          3740
439          4071
440         12428
441          4108
442          6978
443         12579
444          5911
445          9769
446          6277
447          3657
448          7078
449          3270
450         17896
451         16720
452          3811
453          7151
454          1840
455          2725
456          3193
457          6196
458          9238
459          4711
460          1559
461          5228
462          6079
463          8044
464         10637
465         11762
466          5457
467          6302
468          9177
469          3958
470           128
471           383
472           306
473           170
474           270
475           136
476           854
477          5980
478         15349
479          5562
480          6492
481          7445
482          5724
483           869
484         10239
485          3842
486          3266
487          3602
488          6029
489          3559
490           543
491          6689
492           477
493         12420
494         10492
495          5922
496           576
497          1233
498          4557
499           510
500          3356
501          2400
502          8110
503          7145
504          6162
505          6743
506          9507
507          3513
508          4704
509         10131
510          8987
511          5986
512          2161
513          1729
514          3548
515          5957
516          1870
517          5501
518          4045
519          2384
520          5732
521          2768
522          2393
523         14383
524          5746
525          4506
526          6660
527         12064
528          4257
529          6893
530          4806
531          4620
532          4731
533          6461
534          6575
535          4402
536          5041
537          5632
538          1576
539          3791
540          3778
541          3110
542          8917
543          3580
544          7071
545          8725
546          5415
547          3107
548          9534
549          9292
550          5480
551          2894
552          4908
553          6051
554          4045
555         10370
556         12793
557          9125
558          2541
559          5234
560          6100
561          1229
562          1481
563          7505
564          3637
565          3943
566          6662
567          7960
568          3663
569          5192
570          4192
571          5312
572          5656
573          6204
574          8169
575          5780
576          6508
577          9300
578          6755
579          9620
580          3623
581         10434
582          4571
583          9804
584         13272
585          3311
586          2030
587          2818
588          2928
589           376
590          3364
591          6315
592          5731
593           503
594          1009
595           811
596          2729
597          7235
598          7119
599           647
600          1523
601          2969
602          2423
603          2899
604          3456
605          8167
606          4925
607          5656
608          4564
609         14241
610          3388
611          4480
612          5551
613          5440
614          3564
615          6700
616          5686
617          3744
618         13970
619          7665
620         11996
621          5976
622         10290
623          2001
624          1988
625          4588
626          2814
627          8560
628         25378
629          5685
630          3993
631          1506
632          2486
633           486
634          3045
635          3504
636          4087
637          6283
638          2553
639          6880
640          6234
641          7114
642          5169
643          7932
644          8839
645          4166
646          1718
647          4926
648          2453
649          6987
650          7515
651          2117
652          4979
653          4853
654          7296
655          3772
656          6419
657          5345
658          4367
659          4900
660          3353
661          4810
662          9543
663          1545
664          3213
665         13020
666          4738
667          3269
668          3921
669          5018
670          5592
671          2308
672          2955
673          1895
674          1008
675          2696
676         10191
677          5813
678          7728
679          9504
680          4900
681          4032
682          3508
683          3040
684          1092
685          4510
686          3890
687          2855
688          2514
689          4825
690           430
691          4548
692          4000
693          5791
694          5324
695          7313
696          3558
697         13484
698          5339
699          3119
700         10404
701          3143
702          6108
703          1978
704          3999
705          3690
706          4003
707         12304
708          4051
709          6897
710         12409
711          5823
712          9608
713          6172
714          3605
715          6968
716          3232
717         17592
718         16345
719          3766
720          7076
721          1816
722          2699
723          3161
724          6130
725          9098
726          4624
727          1542
728          5104
729          5984
730          7963
731         10497
732         11597
733          5352
734          6230
735          9020
736          3901
737           120
738           384
739           304
740           167
741           266
742           134
743           850
744          5836
745         15107
746          5476
747          6424
748          7304
749          5573
750           860
751         10076
752          3781
753          3226
754          3546
755          5943
756          3509
757           538
758          6580
759           473
760         12262
761         10344
762          5791
763           568
764          1216
765          4482
766           500
767          3302
768          2365
769          7950
770          7056
771          6062
772          6682
773          9370
774          3464
775          4626
776          9993
777          8861
778          5905
779          2148
780          1706
781          3497
782          5827
783          1835
784          5430
785          3993
786          2367
787          5626
788          2737
789          2348
790         14179
791          5661
792          4440
793          6541
794         11841
795          4196
796          6775
797          4707
798          4544
799          4685
800          6336
801          6494
802          5527
803          5986
804          6802
805          1920
806          4612
807          4346
808          3776
809         10985
810          4187
811          8447
812         10277
813          6558
814          3618
815         11327
816         10972
817          6653
818          3516
819          5882
820          7253
821          4812
822         12627
823         15368
824         10955
825          2916
826          6202
827          7345
828          1446
829          1753
830          8759
831          4384
832          4691
833          8069
834          9941
835          4367
836          6090
837          4891
838          6221
839          6831
840          7949
841         10192
842          6883
843          7875
844         11230
845          8066
846         11407
847          4357
848         12386
849          5381
850         11416
851         15888
852          4011
853          2435
854          3425
855          3439
856           446
857          4056
858          7569
859          6900
860           591
861          1145
862           894
863          3214
864          8439
865          8342
866           720
867          1698
868          3575
869          2831
870          3545
871          4206
872          9773
873          5890
874          6886
875          5459
876         17007
877          4207
878          5297
879          6585
880          6769
881          4561
882          7856
883          6691
884          4517
885         17702
886          9122
887         13886
888          7345
889         11925
890          2240
891          2357
892          5651
893          3389
894         10449
895         30884
896          6600
897          4691
898          1789
899          3009
900           540
901          3585
902          4023
903          5056
904          7409
905          3099
906          8393
907          7303
908          8399
909          6288
910          9830
911         10491
912          4951
913          1968
914          5757
915          3064
916          8298
917          8823
918          2521
919          6013
920          5664
921          8423
922          4438
923          7687
924          6028
925          4988
926          5827
927          3944
928          5444
929         11286
930          1808
931          3887
932         15731
933          6146
934          3991
935          4893
936          6451
937          6960
938          2699
939          3485
940          2240
941          1151
942          3298
943         13297
944          6811
945          9227
946         11502
947          5892
948          5025
949          4359
950          3559
951          1261
952          5391
953          4756
954          3612
955          2961
956          6269
957           495
958          5364
959          4770
960          6704
961          6312
962          8649
963          4206
964         16710
965          6394
966          3845
967         12602
968          3706
969          7355
970          2211
971          4909
972          4477
973          4689
974         14087
975          4819
976          8002
977         14834
978          6927
979         11885
980          7509
981          4302
982          8183
983          3782
984         21676
985         21832
986          4549
987          8430
988          2129
989          3190
990          3648
991          7349
992         11018
993          5671
994          1808
995          6232
996          7256
997          8982
998         12403
999         13746
1000         6384
1001         7361
1002        10383
1003         4610
1004          214
1005          575
1006          425
1007          191
1008          358
1009          155
1010          983
1011         7244
1012        17903
1013         6749
1014         8260
1015         9540
1016         7384
1017          971
1018        12016
1019         4953
1020         3755
1021         4253
1022         7111
1023         4265
1024          600
1025         8016
1026          535
1027        14226
1028        12792
1029         7422
1030          635
1031         1382
1032         5465
1033          583
1034         3926
1035         2855
1036         9736
1037         8503
1038         7429
1039         8498
1040        11659
1041         4120
1042         5696
1043        11958
1044        10620
1045         6915
1046         2523
1047         2111
1048         4287
1049         6952
1050         2137
1051         6465
1052         4634
1053         2756
1054         6847
1055         3256
1056         2799
1057        16560
1058         6842
1059         5233
1060         8367
1061        15359
1062         4938
1063         8647
1064         5753
1065         5448
1066         5515
1067         7828
1068         7741
1069         6688
1070         7581
1071         8708
1072         2517
1073         6252
1074         5785
1075         4899
1076        14105
1077         5239
1078        10626
1079        12928
1080         8698
1081         4632
1082        14018
1083        14043
1084         8766
1085         4552
1086         8343
1087         9345
1088         5962
1089        16517
1090        19672
1091        14295
1092         3539
1093         8674
1094         9459
1095         1781
1096         2266
1097        12006
1098         5845
1099         6430
1100        11062
1101        12336
1102         5638
1103         8524
1104         6327
1105         8121
1106         9477
1107        10024
1108        13000
1109         9028
1110        10388
1111        14728
1112        10300
1113        14583
1114         5687
1115        16336
1116         6965
1117        14162
1118        21380
1119         4964
1120         3173
1121         4713
1122         4275
1123          540
1124         5400
1125        10025
1126         8667
1127          742
1128         1535
1129         1032
1130         4048
1131        11300
1132        10680
1133          924
1134         2147
1135         4787
1136         3529
1137         4622
1138         5682
1139        14437
1140         7697
1141         9532
1142         6909
1143        22005
1144         5745
1145         6951
1146         8898
1147         8727
1148         5939
1149        10073
1150         8375
1151         5940
1152        22354
1153        11949
1154        18306
1155         9870
1156        15412
1157         2519
1158         3021
1159         7619
1160         4210
1161        13264
1162        38531
1163         8012
1164         5962
1165         2242
1166         3755
1167          629
1168         4585
1169         5264
1170         6698
1171         9308
1172         4203
1173        11183
1174         9529
1175        11012
1176         8531
1177        12609
1178        14513
1179         6220
1180         2464
1181         7999
1182         3938
1183         9990
1184        11495
1185         3138
1186         7549
1187         7544
1188        10479
1189         6245
1190        10068
1191         7255
1192         6075
1193         7615
1194         5145
1195         6814
1196        14161
1197         2245
1198         5096
1199        19866
1200         7674
1201         5423
1202         6567
1203         8070
1204         9079
1205         3325
1206         4742
1207         2952
1208         1477
1209         4138
1210        16777
1211         9047
1212        13214
1213        14717
1214         8350
1215         7176
1216         6002
1217         4769
1218         1552
1219         6657
1220         6300
1221         5158
1222         3913
1223         7759
1224          586
1225         6954
1226         6343
1227         8712
1228         8116
1229        11164
1230         5608
1231        20628
1232         8052
1233         5317
1234        16643
1235         5210
1236         9425
1237         2692
1238         6662
1239         5858
1240         6082
1241        18192
1242         6198
1243         9609
1244        18670
1245         9571
1246        16037
1247         9801
1248         5494
1249        11021
1250         4821
1251        27977
1252        26503
1253         5940
1254        10421
1255         2796
1256         3931
1257         4451
1258         9425
1259        14077
1260         7107
1261         2394
1262         8269
1263         9696
1264        10875
1265        16512
1266        17338
1267         9018
1268        10085
1269        13132
1270         6355
1271          269
1272          698
1273          596
1274          234
1275          461
1276          222
1277         1212
1278         8830
1279        23251
1280         9290
1281        10441
1282        12025
1283         9376
1284         1168
1285        16156
1286         6150
1287         4857
1288         5494
1289         9224
1290         5520
1291          687
1292        10231
1293          609
1294        19155
1295        16326
1296         9259
1297          756
1298         1716
1299         7309
1300          746
1301         5303
1302         3783
1303        12248
1304        12239
1305        10350
1306        11020
1307        14575
1308         5650
1309         7381
1310        15036
1311        14020
1312         8846
1313         3242
1314         2706
1315         5451
1316         8385
1317         2927
1318         9341
1319         5903
1320         3627
1321         8534
1322         4299
1323         3617
1324        21495
1325         9135
1326         6627
1327        10433
1328        19044
1329         6370
1330        11386
1331         7798
1332         7293
1333         7711
1334        10235
1335        10147
1336         9191
1337        10400
1338        12510
1339         3704
1340         9416
1341         8345
1342         7751
1343        19908
1344         8033
1345        15563
1346        20075
1347        13443
1348         6524
1349        19732
1350        20304
1351        13055
1352         6739
1353        12183
1354        13413
1355         8774
1356        23650
1357        28255
1358        22468
1359         5212
1360        13961
1361        14083
1362         3082
1363         3645
1364        18662
1365         8957
1366         9632
1367        16387
1368        16783
1369         8444
1370        12920
1371        10087
1372        12539
1373        14732
1374        14319
1375        18463
1376        13309
1377        16106
1378        22366
1379        16076
1380        21788
1381         8670
1382        24495
1383        10557
1384        20835
1385        30638
1386         7018
1387         4665
1388         6788
1389         5727
1390          741
1391         8266
1392        15043
1393        12710
1394         1204
1395         2386
1396         1504
1397         6120
1398        17048
1399        16173
1400         1397
1401         3357
1402         7062
1403         5276
1404         7952
1405         8243
1406        21894
1407        12044
1408        13871
1409         9962
1410        31977
1411         8456
1412        10836
1413        13767
1414        12179
1415         8175
1416        15302
1417        12212
1418         8162
1419        27684
1420        17459
1421        26884
1422        15002
1423        20367
1424         3493
1425         4542
1426        10604
1427         5816
1428        18170
1429        52609
1430        11374
1431         8743
1432         3644
1433         5391
1434          958
1435         7088
1436         7849
1437        10061
1438        14169
1439         6054
1440        17152
1441        14835
1442        16640
1443        13027
1444        18570
1445        20917
1446         9242
1447         3619
1448        10986
1449         5987
1450        14522
1451        17012
1452         4674
1453        10733
1454        11346
1455        15115
1456         8903
1457        15514
1458        11426
1459         9884
1460        11756
1461         7355
1462         9866
1463        19930
1464         3373
1465         7071
1466        28674
1467        10750
1468         7838
1469         9441
1470        11040
1471        12733
1472         5036
1473         6784
1474         4499
1475         2162
1476         5659
1477        22987
1478        14344
1479        20618
1480        21543
1481        12148
1482        11486
1483         9846
1484         6704
1485         2396
1486         9672
1487         9673
1488         8092
1489         5905
1490        10155
1491          898
1492         9875
1493         9596
1494        13258
1495        11853
1496        16314
1497         8144
1498        28197
1499        11937
1500         7758
1501        23599
1502         7259
1503        13249
1504         3803
1505         9850
1506         9119
1507         8806
1508        25959
1509         8948
1510        14573
1511        26809
1512        14102
1513        22697
1514        14883
1515         7914
1516        15841
1517         7227
1518        40802
1519        35104
1520         9505
1521        15117
1522         4293
1523         5480
1524         6387
1525        13781
1526        21137
1527        10020
1528         3453
1529        12392
1530        14469
1531        15977
1532        24368
1533        26717
1534        14931
1535        16185
1536        20981
1537         8979
1538          341
1539          903
1540          864
1541          322
1542          633
1543          325
1544         1973
1545        12847
1546        37104
1547        14001
1548        15063
1549        16714
1550        13339
1551         1896
1552        23591
1553         8595
1554         7456
1555         8301
1556        14004
1557         8229
1558         1053
1559        14283
1560          980
1561        27239
1562        23133
1563        12807
1564         1127
1565         2354
1566        10879
1567         1123
1568         7794
1569         5777
1570        17444
1571        18960
1572        14553
1573        15801
1574        20172
1575         8430
1576        10712
1577        22588
1578        20520
1579        12927
1580         5077
1581         3758
1582         8022
1583        11703
1584         4627
1585        14240
1586         8952
1587         5703
1588        11749
1589         7132
1590         6117
1591        30359
1592        12751
1593        10369
1594        15068
1595        26646
1596        10120
1597        16269
1598        11938
1599        10914
1600        11087
1601        15389
1602        14489
1603         5062
1604         5626
1605         6335
1606         1782
1607         4373
1608         4169
1609         3579
1610        10178
1611         3993
1612         8012
1613         9765
1614         6190
1615         3465
1616        10751
1617        10531
1618         6230
1619         3338
1620         5553
1621         6827
1622         4599
1623        11926
1624        14542
1625        10443
1626         2807
1627         5848
1628         6966
1629         1369
1630         1675
1631         8380
1632         4138
1633         4471
1634         7571
1635         9319
1636         4146
1637         5778
1638         4647
1639         5955
1640         6438
1641         7300
1642         9506
1643         6485
1644         7356
1645        10565
1646         7666
1647        10889
1648         4094
1649        11753
1650         5116
1651        10904
1652        14905
1653         3802
1654         2310
1655         3243
1656         3266
1657          424
1658         3838
1659         7146
1660         6508
1661          560
1662         1103
1663          880
1664         3041
1665         8082
1666         7936
1667          695
1668         1636
1669         3357
1670         2686
1671         3306
1672         3916
1673         9194
1674         5565
1675         6437
1676         5189
1677        16051
1678         3989
1679         5010
1680         6239
1681         6283
1682         4080
1683         7495
1684         6360
1685         4264
1686        16435
1687         8516
1688        13259
1689         6894
1690        11190
1691         2169
1692         2249
1693         5275
1694         3195
1695         9792
1696        28457
1697         6289
1698         4431
1699         1694
1700         2822
1701          521
1702         3413
1703         3839
1704         4759
1705         7041
1706         2924
1707         7933
1708         6940
1709         7974
1710         5886
1711         9241
1712         9950
1713         4708
1714         1895
1715         5520
1716         2863
1717         7843
1718         8355
1719         2404
1720         5666
1721         5432
1722         8081
1723         4208
1724         7320
1725         5780
1726         4791
1727         5504
1728         3723
1729         5224
1730        10584
1731         1737
1732         3704
1733        14655
1734         5475
1735         3781
1736         4588
1737         5835
1738         6469
1739         2555
1740         3344
1741         2123
1742         1103
1743         3039
1744        12191
1745         6479
1746         8666
1747        10938
1748         5561
1749         4663
1750         4075
1751         3412
1752         1220
1753         5018
1754         4518
1755         3311
1756         2818
1757         5662
1758          472
1759         5130
1760         4514
1761         6402
1762         5981
1763         8223
1764         4022
1765        15479
1766         6041
1767         3589
1768        11904
1769         3510
1770         6951
1771         2134
1772         4567
1773         4234
1774         4438
1775        13536
1776         4591
1777         7625
1778        14032
1779         6475
1780        11081
1781         7009
1782         4089
1783         7832
1784         3609
1785        20139
1786        20346
1787         4332
1788         8009
1789         2024
1790         2996
1791         3440
1792         6982
1793        10445
1794         5369
1795         1724
1796         5903
1797         6836
1798         8656
1799        11756
1800        12944
1801         6054
1802         6986
1803         9975
1804         4412
1805          178
1806          503
1807          398
1808          189
1809          338
1810          150
1811          945
1812         6660
1813        17095
1814         6245
1815         7260
1816         8637
1817         6604
1818          942
1819        11398
1820         4254
1821         3592
1822         4010
1823         6740
1824         4033
1825          578
1826         7569
1827          525
1828        13580
1829        12047
1830         6884
1831          622
1832         1336
1833         5118
1834          569
1835         3746
1836         2690
1837         9052
1838         8004
1839         7022
1840         7647
1841        10637
1842         3866
1843         5370
1844        11361
1845        10068
1846         6576
1847         2401
1848         1940
1849         4059
1850         6647
1851         2057
1852         6130
1853         4421
1854         2622
1855         6523
1856         3096
1857         2668
1858        15791
1859         6325
1860         4963
1861         7548
1862        14446
1863         4725
1864         7872
1865         5422
1866         5146
1867         5230
1868         7404
1869         7328
1870         4647
1871         5388
1872         5967
1873         1678
1874         4077
1875         3993
1876         3398
1877         9516
1878         3813
1879         7621
1880         9267
1881         5816
1882         3296
1883        10270
1884        10016
1885         5887
1886         3157
1887         5243
1888         6446
1889         4281
1890        11041
1891        13790
1892         9891
1893         2700
1894         5576
1895         6600
1896         1309
1897         1589
1898         7959
1899         3912
1900         4227
1901         7137
1902         8757
1903         3951
1904         5536
1905         4453
1906         5672
1907         6064
1908         6827
1909         8844
1910         6108
1911         6968
1912        10006
1913         7240
1914        10374
1915         3884
1916        11114
1917         4868
1918        10437
1919        14143
1920         3633
1921         2214
1922         3093
1923         3114
1924          402
1925         3596
1926         6765
1927         6166
1928          531
1929         1060
1930          841
1931         2912
1932         7716
1933         7603
1934          674
1935         1580
1936         3205
1937         2569
1938         3112
1939         3701
1940         8707
1941         5264
1942         6083
1943         4948
1944        15269
1945         3772
1946         4779
1947         5945
1948         5802
1949         3893
1950         7117
1951         6072
1952         4060
1953        15706
1954         8148
1955        12678
1956         6483
1957        10769
1958         2099
1959         2135
1960         4916
1961         3044
1962         9129
1963        27226
1964         6028
1965         4241
1966         1611
1967         2651
1968          505
1969         3245
1970         3678
1971         4465
1972         6717
1973         2783
1974         7403
1975         6628
1976         7595
1977         5547
1978         8673
1979         9467
1980         4429
1981         1819
1982         5260
1983         2695
1984         7451
1985         8036
1986         2262
1987         5345
1988         5203
1989         7795
1990         4017
1991         6934
1992         5580
1993         4622
1994         5235
1995         3543
1996         5028
1997        10160
1998         1638
1999         3452
2000        13970
2001         5161
2002         3542
2003         4337
2004         5519
2005         6090
2006         2454
2007         3195
2008         2039
2009         1057
2010         2888
2011        11151
2012         6172
2013         8246
2014        10382
2015         5254
2016         4371
2017         3822
2018         3242
2019         1159
2020         4761
2021         4244
2022         3110
2023         2686
2024         5334
2025          444
2026         4893
2027         4256
2028         6144
2029         5682
2030         7808
2031         3828
2032        14449
2033         5747
2034         3372
2035        11243
2036         3353
2037         6566
2038         2068
2039         4310
2040         4015
2041         4238
2042        12944
2043         4327
2044         7307
2045        13332
2046         6187
2047        10421
2048         6664
2049         3874
2050         7458
2051         3443
2052        18952
2053        19004
2054         4071
2055         7585
2056         1933
2057         2838
2058         3320
2059         6593
2060         9781
2061         4968
2062         1645
2063         5568
2064         6440
2065         8302
2066        11155
2067        12319
2068         5738
2069         6639
2070         9576
2071         4199
2072          164
2073          469
2074          362
2075          177
2076          313
2077          146
2078          899
2079         6334
2080        16255
2081         5919
2082         6898
2083         7970
2084         6163
2085          905
2086        10791
2087         4012
2088         3433
2089         3808
2090         6378
2091         3765
2092          565
2093         7131
2094          500
2095        13069
2096        11334
2097         6480
2098          600
2099         1291
2100         4834
2101          533
2102         3540
2103         2552
2104         8597
2105         7528
2106         6592
2107         7166
2108        10092
2109         3674
2110         5043
2111        10766
2112         9504
2113         6312
2114         2259
2115         1847
2116         3850
2117         6329
2118         1969
2119         5802
2120         4241
2121         2518
2122         6165
2123         2932
2124         2491
2125        15159
2126         6058
2127         4767
2128         7082
2129        12892
2130         4492
2131         7318
2132         5143
2133         4892
2134         4965
2135         6965
2136         7010
2137        12333
2138        13875
2139        18314
2140         5173
2141        13775
2142        10443
2143        10063
2144        28848
2145         9978
2146        21784
2147        26231
2148        18142
2149         8558
2150        25962
2151        27347
2152        17977
2153         9535
2154        17361
2155        17924
2156        11726
2157        31510
2158        42298
2159        31034
2160         6888
2161        18545
2162        20017
2163         4399
2164         4377
2165        23413
2166        11593
2167        14017
2168        22375
2169        22959
2170        12295
2171        16996
2172        12600
2173        16141
2174        20199
2175        20568
2176        26683
2177        18281
2178        20945
2179        31406
2180        21370
2181        30462
2182        13164
2183        33494
2184        13120
2185        26650
2186        41456
2187         9949
2188         6221
2189         9289
2190         7805
2191          962
2192        10908
2193        19586
2194        17901
2195         1481
2196         3006
2197         1772
2198         8138
2199        23213
2200        21870
2201         1717
2202         4252
2203         9194
2204         6821
2205         9955
2206        11339
2207        28210
2208        16883
2209        18177
2210        12696
2211        45616
2212        12643
2213        13944
2214        18066
2215        17458
2216        11794
2217        20706
2218        16568
2219        12726
2220        38127
2221        22796
2222        36294
2223        20991
2224        30123
2225         4499
2226         6398
2227        14936
2228         8083
2229        26456
2230        74228
2231        14958
2232        12303
2233         4701
2234         7126
2235         1152
2236         9152
2237        10266
2238        14020
2239        18820
2240         8126
2241        23092
2242        19631
2243        22513
2244        17111
2245        24426
2246        28728
2247        12424
2248         4863
2249        14796
2250         8118
2251        19643
2252        24279
2253         6600
2254        13738
2255        14789
2256        20104
2257        11812
2258        22153
2259        14072
2260        12188
2261        15975
2262         9453
2263        13025
2264        26353
2265         4227
2266         9987
2267        41096
2268        13707
2269        10625
2270        12681
2271        15298
2272        18579
2273         6623
2274         9258
2275         5886
2276         2966
2277         7660
2278        30954
2279        18428
2280        28216
2281        31530
2282        16893
2283        14506
2284        12697
2285         8877
2286         3060
2287        13270
2288        14056
2289        10912
2290         7550
2291        13707
2292         1040
2293        14307
2294        12922
2295        18166
2296        16846
2297        21716
2298        11849
2299        36771
2300        15330
2301        10493
2302        32039
2303         9281
2304        17912
2305         4899
2306        13252
2307        12074
2308        11552
2309        36479
2310        12919
2311        18728
2312        35080
2313        18241
2314        31975
2315        20205
2316        10773
2317        20115
2318         8964
2319        56439
2320        48415
2321        12325
2322        20496
2323         5490
2324         7135
2325         9216
2326        17074
2327        27547
2328        13189
2329         4443
2330        17641
2331        20502
2332        20962
2333        32693
2334        35110
2335        20300
2336        20947
2337        28512
2338        13869
2339          469
2340         1221
2341         1070
2342          414
2343          898
2344          450
2345         2404
2346        18331
2347        50249
2348        17973
2349        20627
2350        22534
2351        17435
2352         2530
2353        33579
2354        11800
2355         9242
2356        11264
2357        18880
2358        10589
2359         1362
2360        18987
2361         1176
2362        37213
2363        29737
2364        17395
2365         1479
2366         3101
2367        14536
2368         1453
2369        11634
2370         7627
2371        23985
2372        25217
2373        20832
2374        22559
2375        26232
2376        11121
2377        14102
2378        29067
2379        27635
2380        19020
2381         6450
2382         5317
2383        11567
2384        16294
2385         5945
2386        19500
2387        11025
2388         6966
2389        15186
2390         9161
2391         7604
2392        43198
2393        17009
2394        13544
2395        20210
2396        35636
2397        13530
2398        21285
2399        16508
2400        14397
2401        15142
2402        20921
2403        19284
2404         4522
2405         5186
2406         5780
2407         1621
2408         3947
2409         3889
2410         3220
2411         9158
2412         3693
2413         7320
2414         8956
2415         5591
2416         3202
2417         9889
2418         9647
2419         5688
2420         3019
2421         5062
2422         6237
2423         4153
2424        10652
2425        13259
2426         9522
2427         2632
2428         5377
2429         6340
2430         1275
2431         1534
2432         7705
2433         3761
2434         4096
2435         6890
2436         8359
2437         3824
2438         5341
2439         4299
2440         5503
2441         5874
2442         6462
2443         8492
2444         5936
2445         6740
2446         9611
2447         6993
2448         9967
2449         3757
2450        10777
2451         4704
2452        10112
2453        13707
2454         3459
2455         2112
2456         2937
2457         3015
2458          388
2459         3462
2460         6525
2461         5956
2462          517
2463         1039
2464          825
2465         2814
2466         7518
2467         7376
2468          663
2469         1548
2470         3086
2471         2487
2472         2990
2473         3572
2474         8398
2475         5121
2476         5857
2477         4722
2478        14738
2479         3591
2480         4610
2481         5741
2482         5618
2483         3721
2484         6895
2485         5889
2486         3903
2487        14723
2488         7914
2489        12332
2490         6236
2491        10523
2492         2051
2493         2072
2494         4750
2495         2947
2496         8829
2497        26206
2498         5852
2499         4115
2500         1562
2501         2569
2502          494
2503         3142
2504         3589
2505         4278
2506         6476
2507         2675
2508         7163
2509         6409
2510         7345
2511         5333
2512         8283
2513         9138
2514         4287
2515         1759
2516         5057
2517         2588
2518         7195
2519         7756
2520         2193
2521         5151
2522         5016
2523         7546
2524         3892
2525         6664
2526         5449
2527         4504
2528         5067
2529         3437
2530         4911
2531         9838
2532         1593
2533         3335
2534        13520
2535         4948
2536         3399
2537         4108
2538         5337
2539         5866
2540         2387
2541         3099
2542         1969
2543         1029
2544         2804
2545        10721
2546         5979
2547         7946
2548         9965
2549         5049
2550         4211
2551         3662
2552         3125
2553         1126
2554         4631
2555         4071
2556         2981
2557         2590
2558         5093
2559          436
2560         4773
2561         4104
2562         5961
2563         5485
2564         7522
2565         3690
2566        13907
2567         5550
2568         3250
2569        10794
2570         3237
2571         6329
2572         2022
2573         4140
2574         3839
2575         4121
2576        12603
2577         4171
2578         7095
2579        12839
2580         6026
2581         9985
2582         6412
2583         3736
2584         7194
2585         3335
2586        18255
2587        17161
2588         3888
2589         7280
2590         1861
2591         2760
2592         3254
2593         6327
2594         9380
2595         4798
2596         1586
2597         5348
2598         6233
2599         8118
2600        10842
2601        11972
2602         5568
2603         6398
2604         9291
2605         4053
2606          134
2607          416
2608          314
2609          171
2610          277
2611          135
2612          865
2613         6136
2614        15700
2615         5702
2616         6630
2617         7629
2618         5900
2619          878
2620        10424
2621         3908
2622         3336
2623         3671
2624         6152
2625         3610
2626          554
2627         6849
2628          482
2629        12695
2630        10792
2631         6160
2632          581
2633         1253
2634         4641
2635          520
2636         3434
2637         2441
2638         8275
2639         7252
2640         6314
2641         6883
2642         9717
2643         3577
2644         4840
2645        10382
2646         9168
2647         6098
2648         2188
2649         1770
2650         3642
2651         6096
2652         1897
2653         5611
2654         4109
2655         2429
2656         5869
2657         2826
2658         2426
2659        14657
2660         5881
2661         4608
2662         6821
2663        12396
2664         4343
2665         7012
2666         4928
2667         4724
2668         4808
2669         6633
2670         6738
2671         4440
2672         5084
2673         5676
2674         1589
2675         3834
2676         3804
2677         3147
2678         8989
2679         3609
2680         7124
2681         8770
2682         5459
2683         3139
2684         9644
2685         9415
2686         5558
2687         2919
2688         4946
2689         6110
2690         4078
2691        10449
2692        12913
2693         9237
2694         2565
2695         5265
2696         6173
2697         1245
2698         1499
2699         7548
2700         3662
2701         3988
2702         6732
2703         8059
2704         3701
2705         5223
2706         4227
2707         5375
2708         5725
2709         6269
2710         8254
2711         5831
2712         6569
2713         9376
2714         6824
2715         9702
2716         3654
2717        10523
2718         4606
2719         9880
2720        13401
2721         3372
2722         2052
2723         2836
2724         2955
2725          378
2726         3387
2727         6373
2728         5794
2729          506
2730         1015
2731          817
2732         2756
2733         7296
2734         7177
2735          650
2736         1531
2737         3005
2738         2439
2739         2905
2740         3490
2741         8229
2742         4983
2743         5699
2744         4618
2745        14390
2746         3477
2747         4509
2748         5606
2749         5497
2750         3603
2751         6757
2752         5747
2753         3780
2754        14223
2755         7724
2756        12101
2757         6061
2758        10356
2759         2018
2760         2014
2761         4637
2762         2853
2763         8634
2764        25610
2765         5725
2766         4035
2767         1518
2768         2501
2769          487
2770         3082
2771         3521
2772         4135
2773         6343
2774         2586
2775         6960
2776         6281
2777         7198
2778         5215
2779         8021
2780         8903
2781         4190
2782         1729
2783         4964
2784         2485
2785         7043
2786         7572
2787         2151
2788         5025
2789         4891
2790         7338
2791         3807
2792         6468
2793         5367
2794         4393
2795         4950
2796         3376
2797         4839
2798         9612
2799         1552
2800         3232
2801        13155
2802         4800
2803         3307
2804         3960
2805         5194
2806         5667
2807         2327
2808         3022
2809         1913
2810         1010
2811         2745
2812        10380
2813         5855
2814         7787
2815         9600
2816         4933
2817         4087
2818         3549
2819         3063
2820         1096
2821         4539
2822         3934
2823         2885
2824         2539
2825         4880
2826          431
2827         4636
2828         4026
2829         5840
2830         5368
2831         7371
2832         3579
2833        13577
2834         5392
2835         3160
2836        10547
2837         3170
2838         6174
2839         1986
2840         4023
2841         3718
2842         4051
2843        12390
2844         4078
2845         6955
2846        12523
2847         5864
2848         9691
2849         6251
2850         3636
2851         7030
2852         3253
2853        17792
2854        16628
2855         3799
2856         7128
2857         1827
2858         2713
2859         3184
2860         6165
2861         9177
2862         4682
2863         1559
2864         5177
2865         6045
2866         8020
2867        10590
2868        11710
2869         5421
2870         6274
2871         9108
2872         3939
2873          127
2874          385
2875          305
2876          169
2877          268
2878          136
2879          851
2880         5959
2881        15287
2882         5548
2883         6469
2884         7405
2885         5657
2886          868
2887        10162
2888         3818
2889         3253
2890         3588
2891         5990
2892         3539
2893          540
2894         6652
2895          474
2896        12385
2897        10446
2898         5877
2899          573
2900         1228
2901         4523
2902          507
2903         3330
2904         2385
2905         8066
2906         7109
2907         6119
2908         6716
2909         9445
2910         3503
2911         4679
2912        10079
2913         8955
2914         5964
2915         2159
2916         1721
2917         3533
2918         5920
2919         1855
2920         5474
2921         4024
2922         2377
2923         5690
2924         2758
2925         2380
2926        14315
2927         5721
2928         4470
2929         6624
2930        12016
2931         4240
2932         6837
2933         4764
2934         4593
2935         4718
2936         6420
2937         6543
2938         5991
2939         6557
2940         7586
2941         2125
2942         5014
2943         4742
2944         4089
2945        12196
2946         4492
2947         9111
2948        11045
2949         7267
2950         3957
2951        12342
2952        11957
2953         7407
2954         3827
2955         6699
2956         7894
2957         5150
2958        13802
2959        16686
2960        11782
2961         3076
2962         6878
2963         7984
2964         1532
2965         1891
2966         9549
2967         4792
2968         5055
2969         9340
2970        10809
2971         4710
2972         6611
2973         5332
2974         6699
2975         7632
2976         8644
2977        11149
2978         7363
2979         8474
2980        12302
2981         8685
2982        12271
2983         4824
2984        13390
2985         5875
2986        12134
2987        17340
2988         4318
2989         2625
2990         3738
2991         3706
2992          471
2993         4412
2994         8260
2995         7432
2996          631
2997         1231
2998          943
2999         3498
3000         9220
3001         8961
3002          772
3003         1812
3004         4010
3005         3037
3006         3800
3007         4747
3008        10824
3009         6361
3010         7781
3011         5979
3012        18727
3013         4603
3014         5721
3015         7421
3016         7352
3017         5145
3018         8647
3019         7151
3020         4915
3021        19116
3022         9921
3023        15565
3024         8034
3025        13071
3026         2328
3027         2536
3028         6022
3029         3621
3030        11432
3031        33764
3032         7104
3033         5159
3034         1899
3035         3235
3036          567
3037         3836
3038         4438
3039         5554
3040         7929
3041         3344
3042         9154
3043         7963
3044         9191
3045         6894
3046        10742
3047        12059
3048         5305
3049         2100
3050         6235
3051         3353
3052         8853
3053         9647
3054         2737
3055         6578
3056         6049
3057         8915
3058         4964
3059         8322
3060         6383
3061         5270
3062         6310
3063         4458
3064         5861
3065        12368
3066         1940
3067         4255
3068        16929
3069         6632
3070         4467
3071         5374
3072         7163
3073         7768
3074         2883
3075         3744
3076         2458
3077         1238
3078         3623
3079        14457
3080         7429
3081        10114
3082        12336
3083         6572
3084         5581
3085         4787
3086         3843
3087         1341
3088         5895
3089         5238
3090         4250
3091         3167
3092         6783
3093          525
3094         5916
3095         5261
3096         7253
3097         6856
3098         9289
3099         4478
3100        18233
3101         6892
3102         4294
3103        13838
3104         4157
3105         7983
3106         2363
3107         5514
3108         4836
3109         5142
3110        16030
3111         5187
3112         8481
3113        16047
3114         7731
3115        13595
3116         8118
3117         4649
3118         8988
3119         4090
3120        24039
3121        23356
3122         4914
3123         9045
3124         2351
3125         3404
3126         3878
3127         7927
3128        12056
3129         6113
3130         1938
3131         6818
3132         8026
3133         9384
3134        13478
3135        14688
3136         6829
3137         8285
3138        11135
3139         4942
3140          227
3141          622
3142          455
3143          200
3144          375
3145          163
3146         1041
3147         7774
3148        19389
3149         7656
3150         8907
3151        10350
3152         7963
3153         1028
3154        13364
3155         5356
3156         4017
3157         4644
3158         7704
3159         4639
3160          627
3161         8636
3162          551
3163        16280
3164        13930
3165         8075
3166          671
3167         1520
3168         6125
3169          632
3170         4243
3171         3106
3172        10575
3173         9356
3174         8658
3175         9284
3176        12611
3177         4767
3178         6240
3179        12884
3180        11520
3181         7486
3182         2722
3183         2340
3184         4633
3185         7374
3186         2287
3187         7015
3188         4990
3189         2966
3190         7359
3191         3611
3192         3029
3193        18359
3194         7478
3195         5659
3196         9035
3197        16560
3198         5398
3199         9539
3200         6294
3201         6107
3202         6151
3203         8425
3204         8427
jakarta_vac_points$Date <- c(jakarta_vac_points$Date) %>% 
  as.Date(jakarta_vac_points$Date, format ="%d %B %Y")

Rows: 3,204
Columns: 5
$ Date           <date> 2022-02-27, 2022-02-27, 2022-02-27, 2022-02-27, 2022-0…
$ KODE.KELURAHAN <chr> "3172051003", "3173041007", "3175041005", "3175031003",…
$ SASARAN        <dbl> 23947, 29381, 29074, 9752, 26285, 21566, 23886, 47898, …
$ BELUM.VAKSIN   <dbl> 4592, 5319, 5903, 1649, 4030, 3950, 3344, 9382, 3772, 7… Renaming Columns to English

# renames the columns in the style New_Name = OLD_NAME
jakarta_vac_points <- jakarta_vac_points %>% 
Rows: 3,204
Columns: 5
$ Date              <date> 2022-02-27, 2022-02-27, 2022-02-27, 2022-02-27, 202…
$ Sub_District_Code <chr> "3172051003", "3173041007", "3175041005", "317503100…
$ Sub_District      <chr> "ANCOL", "ANGKE", "BALE KAMBANG", "BALI MESTER", "BA…
$ Target            <dbl> 23947, 29381, 29074, 9752, 26285, 21566, 23886, 4789…
$ Unvaccinated      <dbl> 4592, 5319, 5903, 1649, 4030, 3950, 3344, 9382, 3772… Further Data Processing

Now that we have our confirmed dataframe, let’s execute any pre-processing we might have missed. Firstly, let’s check for missing values:

# returns rows that contain NA values
[1] Date              Sub_District_Code Sub_District      Target           
[5] Unvaccinated     
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

There are no missing values!

4.0 Geospatial Data Integration

4.1 Preliminary joining + EDA

Now that we have both the geospatial and aspatial data frames, we’ll need to join them. A quick look at their headers tell us what their common fields are:

# checks for column names of the dataframes
 [1] "Object_ID"        "Village_Code"     "Village"          "Code"            
 [5] "Province"         "City"             "District"         "Sub_District"    
 [9] "Total_Population" "geometry"        
[1] "Date"              "Sub_District_Code" "Sub_District"     
[4] "Target"            "Unvaccinated"     

It seems that the Sub_District should match up. Let’s try doing that first:

# joins cases_jakarta to bd_jakarta based on Sub_District
combined_jakarta <- left_join(jakarta_renamed, jakarta_vac_points,
Rows: 3,033
Columns: 14
$ Object_ID         <dbl> 25477, 25477, 25477, 25477, 25477, 25477, 25477, 254…
$ Village_Code      <chr> "3173031006", "3173031006", "3173031006", "317303100…
$ Village           <chr> "KEAGUNGAN", "KEAGUNGAN", "KEAGUNGAN", "KEAGUNGAN", …
$ Code              <dbl> 317303, 317303, 317303, 317303, 317303, 317303, 3173…
$ Province          <chr> "DKI JAKARTA", "DKI JAKARTA", "DKI JAKARTA", "DKI JA…
$ City              <chr> "JAKARTA BARAT", "JAKARTA BARAT", "JAKARTA BARAT", "…
$ District          <chr> "TAMAN SARI", "TAMAN SARI", "TAMAN SARI", "TAMAN SAR…
$ Sub_District      <chr> "KEAGUNGAN", "KEAGUNGAN", "KEAGUNGAN", "KEAGUNGAN", …
$ Total_Population  <dbl> 21609, 21609, 21609, 21609, 21609, 21609, 21609, 216…
$ Date              <date> 2022-02-27, 2022-04-30, 2022-06-30, 2021-11-30, 202…
$ Sub_District_Code <chr> "3173031006", "3173031006", "3173031006", "317303100…
$ Target            <dbl> 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 173…
$ Unvaccinated      <dbl> 2755, 2593, 2553, 3099, 4203, 6054, 2924, 2783, 8126…
$ geometry          <MULTIPOLYGON [m]> MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8..., MULTIPO…

Now, let’s visualise our current combined_jakarta in terms of vaccinated and unvaccinated:

# maps the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated side-by-side
total_pop = tm_shape(combined_jakarta)+
  tm_fill("Total_Population") +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title="Total Population")

unvacc_cases = tm_shape(combined_jakarta)+
  tm_fill("Unvaccinated") +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title="Unvaccinated People")

target_count = tm_shape(combined_jakarta)+
  tm_fill("Target") +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title="Target Count")

tmap_arrange(total_pop, unvacc_cases, target_count)

That’s not quite right! There are still some ‘missing’ values, but we’ve taken care to remove NA records from both sets of data. The most likely reason for this is due to mistmatched records (one says Berenstein while the other says Berenstain, for example) - which requires addition tweaking and investigation.

4.1.1 Identifying Mismatched Sub-District Records

A brief comparison of the geospatial vs aspatial values reveals to us the mismatch: for the Sub_District field, there isn’t standardisation of the sub-district names, which leads to the same sub-district being referred to by slightly different names, such as KRAMAJATI vs KRAMAT JATI. This is why these records appear as ‘missing values’.

# checks for unique values of Sub_District
jakarta_renamed_subdistrict <- c(jakarta_renamed$Sub_District)
jakarta_vac_points_subdistrict <- c(jakarta_vac_points$Sub_District)

unique(jakarta_vac_points_subdistrict[!(jakarta_vac_points_subdistrict %in% jakarta_renamed_subdistrict)])
 [1] "BALE KAMBANG"          "HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH" "JATI PULO"            
 [4] "KAMPUNG TENGAH"        "KERENDANG"             "KRAMAT JATI"          
 [7] "PAL MERIAM"            "PINANG RANTI"          "PULAU HARAPAN"        
[10] "PULAU KELAPA"          "PULAU PANGGANG"        "PULAU PARI"           
[13] "PULAU TIDUNG"          "PULAU UNTUNG JAWA"     "RAWA JATI"            
unique(jakarta_renamed_subdistrict[!(jakarta_renamed_subdistrict %in% jakarta_vac_points_subdistrict)])
[1] "KRENDANG"             "RAWAJATI"             "TENGAH"              
[4] "BALEKAMBANG"          "PINANGRANTI"          "JATIPULO"            
# initialise a dataframe of our cases vs bd subdistrict spelling
spelling <- data.frame(

# with dataframe a input, outputs a kable
kable(spelling, caption="Mismatched Records") %>%
  kable_material("hover", latex_options="scale_down")
Mismatched Records
Aspatial_Cases Geospatial_BD

4.1.2 Correcting Mismatched Sub-District Records

Now that we know which sub-district records are mismatched, we need to rectify the mismatches by renaming them:

# where bd_jakarta is a mismatched value, replace with the correct value
jakarta_renamed$Sub_District[jakarta_renamed$Sub_District == 'BALEKAMBANG'] <- 'BALE KAMBANG'
jakarta_renamed$Sub_District[jakarta_renamed$Sub_District == 'HALIM PERDANA KUSUMA'] <- 'HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH'
jakarta_renamed$Sub_District[jakarta_renamed$Sub_District == 'JATIPULO'] <- 'JATI PULO'
jakarta_renamed$Sub_District[jakarta_renamed$Sub_District == 'TENGAH'] <- 'KAMPUNG TENGAH'
jakarta_renamed$Sub_District[jakarta_renamed$Sub_District == 'KRAMATJATI'] <- 'KRAMAT JATI'
jakarta_renamed$Sub_District[jakarta_renamed$Sub_District == 'KRENDANG'] <- 'KERENDANG'
jakarta_renamed$Sub_District[jakarta_renamed$Sub_District == 'PALMERIAM'] <- 'PAL MERIAM'
jakarta_renamed$Sub_District[jakarta_renamed$Sub_District == 'PINANGRANTI'] <- 'PINANG RANTI'
jakarta_renamed$Sub_District[jakarta_renamed$Sub_District == 'RAWAJATI'] <- 'RAWA JATI'

4.1.3 Joining + EDA

Now, we have a standardised common identifier among our geospatial and aspatial dataframes. Let’s join them once more:

# joins cases_jakarta to jakarta_renamed based on Sub_District
combined_jakarta <- left_join(jakarta_renamed, jakarta_vac_points,
Simple feature collection with 3132 features and 13 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -779259.9 ymin: 787584.9 xmax: -747172.2 ymax: 819039
Projected CRS: DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3 zone 50.1
First 10 features:
   Object_ID Village_Code   Village   Code    Province          City   District
   Sub_District Total_Population       Date Sub_District_Code Target
1     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-02-27        3173031006  17387
2     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-04-30        3173031006  17387
3     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-06-30        3173031006  17387
4     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-11-30        3173031006  17387
5     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-09-30        3173031006  17387
6     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-08-31        3173031006  17387
7     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-12-31        3173031006  17387
8     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-01-31        3173031006  17387
9     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-07-31        3173031006  17387
10    KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-03-31        3173031006  17387
   Unvaccinated                       geometry
1          2755 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
2          2593 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
3          2553 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
4          3099 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
5          4203 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
6          6054 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
7          2924 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
8          2783 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
9          8126 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
10         2675 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...

Now, let’s once again visualise our updated combined_jakarta in terms of vaccinated and unvaccinated:

# maps the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated side-by-side
updated_total_pop = tm_shape(combined_jakarta)+
  tm_fill("Total_Population") +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title="Total Population")

updated_unvacc_cases = tm_shape(combined_jakarta)+
  tm_fill("Unvaccinated") +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title="Unvaccinated People")

updated_target_count = tm_shape(combined_jakarta)+
  tm_fill("Target") +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title="Target Count")

tmap_arrange(updated_total_pop, updated_unvacc_cases, updated_target_count)

Hooray! We got rid of the missing values!

5.0 Calculating Vaccination Rate

To get the vaccination rate:

Vaccination rate % = ( (Target - Unvaccinated) / Target ) * 100

Let’s find the cummulative vaccination rate by summing up the number of cases (based on the name of the sub-district and the date), and then dividing by the target. Lastly, we get the percentage rate by * 100.

# grouping based on the sub-district and date
# the vaccination_rate is based on the sum of cases over the total population
vaccination_rate <- jakarta_vac_points %>%
  inner_join(jakarta_renamed, by=c("Sub_District" = "Sub_District")) %>%
  group_by(Sub_District, Date) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(`vaccination_rate` =(( (Target - Unvaccinated) /(Target))*100) )%>%
  #afterwards, pivots the table based on the Dates, using the cumulative case rate as the values
  ungroup() %>% pivot_wider(names_from = Date,
              values_from = vaccination_rate)
Rows: 261
Columns: 13
$ Sub_District <chr> "ANCOL", "ANGKE", "BALE KAMBANG", "BALI MESTER", "BAMBU A…
$ `2021-07-31` <dbl> 48.49877, 52.77560, 37.00901, 46.95447, 47.59368, 51.5765…
$ `2021-08-31` <dbl> 61.61941, 64.60297, 56.97186, 62.01805, 64.17729, 61.3048…
$ `2021-09-30` <dbl> 72.07166, 74.19761, 70.04884, 74.18991, 76.21457, 73.1753…
$ `2021-10-31` <dbl> 74.98225, 77.68286, 73.90796, 78.20960, 80.92448, 78.0116…
$ `2021-11-30` <dbl> 76.91986, 79.62629, 76.60453, 80.31173, 82.45387, 79.8479…
$ `2021-12-31` <dbl> 78.86165, 80.85157, 78.21077, 81.72683, 83.36313, 80.6686…
$ `2022-01-31` <dbl> 80.59465, 81.66162, 79.47651, 82.79327, 84.48925, 81.4847…
$ `2022-02-27` <dbl> 80.82432, 81.89646, 79.69664, 83.09065, 84.66806, 81.6841…
$ `2022-03-31` <dbl> 81.11663, 82.34914, 80.11969, 83.37777, 84.98383, 81.9669…
$ `2022-04-30` <dbl> 81.42147, 82.63844, 80.39829, 83.61362, 85.32623, 82.2962…
$ `2022-05-31` <dbl> 81.45906, 82.69630, 80.47740, 83.70591, 85.41373, 82.3611…
$ `2022-06-30` <dbl> 81.61774, 82.84265, 80.62874, 83.83921, 85.57733, 82.4816…

5.1 Converting Dataframes to sf Objects

Before we move on into the mapping, we should convert these dataframes into sf objects.

combined_jakarta <- st_as_sf(combined_jakarta)

# need to join our previous dataframes with the geospatial data to ensure that geometry column is present
vaccination_rate <- vaccination_rate%>% left_join(jakarta_renamed, by=c("Sub_District"="Sub_District"))
vaccination_rate <- st_as_sf(vaccination_rate)
Rows: 261
Columns: 22
$ Sub_District     <chr> "ANCOL", "ANGKE", "BALE KAMBANG", "BALI MESTER", "BAM…
$ `2021-07-31`     <dbl> 48.49877, 52.77560, 37.00901, 46.95447, 47.59368, 51.…
$ `2021-08-31`     <dbl> 61.61941, 64.60297, 56.97186, 62.01805, 64.17729, 61.…
$ `2021-09-30`     <dbl> 72.07166, 74.19761, 70.04884, 74.18991, 76.21457, 73.…
$ `2021-10-31`     <dbl> 74.98225, 77.68286, 73.90796, 78.20960, 80.92448, 78.…
$ `2021-11-30`     <dbl> 76.91986, 79.62629, 76.60453, 80.31173, 82.45387, 79.…
$ `2021-12-31`     <dbl> 78.86165, 80.85157, 78.21077, 81.72683, 83.36313, 80.…
$ `2022-01-31`     <dbl> 80.59465, 81.66162, 79.47651, 82.79327, 84.48925, 81.…
$ `2022-02-27`     <dbl> 80.82432, 81.89646, 79.69664, 83.09065, 84.66806, 81.…
$ `2022-03-31`     <dbl> 81.11663, 82.34914, 80.11969, 83.37777, 84.98383, 81.…
$ `2022-04-30`     <dbl> 81.42147, 82.63844, 80.39829, 83.61362, 85.32623, 82.…
$ `2022-05-31`     <dbl> 81.45906, 82.69630, 80.47740, 83.70591, 85.41373, 82.…
$ `2022-06-30`     <dbl> 81.61774, 82.84265, 80.62874, 83.83921, 85.57733, 82.…
$ Object_ID        <dbl> 25455, 25486, 25605, 25595, 25642, 25531, 25609, 2560…
$ Village_Code     <chr> "3172051003", "3173041007", "3175041005", "3175031003…
$ Village          <chr> "ANCOL", "ANGKE", "BALEKAMBANG", "BALI MESTER", "BAMB…
$ Code             <dbl> 317205, 317304, 317504, 317503, 317510, 317403, 31750…
$ Province         <chr> "DKI JAKARTA", "DKI JAKARTA", "DKI JAKARTA", "DKI JAK…
$ City             <chr> "JAKARTA UTARA", "JAKARTA BARAT", "JAKARTA TIMUR", "J…
$ District         <chr> "PADEMANGAN", "TAMBORA", "KRAMATJATI", "JATINEGARA", …
$ Total_Population <dbl> 29886, 36428, 35376, 11695, 31774, 26261, 29389, 5889…
$ geometry         <MULTIPOLYGON [m]> MULTIPOLYGON (((-759512 815..., MULTIPOL…

6.0 Mapping: Monthly Vaccination Rate

I’m planning to use the jenks classification method. It ‘seeks to minimize the average deviation from the class mean while maximizing the deviation from the means of the other groups’ (source) and tends to identify real, natural classes within the data. However, jenks will not work as well if the data has a low variance, so let’s check the variance:

# commented out most of the variances due to the increasing variance over time
#last date in record
[1] 2.592474

Since the variance is increasing over time and seems significant, we can continue with jenks classification. After some testing, having 6 classes seems to be the optimum: too many classes and it becomes hard for the human eye to differentiate between the gradients, while too few classes makes it hard for any differentiation to be seen.

Let’s first plot a map for the first month - July 2021.

# using the jenks method, with 6 classes
          n= 6,
          style = "jenks", 
          title = "Vaccination Rate") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of Vaccination Rate of Jakarta in July 2021",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 1,
            legend.height = 0.5, 
            legend.width = 0.4,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(11,16))

We should plot it for all the months - so let’s have a helper function for plotting this!

# input: the dataframe and the variable name - in this case, the month 
# with style="jenks" for the jenks classification method
jenks_plot <- function(df, varname) {
  tm_shape(vaccination_rate) +
    tm_polygons() +
  tm_shape(df) +
          n= 6,
          style = "jenks", 
          title = "Vaccination Rate") +
    tm_layout(main.title = varname,
          main.title.position = "center",
          main.title.size = 1.2,
          legend.height = 0.45, 
          legend.width = 0.35,
          frame = TRUE) +
    tm_borders(alpha = 0.5)
Simple feature collection with 261 features and 21 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -779259.9 ymin: 787584.9 xmax: -747172.2 ymax: 819039
Projected CRS: DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3 zone 50.1
# A tibble: 261 × 22
   Sub_District  2021-…¹ 2021-…² 2021-…³ 2021-…⁴ 2021-…⁵ 2021-…⁶ 2022-…⁷ 2022-…⁸
   <chr>           <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 ANCOL            48.5    61.6    72.1    75.0    76.9    78.9    80.6    80.8
 2 ANGKE            52.8    64.6    74.2    77.7    79.6    80.9    81.7    81.9
 3 BALE KAMBANG     37.0    57.0    70.0    73.9    76.6    78.2    79.5    79.7
 4 BALI MESTER      47.0    62.0    74.2    78.2    80.3    81.7    82.8    83.1
 5 BAMBU APUS       47.6    64.2    76.2    80.9    82.5    83.4    84.5    84.7
 6 BANGKA           51.6    61.3    73.2    78.0    79.8    80.7    81.5    81.7
 7 BARU             57.9    67.6    79.5    82.9    84.2    85.0    85.8    86.0
 8 BATU AMPAR       39.8    58.4    70.6    74.5    77.1    78.8    80.1    80.4
 9 BENDUNGAN HI…    53.6    62.6    75.6    79.1    80.5    81.4    82.3    82.5
10 BIDARA CINA      40.6    57.6    71.0    75.2    77.0    78.2    79.2    79.5
# … with 251 more rows, 13 more variables: `2022-03-31` <dbl>,
#   `2022-04-30` <dbl>, `2022-05-31` <dbl>, `2022-06-30` <dbl>,
#   Object_ID <dbl>, Village_Code <chr>, Village <chr>, Code <dbl>,
#   Province <chr>, City <chr>, District <chr>, Total_Population <dbl>,
#   geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [m]>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​`2021-07-31`,
#   ²​`2021-08-31`, ³​`2021-09-30`, ⁴​`2021-10-31`, ⁵​`2021-11-30`, ⁶​`2021-12-31`,
#   ⁷​`2022-01-31`, ⁸​`2022-02-27`
tmap_arrange(jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-07-31"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-08-31"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-09-30"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-10-31"))

tmap_arrange(jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-07-31"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-08-31"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-09-30"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-10-31"))

tmap_arrange(jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-11-30"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-12-31"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-01-31"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-02-27"))

tmap_arrange(jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-03-31"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-04-30"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-05-31"),
             jenks_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-06-30"))

6.1 Observations from Jenks Choropleth Map

Places with the highest vaccination rate tends to be

# shades the map according to the city divisions
tm_shape(jakarta_renamed) + 

  1. West Jakarta –> JAKARTA BARAT
  2. Central Jakarta –> JAKARTA PUSAT
  3. South Jakarta –> JAKARTA SELATAN
  4. East Jakarta –> JAKARTA TIMUR
  5. North Jakarta –> JAKARTA Utara

Generally across the months, the regions with the darkest colours and hence with the highest vaccination rates would be the South and East of Jakarta.

Let’s first look for the City regions for the places with the greatest vaccination rate for a macroscopic view.

  1. Vaccination rate of North Jakarta (blue) used to be high from July 2021 to December 2021. After which, the vaccination rate decreased.

  2. October 2021 has the greatest number of regions in Jakarta with high vaccination rates. After doing a search online on the timeline of COVID 19 in Jakarta, the high vaccination rates in October 2021 proved to help Jakarta a lot in fighting the pandemic. On 31 October 2021, the number of recorded deceased patients was 17 - the lowest since 16 May 2020.

# to check for darkest sub-district in early stages
# using the jenks method, with 6 classes
          n= 6,
          style = "jenks", 
          title = "Vaccination Rate") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of Vaccination Rate of Jakarta in July 2021",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 1,
            legend.height = 0.5, 
            legend.width = 0.4,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(11,16))
# using the jenks method, with 6 classes
          n= 6,
          style = "jenks", 
          title = "Vaccination Rate") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of Vaccination Rate of Jakarta in June 2022",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 1,
            legend.height = 0.5, 
            legend.width = 0.4,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(11,16))

From 31 October 2021 - 30 June 2022, a few sub-districts in the South of Jakarta have been consistently having high vaccination rates. These districts are: PONDOK LABU, JAGAKARSA, SRENGSENG SAWAH. 3 sub-districts from South Jakarta (located towards the centre of the map) are BUKIT DURI, TEBET BARAT, TEBET TIMUR. Another sub-district from East Jakarta that has been having consistently high vaccination rates over the months is: HALIM PERDANA KUSUMAH. Generally, sub-districts from the South and East of Jakarta tend to have high vaccination rates.

Low-vaccination rate trend here…

Why? We could filter dataset and get places w high vaccination rates vs those with low vaccination rates to see major contributors and search online for reasons why.

Top half of Jakarta vaccination rate drops over time.

Bottom half of Jakarta vaccination rate rises over time.

–> expect high number of health workers vaccinated -> hence high number of elderly (South Jakarta) https://m.beritajakarta.id/en/read/38680/160-elderly-in-cilandak-injected-with-covid-19-vaccines

6.1.1 Spatio-Temporal Mapping with custom breakpoints

In the above section, we saw each map by their relative vaccination rate - but to see the spatio-temporal progression of case rates, we should set a fixed range. In this case, customising our breakpoints would be ideal - just like above, we’ll be breaking into 6 classes.

Firstly, let’s find the maximum of the vaccination_rate - since the highest vaccination rate is logically in the latest month (June 2022), we’ll find the maximum vaccination_rate from there:

# gets maximum value (case rate) of July 2021 from vaccination_rate df
[1] 89.77894

Now that we know our maximum number, let’s set our breakpoints:

# these breakpoints are chosen based on the jenks breaks ranges from the previous section
breakpoints = c(35, 50, 70, 80, 85, 92)
          breaks= breakpoints,
          title = "Vaccination Rate") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of COVID-19 Case Rate in June 2022 (Spatio-Temporal)",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 1,
            legend.height = 0.5, 
            legend.width = 0.4,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5)

It might seem pretty skewed towards the ‘heavier’ end, but this is to be expected: after all, this is the end of our dataset where COVID-19 has had over a year of presence in Jakarta. Once again, let’s create a helper function to help us:

break_plot <- function(df, varname) {
  tm_shape(vaccination_rate) +
    tm_polygons() +
  tm_shape(df) +
          breaks= breakpoints,
          title = "Vaccination Rate") +
    tm_layout(main.title = varname,
          main.title.position = "center",
          main.title.size = 1.2,
          legend.height = 0.45, 
          legend.width = 0.35,
          frame = TRUE) +
    tm_borders(alpha = 0.5)

Now, let’s visualise the custom break plots for all months:

tmap_arrange(break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-07-31"),
             break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-08-31"),
             break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-09-30"),
             break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-10-31"))

tmap_arrange(break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-11-30"),
             break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2021-12-31"),
             break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-01-31"),
             break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-02-27"))

tmap_arrange(break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-03-31"),
             break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-04-30"),
             break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-05-31"),
             break_plot(vaccination_rate, "2022-06-30"))

7.0 Local Gi* Analysis

Here are some tasks to complete for this section:

  • Compute local Gi* values of the monthly vaccination rate
  • Display the Gi* maps of the monthly vaccination rate. The maps should only display the significant (i.e. p-value < 0.05)
  • With reference to the analysis results, draw statistical conclusions (not more than 250 words)

To detect hot spot areas with high vaccination rates, and cold spot areas with low vaccination rates in Jakarta, Local Gi* statistics will be used. Time-series analysis will be conducted to understand the evolution of spatial hot spots and cold spots across time.

Interpretation of Gi* values:

  • Gi∗>0 : indicates grouping of areas with values higher than average

  • Gi∗<0 : indicates grouping of areas with values lower than average

A larger magnitude represents a greater intensity of grouping.

For significant Gi* statistic values, two spatial associations can be inferred:

  • Hot spot areas: where Gi*>0, indicating that a location is associated with relatively high values in the surrounding locations.

  • Cold spot areas: where Gi*<0, indicating that a location is associated with relatively low values in the surrounding locations.

7.1 New Data For Time Series Cube Creation

We will need to prepare our data in the following manner - (TIME, SPACE, ATTRIBUTE). In our case, the TIME would be Date feature, SPACE would be Sub_District feature and ATTRIBUTE would be Vaccination Rate feature.

data_for_time_series_cube = combined_jakarta %>% select("Date", "Sub_District", "Unvaccinated", "Target") %>% st_drop_geometry()
Rows: 3,132
Columns: 4
$ Date         <date> 2022-02-27, 2022-04-30, 2022-06-30, 2021-11-30, 2021-09-…
$ Unvaccinated <dbl> 2755, 2593, 2553, 3099, 4203, 6054, 2924, 2783, 8126, 267…
$ Target       <dbl> 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 1…

We took “Vaccinated” and “Target” so that we can create the “Vaccination_Rate” feature.

data_for_time_series_cube$Vaccination_Rate <-  (data_for_time_series_cube$Target - data_for_time_series_cube$Unvaccinated ) / data_for_time_series_cube$Target  * 100

Rows: 3,132
Columns: 5
$ Date             <date> 2022-02-27, 2022-04-30, 2022-06-30, 2021-11-30, 2021…
$ Sub_District     <chr> "KEAGUNGAN", "KEAGUNGAN", "KEAGUNGAN", "KEAGUNGAN", "…
$ Unvaccinated     <dbl> 2755, 2593, 2553, 3099, 4203, 6054, 2924, 2783, 8126,…
$ Target           <dbl> 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 17387, 1738…
$ Vaccination_Rate <dbl> 84.15483, 85.08656, 85.31662, 82.17634, 75.82677, 65.…
data_for_time_series_cube = data_for_time_series_cube %>% select("Date", "Sub_District", "Vaccination_Rate")
data_for_time_series_cube_tib = tibble(data_for_time_series_cube)
# A tibble: 3,132 × 3
   Date       Sub_District Vaccination_Rate
   <date>     <chr>                   <dbl>
 1 2022-02-27 KEAGUNGAN                84.2
 2 2022-04-30 KEAGUNGAN                85.1
 3 2022-06-30 KEAGUNGAN                85.3
 4 2021-11-30 KEAGUNGAN                82.2
 5 2021-09-30 KEAGUNGAN                75.8
 6 2021-08-31 KEAGUNGAN                65.2
 7 2021-12-31 KEAGUNGAN                83.2
 8 2022-01-31 KEAGUNGAN                84.0
 9 2021-07-31 KEAGUNGAN                53.3
10 2022-03-31 KEAGUNGAN                84.6
# … with 3,122 more rows

7.2 Create Spatio-Temporal Cube

As of our now, the “Date” column in data_for_time_series_cube_tib tibble dataframe is not numeric. In order to create a spacetime cube, this field has to be converted. For example, from 27 Februari 2022 to 2022-02-27 (YYYY-MM-DD) format.

In the code chunk below, spacetime() of sfdep is used to create an spatio-temporal cube.

time_series_cube_vacc_rate <- spacetime(data_for_time_series_cube_tib, jakarta_renamed,
                          .loc_col = "Sub_District",
                          .time_col = "Date")
[1] TRUE

time_series_cube_vacc_rate is a spacetime cube!

7.3 Computing Gi*

7.3.1 Deriving Spatial Weights

The code chunk below will be used to identify neighbors and to derive an inverse distance weights. We’ll get all the neighbours including the target as well due to the function include_self() function.

# A tibble: 3,132 × 3
   Date       Sub_District Vaccination_Rate
 * <date>     <chr>                   <dbl>
 1 2022-02-27 KEAGUNGAN                84.2
 2 2022-04-30 KEAGUNGAN                85.1
 3 2022-06-30 KEAGUNGAN                85.3
 4 2021-11-30 KEAGUNGAN                82.2
 5 2021-09-30 KEAGUNGAN                75.8
 6 2021-08-31 KEAGUNGAN                65.2
 7 2021-12-31 KEAGUNGAN                83.2
 8 2022-01-31 KEAGUNGAN                84.0
 9 2021-07-31 KEAGUNGAN                53.3
10 2022-03-31 KEAGUNGAN                84.6
# … with 3,122 more rows
vacc_rate_nb <- time_series_cube_vacc_rate %>%
  activate("geometry") %>%
  mutate(nb = include_self(st_contiguity(geometry)),
         wt = st_inverse_distance(nb, geometry,
                                  scale = 1,
                                  alpha = 1),
         .before = 1) %>%
  set_nbs("nb") %>%
  • activate() of dplyr package is used to activate the geometry context
  • mutate() of dplyr package is used to create two new columns nb and wt.

Then we will activate the data context again and copy over the nb and wt columns to each time-slice using set_nbs() and set_wts() row order is very important so do not rearrange the observations after using set_nbs() or set_wts().

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  Date       Sub_District  Vaccination_Rate nb        wt       
  <date>     <chr>                    <dbl> <list>    <list>   
1 2021-07-31 KEAGUNGAN                 53.3 <int [6]> <dbl [6]>
2 2021-07-31 GLODOK                    61.6 <int [7]> <dbl [7]>
3 2021-07-31 HARAPAN MULIA             49.7 <int [6]> <dbl [6]>
4 2021-07-31 CEMPAKA BARU              46.7 <int [7]> <dbl [7]>
5 2021-07-31 PASAR BARU                59.3 <int [9]> <dbl [9]>
6 2021-07-31 KARANG ANYAR              52.2 <int [7]> <dbl [7]>

7.3.2 Computing Gi*


We can use these new columns to manually calculate the local Gi* for each location. We can do this by grouping by Date and using local_gstar_perm() of sfdep package. After which, we use unnest() to unnest gi_star column of the newly created gi_starts data.frame.

gi_stars <- vacc_rate_nb %>%
  group_by(Date)  %>%
  mutate(gi_star = local_gstar_perm(
    Vaccination_Rate, nb, wt, nsim = 99))  %>%
# A tibble: 3,132 × 13
# Groups:   Date [12]
   Date       Sub_Di…¹ Vacci…² nb    wt    gi_star    e_gi  var_gi p_value p_sim
   <date>     <chr>      <dbl> <lis> <lis>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
 1 2021-07-31 KEAGUNG…    53.3 <int> <dbl>   2.44  0.00383 2.13e-8 1.46e-2  0.02
 2 2021-07-31 GLODOK      61.6 <int> <dbl>   3.85  0.00384 1.56e-8 1.18e-4  0.02
 3 2021-07-31 HARAPAN…    49.7 <int> <dbl>   0.309 0.00382 2.20e-8 7.57e-1  0.84
 4 2021-07-31 CEMPAKA…    46.7 <int> <dbl>  -1.05  0.00383 1.53e-8 2.96e-1  0.34
 5 2021-07-31 PASAR B…    59.3 <int> <dbl>   2.71  0.00383 1.38e-8 6.82e-3  0.02
 6 2021-07-31 KARANG …    52.2 <int> <dbl>   1.67  0.00382 2.17e-8 9.49e-2  0.1 
 7 2021-07-31 MANGGA …    51.6 <int> <dbl>   1.35  0.00384 1.80e-8 1.77e-1  0.22
 8 2021-07-31 PETOJO …    47.2 <int> <dbl>  -0.179 0.00382 1.92e-8 8.58e-1  0.96
 9 2021-07-31 SENEN       54.4 <int> <dbl>   1.51  0.00382 1.20e-8 1.32e-1  0.1 
10 2021-07-31 BUNGUR      52.8 <int> <dbl>   0.797 0.00385 1.54e-8 4.25e-1  0.48
# … with 3,122 more rows, 3 more variables: p_folded_sim <dbl>, skewness <dbl>,
#   kurtosis <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​Sub_District,
#   ²​Vaccination_Rate

7.4 Visualise Gi* With Maps

We want to see the gi_stars values on the map. The gi_stars dataframe does not have a “geometry” column. As such, we will perform a join.

gi_values_map <- combined_jakarta %>%
Simple feature collection with 3132 features and 24 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -779259.9 ymin: 787584.9 xmax: -747172.2 ymax: 819039
Projected CRS: DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3 zone 50.1
First 10 features:
   Object_ID Village_Code   Village   Code    Province          City   District
   Sub_District Total_Population       Date Sub_District_Code Target
1     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-02-27        3173031006  17387
2     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-04-30        3173031006  17387
3     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-06-30        3173031006  17387
4     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-11-30        3173031006  17387
5     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-09-30        3173031006  17387
6     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-08-31        3173031006  17387
7     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-12-31        3173031006  17387
8     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-01-31        3173031006  17387
9     KEAGUNGAN            21609 2021-07-31        3173031006  17387
10    KEAGUNGAN            21609 2022-03-31        3173031006  17387
   Unvaccinated Vaccination_Rate                      nb
1          2755         84.15483 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
2          2593         85.08656 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
3          2553         85.31662 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
4          3099         82.17634 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
5          4203         75.82677 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
6          6054         65.18088 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
7          2924         83.18284 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
8          2783         83.99379 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
9          8126         53.26393 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
10         2675         84.61494 1, 2, 39, 152, 158, 166
1  0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
2  0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
3  0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
4  0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
5  0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
6  0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
7  0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
8  0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
9  0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
10 0.000000000, 0.001301072, 0.001220558, 0.001569882, 0.001225179, 0.001502357
    gi_star        e_gi       var_gi     p_value p_sim p_folded_sim    skewness
1  2.478859 0.003831172 8.419778e-10 0.013180341  0.02         0.01 -0.03194341
2  2.825027 0.003827108 7.494269e-10 0.004727670  0.04         0.02 -0.06356613
3  2.856078 0.003828377 6.980492e-10 0.004289104  0.02         0.01  0.09797571
4  2.400280 0.003831389 1.665572e-09 0.016382514  0.02         0.01 -0.75383323
5  2.340497 0.003839767 1.969413e-09 0.019258078  0.02         0.01 -0.45706127
6  2.697283 0.003843766 4.229906e-09 0.006990777  0.02         0.01  0.19649652
7  2.737341 0.003831004 9.440138e-10 0.006193804  0.02         0.01 -0.13372915
8  2.601179 0.003833862 7.779184e-10 0.009290410  0.02         0.01 -0.51408533
9  2.442508 0.003830045 2.133669e-08 0.014585591  0.02         0.01 -0.40723702
10 2.631489 0.003829259 7.973859e-10 0.008501151  0.04         0.02  0.23980167
      kurtosis                       geometry
1  -0.81316154 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
2   0.55021722 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
3  -0.50749002 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
4   0.54499553 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
5   0.28836755 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
6   0.03187466 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
7  -0.02562365 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
8   0.07882560 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
9   0.28865884 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
10 -0.20275849 MULTIPOLYGON (((-764674.9 8...
gi_star_map = tm_shape(filter(gi_values_map, Date == '2021-07-31')) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") +
  tm_borders(alpha=0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* values for vaccination rates in July 2021", main.title.size=0.8)
  # tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(10,16))

p_sim_map = tm_shape(filter(gi_values_map, Date == '2021-07-31')) +
  tm_fill("p_sim", breaks = c(0, 0.05, 1)) +
  tm_borders(alpha=0.5) + 
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-values of Gi* for vaccination rates in July 2021", main.title.size=0.8)
  # tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(10,16))

tmap_arrange(gi_star_map, p_sim_map)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-07-31")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2021-07-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2021-07-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-08-31")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2021-07-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2021-07-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-09-30")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2021-09-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2021-09-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-10-31")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2021-10-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2021-10-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-11-30")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2021-11-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2021-11-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-12-31")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2021-12-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2021-12-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-01-31")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2022-01-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2022-01-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-02-27")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2022-02-27",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2022-02-27",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-03-31")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2022-03-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2022-03-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-04-30")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2022-04-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2022-04-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-05-31")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2022-05-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2022-05-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-06-30")
map1 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6,8)) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Gi* value vaccination rate 2022-06-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

map2 <- tm_shape(wanted_records) +
          breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              labels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.05", "Not sig")) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "p-value of Gi vaccination rate 2022-06-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

tmap_arrange(map1, map2, ncol = 2)

7.5 Visualising Hot Spot and Cold Spot Areas

How would the visualisations in this section differ from those in 7.4? The visualisations in 7.4 included both statistically significant (hotspot and coldspot) and statistically insignificant areas. This time round, we just want to focus on the statistically significant areas.


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-07-31")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2021-07-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-08-31")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2021-08-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-09-30")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2021-09-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-10-31")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2021-10-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-11-30")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2021-11-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2021-12-31")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2021-12-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-01-31")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2022-01-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-02-27")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2022-02-27",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-03-31")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2022-03-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-04-30")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2022-04-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-05-31")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2022-05-31",
            main.title.size = 0.8)


wanted_records = filter(gi_values_map, Date == "2022-06-30")
only_sig_wanted_records = wanted_records %>% filter(p_sim < 0.05)

tm_shape(wanted_records) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(only_sig_wanted_records) +
  tm_fill("gi_star") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Hot Spots & Cold Spots In 2022-06-30",
            main.title.size = 0.8)

7.6 Draw Statistical Conclusion

For the Gi* value vaccination rate maps on the left, the darker green regions with high significance level (as seen from the right graph when p-value < 0.05) are known as hot spots. For the Gi* value vaccination rate maps on the left, the darker red regions with high significance level (as seen from the right graph when p-value < 0.05) are known as cold spots.

From 31 October 2021 onwards, a significant proportion of East Jakarta is a hot spot with high vaccination rate, with Gi* > 0 and p-value < 0.05. Over the next few months, we see sub-districts in this area continually having increasingly high vaccination rates as the green region becomes darker (more intense), indicating a higher Gi* value. This tells us that the sub-districts in East Jakarta are doing a good job in promoting vaccines, given the high and sustained vaccination rates.

A consistent but small cold spot is seen on the edge of West Jakarta boundary, towards the centre of the map. This is a cold spot as the Gi* value is consistently < 0 and is statistically significant as p-value < 0.05. This means that the sub-districts in this cold spot have generally low vaccination rates. More should be done to help increase the vaccination rates in the sub-districts from this cold spot.

Initially in the earlier months (July 2021 - September 2021), North Jakarta had a hot spot as Gi* value > 0 and was statistically significant, indicating that some sub-districts in the region had high vaccination rates. However, after September 2021, these sub-districts had much lower vaccination rates.

8.0 Emerging Hot Spot Analysis (EHSA)

8.1 Mann-Kendall Test

The Mann-Kendall statistical test for trend is used to assess whether a set of data values is increasing over time or decreasing over time, and whether the trend in either direction is statistically significant. The Mann-Kendall test does NOT assess the magnitude of change.

H0: There is no monotonic trend in the series.

H1: There is a monotonic trend in the series. (This trend can be positive, negative, or non-null.)

With these Gi* measures we can then evaluate each location for a trend using the Mann-Kendall test. We’ll be analysing the following sub-districts: JAGAKARSA, SRENGSENG SAWAH, CIGANJUR. These are the sub-districts from East Jakarta that we discussed in 7.5. From 31 October 2021 onwards, these sub-districts have been having high and sustained vaccination rates.

jagakarsa <- gi_stars %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(Sub_District == "JAGAKARSA") |> 
  select(Sub_District, Date, gi_star)

Next, we plot the result by using ggplot2 functions.

y <- ggplot(data = jagakarsa, 
       aes(x = Date, 
           y = gi_star)) +
  geom_line() +

jagakarsa %>%
  summarise(mk = list(
      Kendall::MannKendall(gi_star)))) %>% 
# A tibble: 1 × 5
    tau      sl     S     D  varS
  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.667 0.00319    44  66.0  213.

sl is the p-value. Since sl < 0.005, the result tells us that upward spike after June 2022 is a significant trend.

srengseng_sawah <- gi_stars %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(Sub_District == "SRENGSENG SAWAH") |> 
  select(Sub_District, Date, gi_star)

Next, we plot the result by using ggplot2 functions.

s <- ggplot(data = srengseng_sawah, 
       aes(x = Date, 
           y = gi_star)) +
  geom_line() +

srengseng_sawah %>%
  summarise(mk = list(
      Kendall::MannKendall(gi_star)))) %>% 
# A tibble: 1 × 5
    tau      sl     S     D  varS
  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.667 0.00319    44  66.0  213.

sl is the p-value. Since sl < 0.005, the result tells us that downward trend after June 2022 is a significant trend.

ciganjur <- gi_stars %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(Sub_District == "CIGANJUR") |> 
  select(Sub_District, Date, gi_star)

Next, we plot the result by using ggplot2 functions.

p <- ggplot(data = ciganjur, 
       aes(x = Date, 
           y = gi_star)) +
  geom_line() +

ciganjur %>%
  summarise(mk = list(
      Kendall::MannKendall(gi_star)))) %>% 
# A tibble: 1 × 5
    tau     sl     S     D  varS
  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.485 0.0335    32  66.0  213.

sl is the p-value. Since sl > 0.005, the result tells us that downward spike after April 2022 is not a significant trend.

  • These 3 sub_district plots generally have positive Gi* values. JAGAKARSA looks like it would increase in Gi* value in the future and produce a darker green region on the map.

  • While SRENGSENG SAWAH has always had a positive Gi* value, its value is starting to decrease sometime in June 2022 onwards. Sub-district SRENGSENG SAWAH’s administration should keep an eye on this and try to ensure that the vaccination rate does not plummet too rapidly especially since the Mann-Kendall test proves that this is a significant downward trend.

  • Similar to SRENGSENG SAWAH, CIGANJUR had always had a positive Gi* value. However from April 2022, the Gi* has been decreasing. The Mann-Kendall test proves that this is a NOT significant downward trend. Hence, we should continue to observe the pattern for upcoming months before resorting to more drastic measures in attempt to increase vaccination rates.

  • This rise in vaccination rate for SRENGSENG SAWAH could be due to effective vaccination campaigns, support or even a sharp increase in COVID cases, scaring the public into getting their vaccines.

8.2 Visualising EHSA

Similarly, we can replicate this for each location by using group_by() of dplyr package.

ehsa <- gi_stars %>%
  group_by(Sub_District) %>%
  summarise(mk = list(
      Kendall::MannKendall(gi_star)))) %>%

8.2.1 Arrange to show significant emerging hot/cold spots

emerging <- ehsa %>% 
  arrange(sl, abs(tau)) %>% 
# A tibble: 5 × 6
  Sub_District       tau        sl     S     D  varS
  <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 PETOJO UTARA    -0.970 0.0000156   -64  66.0  213.
2 KAYU MANIS       0.970 0.0000156    64  66.0  213.
3 JATINEGARA KAUM  0.939 0.0000287    62  66.0  213.
4 PISANGAN BARU    0.939 0.0000287    62  66.0  213.
5 PASAR BARU      -0.939 0.0000288   -62  66.0  213.

8.2.2 Performing Emerging Hotspot Analysis

Lastly, we will perform EHSA analysis by using emerging_hotspot_analysis() of sfdep package. It takes a spacetime object x, and the quoted name of the variable of interest for .var argument. The k argument is used to specify the number of time lags which is set to 1 by default. Lastly, nsim map numbers of simulation to be performed.

ehsa <- emerging_hotspot_analysis(
  x = time_series_cube_vacc_rate, 
  .var = "Vaccination_Rate", 
  k = 1, 
  nsim = 99
# A tibble: 261 × 4
   location              tau  p_value classification     
   <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>              
 1 KEAGUNGAN          0.576  0.0112   oscilating coldspot
 2 GLODOK             0.545  0.0164   sporadic coldspot  
 3 HARAPAN MULIA      0.727  0.00127  sporadic coldspot  
 4 CEMPAKA BARU       0.727  0.00127  sporadic coldspot  
 5 PASAR BARU         0.848  0.000162 oscilating hotspot 
 6 KARANG ANYAR       0.424  0.0641   oscilating coldspot
 7 MANGGA DUA SELATAN 0.848  0.000162 oscilating hotspot 
 8 PETOJO UTARA       0.576  0.0112   sporadic coldspot  
 9 SENEN              0.0606 0.837    sporadic coldspot  
10 BUNGUR             0.697  0.00203  sporadic coldspot  
# … with 251 more rows

8.2.3 Visualising the distribution of EHSA classes

In the code chunk below, ggplot2 functions ised used to reveal the distribution of EHSA classes as a bar chart.

ggplot(data = ehsa,
       aes(x = classification)) +

Figure above shows that oscilating hotspots class has the highest numbers of sub-districts. What does this mean for us?

  • This means that many hotspots in Jakarta are statistically significant hot spots for the final time-step interval that has a history of also being a statistically significant cold spot during a prior time step. Less than 90 percent of the time-step intervals have been statistically significant hot spots.

8.2.4 Visualising EHSA

In this section, we will learn how to visualise the geographic distribution EHSA classes. However, before we can do so, we need to join both jakarta_renamed and ehsa together by using the code chunk below.

jakarta_ehsa <- jakarta_renamed %>%
            by = c("Sub_District" = "location"))

Next, tmap functions will be used to plot a categorical choropleth map by using the code chunk below.

ehsa_sig <- jakarta_ehsa  %>%
  filter(p_value < 0.05)
tm_shape(jakarta_ehsa) +
  tm_polygons() +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5) +
tm_shape(ehsa_sig) +
  tm_fill("classification") + 
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.4)

8.3 Observations From Emerging Hot Spot Analysis (EHSA)

  • Oscillating hotspot is the most prevalent type of hotspot trend being detected throughout Jakarta. This means that generally throughout Jakarta, the regions that are currently considered as a statistically significant hotspot were once significant cold spots previously.Less than 90 percent of the time-step intervals have been statistically significant hot spots. This means that these places that currently have high vaccination rates had their moments of having low vaccination rates.

  • Another prevalent type of statistically significant region would be the sporadic coldspot which is more commonly found on the left part of Jakarta (more so in the East and West Jakarta). This means that the sub-districts with currently low vaccination rates have never had high vaccination rates before. These are the places that should more vaccines or campaigns to improve vaccination rates as they’ve never been high before.

  • The areas that are grey are statistically insignificant.